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Posts posted by Gsxrnz

  1. 12 minutes ago, rott said:

    I think you are wrong here, he described your post as b/s. He was commenting on the quality of  your statement, not on the quality of you as an individual. 

    You would have been reasonably correct until circa 2015. 


    In today's brave new world, criticizing someone's opinion is the same as criticizing them personally, and only one step below genocide - although I believe the Intersectionalists are working on rearranging the batting order.

  2. 53 minutes ago, Cake Monster said:

    And that, is the whole issue with the Omicron Variant.

    The numbers getting sick are huge, and of those, only a small percentage will probably need Hospital Care.

    However, that mall percentage will probably be enough people to overwhelm the Health Care Services in many Countries.

    Of the 600 people you say with a serious problem in Thailand, in 2 Days time that number could well be 1200, and in 4 Days 2400 such is the speed at which Omicron transmits.

    There are some studies that suggest the infection rates have been 3/1 for the original, 6/1 for Delta, and 8-10/1 for Omiwan.


    Doing simple math: 10/100/1000/10000/100,000/1000,000/10,000,000/100,000,000/1,000,000,000/10,000,000,000  it would appear the entire populations of Earth, Mars, and Uranus were potentially infected within about ten days.  Possibly even the entire known universe!


    Disclaimer:  I'm apparently a blue collar anti vaxxer (with Pfizer in my T-Cells) so you should bare this in mind when fact checking me.

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  3. 11 minutes ago, itsari said:

    You may of been more pleased had you not been vaccinated . 

    Valuable to read of peoples experience.

    Actually, I strongly suspect I contracted the original strain back in February 2020 but there was no testing as the propaganda had only just begun. Similar overall effects although I did suffer some loss of taste - even vegemite was tasteless.


    It could have been a Cold or mild influenza, but as I'd been frequenting gogo bars packed to the gunnels with Wuhanians in the previous month, I suspect it was the Big C (as opposed to the little c - cancer).

    • Like 1
  4. 1 minute ago, Bkk Brian said:

    What they did not make clear is that a rapid test identifies a covid infection but cannot distinguish which variant it is. To discover the variant a PCR test can identify the Omicron variant via a drop out S gene, although a full sequence confirms it.

    Because a Thai with English as a second language does not fully comprehend the fine distinction between the meaning of the words "detect" and "distinguish".

    • Like 1
  5. Umm.....so if the official word is that all current kits can't detect OmiwanKinobee, why are all the numptees running around testing everyone when a negative result could be Omiwan positive?


    And by implication, if one tests positive on a test does that mean that one must have Alpha or Delta?


    This is as bad as a pre-pubescent girl shopping for tampons and her first eye liner - spoilt for choice, too many brands, too many colors, too little or too much absorbency., and what's the piece of string for Mum?


    Oh the dilemma of it all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • Like 2
  6. 14 minutes ago, robblok said:

    n 2019, the share of those employed in the government sector varied among the Member States, with the highest proportions observed in Sweden (29 % of total employment), Denmark (28 %), Finland (24 %), Croatia and Estonia (both 23 %) and the lowest in Germany (11 %), the Netherlands and Luxembourg (both 12 %), Italy (13 %) and Portugal (14 %).


    Do pull some more numbers out of your ass, like most blue collar guys do talk without real numbers. And look at the standard of living on Sweden and Denmark and Finland. Seems high goverment employment does not do the harm your talking about. 

    A bureaucrat in your former existence by any chance?

  7. 3 minutes ago, robblok said:

    It would take some time to notice but you would. Rules and regulation taxes and stuff are needed. Its why civilization progressed, the uninformed always make remarks like yours. Usually people who are technical. Point is we all need each other while i certainly agree that some bureaucrats do useless work that is mainly in countries like this with high levels of corruption. 


    People seem to forget (again cant blame the technical guys they dont know any better) that people controlling stock of stuff are also bureaucrats and without it you can forget buying stuff at all international trade would stop. Just too much too mention atually.



    Mankind has not yet invented a successful practice, process, or procedure that a government official cannot quickly ruin through incessant and unnecessary regulation and taxation.


    Government ideology is now on a par with the worst of any religious orthodoxy.  The Spanish Inquisition comes to mind.


    But (in the west) when circa 35% of the working population are employed directly by government and another 35% are beholden to government for welfare and foodstamps, us remaining half dozen net taxpayers get a bit peeved.


    There's a reason why governments are kept well away from the production of beer.

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