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Posts posted by Gsxrnz

  1. There is a a saying that any society is only three (missing) meals away from revolt. Unfortunately and very surprisingly  this is apparently not true of missing alcohol.  What is the world coming to.


    If the bar owners simply decided to revolt and opened en masse, what can the government do?  Virtually nothing.


    I for one would support the revolting bar owners and as I do have a penchant for observing the gogo bar Pattaya two-step, I'd be especially supportive of the revolting gogo girls.

  2. Let's face it.  If by some miracle the RTP were able to instantly start policing the roads as they currently do in  the West, Thailand's logistics economy would grind to a halt before breakfast on day one.


    But they want to be "seen to be trying" to make things better, not actually make things better - anybody whose been here for more than 30 minutes knows that everything is a charade and for the sake of the show. 


    And sometimes it's difficult to tell if the show is meant to be a comedy or a tragedy.

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  3. 1 hour ago, mvdf said:

    All good things come to an end. The day will come when a certain overeager, highly motivated, supervisor-wannabe NZIS/Customs intern will find your antagonistic strategy a reason for sniffing and digging deeper in those bags. Then you will remember your post above and how not all Christmases fall on your travel day.


    The immigration service in New Zealand is called "Immigration New Zealand", not New Zealand Immigration Service.


    They obviously opted for this because if it was called "New Zealand Immigration Service" or NZIS as you have unwittingly suggested, is just a trifle too close for comfort to the very suitable acronym of "NAZIS".  


    The New Zealand Institute of Sport are referred to as NZIS. They let men compete in women's sport so they could never be called NAZIS.  Idiots and fools yes, but not NAZIS.



  4. The OP (being a virgin car purchaser) is in the same boat in Thailand as he would be in Farangland.  Virgin car purchasers are at the bottom of the food chain and will be eaten.


    I'd suggest that he reconsider his decision to buy a pre-loved vehicle, but without knowing his budget it's difficult to advise. It also depends if he wants a newish vehicle or any old banger will do.  In the case of the old banger, you pays your money and takes your chances.  Buy something with 200K on the clock for 85K Baht and it will end in tears.


    If he spends 400K on a 2nd hand car of unknown pedigree and the new price is say 50% more at 600K, he may well consider the extra cost worth the peace of mind.  Second hand cars in Thailand are a ridiculous price anyway.


    The above is just an example.  Do a comparison of what you want.  You will find that a 3 year old fully optioned model is only a fraction cheaper than the brand new basic option.

  5. 2 hours ago, jaiyen said:

    Mangroves will only absorb CO2, as stated, but will be of no use to help with carbon emissions and PM2.5 particles. They are solid particles not a gas. Another dumb idea from those that think the know best !

    Just another case of politicians and bureaucrats authenticating my philosophy that until proven otherwise, they should be regarded as arrogant fools.


    They rarely prove otherwise.



  6. As an experiment I just did a transfer of 55,000 Baht and 5,000 Baht from my Wise THB a/c to my Kasikorn Bank account.  Both are flagged by Wise to arrive at Kbank at 9:55am this morning.  My experience is that Wise transfers of this kind are immediate if done during Thai business hours.


    I did a transfer of 100K on 22 Nov and it arrived within seconds.


    Perhaps the fact that I always transfer from Wise THB a/c makes a difference in how it is surveilled by the government of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

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