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Posts posted by Gsxrnz

  1. Do three things for three months to see your gut the same size it was when you were 19.


    1. Cease consuming all sugar or anything that contains sugar.

    2. Cease consuming 90% of the carbohydrates you currently consume.

    3. Drink more wine.  Don't ask me why.

    • Sad 1
  2. 1 hour ago, KhunLA said:

    The way gov'ts (all) waste your tax dollars, they need new ways to collect more.  I'm waiting for the 'air' tax, based on your weight and how much you breathe yearly.


    They've taxed everything else, and usually multiple times.  Income, water, petrol, utilities, food, dry goods, land, house, personal property, even carbon tax ????.  If not directly, then manufacturers & businesses and it trickles down to the price tag and you're the one paying in the end.


    No kiss, no KY


    Even tax your estate when you die ... <deleted>  

    Taxed after death, on something you already got taxed to death on while acquiring.


    Saddest part is ... they still can't balance a budget ????



    Don't worry, balancing a budget is not a part of socialist doctrine.  They just keep taxing and spending until they run out of other people's money.


    Only when everybody has an equitable sized hovel to live in and are all starving equally will the socialist utopia be achieved. 



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  3. Without government subsidies modern rail logistics only ever (kind of) works if you're hauling huge volumes over huge distances on a routine schedule and the products are moving directly from producer to consumer.  i.e  coal or ore from a mine directly to a steel manufacturer.


    The irony of hub to hub train transport is that each hub requires trucks at each end to deliver the container/cargo.  You will never eradicate or even considerably reduce the trucks on the road unless every delivery point has a rail siding.   And while that may be a train enthusiasts wet dream come true, it's never happened in the history of the world.

  4. Good luck to the OP. 


    My condo has an English version of the regulations.  It reads as though the Thai  translator learned their English from another Thai who learned it from an Italian who learned it from a Ukranian, who learned it from a Nepalese etc. The Chinglish translation for your recently purchased electronic device is easier to understand.


    You get the impression that the original English speaker was 7 iterations earlier and he/she probably hailed from Newcastle or the Florida swamps.



    • Haha 2
  5. I've bought stuff on Evilbay and they use the pre-paid customs service as part of their global shipping - I think they use DHL.


    Had probably ten items come through from the US and UK with no problems from Thai customs.  Value ranged from US100 to US5,000 and were as small as a watch movement to as big as a kitchen rubbish bin.

  6. The secret is in the wording.  "Serve" does not mean "cook/prepare".  


    I'd make up a menu for the closest cheapo food stall and have punters order a 20B serving of noodles (or whatever) to be discounted off the bin if you spend north of 200B.  Increase the price of beer by 5B to offset the cost.


    For the punters who actually want a real meal, just swipe a menu from McD's and offer that.


    Don't clear away the plate of leftovers (because the BIB like tangible evidence they can see, feel, touch, and possibly eat)  and the punter can happily drink all night after his "meal".


    Sorted with virtually zero cash outlay, no stock to rot or waste, no additional staff, and a few plates and cutlery to wash.

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