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Everything posted by Gsxrnz

  1. I have an idea. Isolate all children from any social contact and communal learning for at least 2 years. Lock them up and make them as scared and confused as you possibly can. This will definitely lead to a generation of well balanced individuals. Be prepared for the diagnosis of PCSD (post covid stress disorder) that will affect an entire generation of young adults and their anti-social behavior worldwide. I used to think politicians and bureaucrats were just stupid. As I got older I changed my views and believed they were not only stupid, bit were also incompetent. It is now evident that as well as being stupid and incompetent, they are also malevolent. The last thing we need is a stupid incompetent malevolent imbecile in charge of the madhouse, but internationally, that's what we have. I can't even listen to my PM (Commissar Jacinda Ardern) without feeling physically ill. The rhetorical question "who put the patients in charge of the asylum" needs to be addressed. They should form an international committee of well informed government officials to look into it, but I suspect a partially trained gynecologist might do a better job.
  2. The OP should note that the problem is unique in the history of Thai websites. Thai websites (especially government websites) are designed by indigenous experts, and they are the international leaders in the field. This is a well recognized worldwide fact. Companies such as Amazon, Google, Facebook etc. actually advertise for new IT development staff in the Thai media frequently because they are well aware of their expertise. Loosely translated, the advertisements read "muppet needed to frig around with website. Not need experience, if you can unzip your flies and <deleted> without splashing your feet, you are qualified."
  3. You should have seen the look on the face of the Tesco cashier about 10 years ago when I first tried to "tap and go". I tapped and went - and she was quick to chase me down. Priceless.
  4. Because all governments are currently drunk on power.
  5. It's SOP for banks to monitor their lending portfolios and they are always well aware of their poor or non-performing loans. Loans in arrears are obviously loans to target for being at risk. But as things change in the economy (local/national/international) or change specifically for the debtor, banks can and do take action. For example, maybe the particular bank has exceeded their required ratio of loans <20 years and have been asked by head office to fall into line - this entails motivating some customers to restructure their loans or repay and move on. Banks also monitor customer activity. Maybe your friends debt servicing ability/ratio has been compromised in the eyes of the bank due to a changed income structure, or they fear that if interest rates rise by X% that his ability to repay may be an issue. The algorithms they use to examine their database can be quite clever. Commercial entities usually have covenants that they must meet on a quarterly and/or annual basis to retain their loan or to have the interest rate maintained at a particular level. These covenants usually relate to equity ratios, loan servicing to income ratios, shareholder equity etc. Usually the housing market is so stable (until of course it becomes unstable) that you never hear from your bank if you keep up the payments. But when banks start to examine their loan portfolios with a new set of risk parameters, that's when some customers on the edge of the bank's comfort zone get a bit of a shock.
  6. A third vote from me. They are pretty well stocked on accessories. I spent an enjoyable hour there once watching two of their dudes sitting at the front of the shop re-spoking some rims - it was poetry in motion to observe.
  7. Met mine upside-down on a pole. Her, not me. Nobody I know met their wife in a bar. Thai girls are just natural born pool players, have an inherent ability to chug 12 Tequila Rose's and not be fazed, play jackpot or connect-4 against a non-Thai and only lose if they want to, and say hello/where you from/where you stay etc in at least 5 languages.
  8. "Fluvoxamine is used to treat obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). It helps decrease persistent/unwanted thoughts (obsessions) and urges to perform repeated tasks (compulsions such as hand-washing, counting, checking) that interfere with daily living. Fluvoxamine is known as a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI). This medication works by helping to restore the balance of a certain natural substance (serotonin) in the brain." When they recommend taking mind altering drugs to combat a disease that more than 99% of people survive, we truly are in the Brave New World of Aldous Huxley. Soma anyone?
  9. Possibly because Germans are notorious for not understanding how to correctly queue, wait their turn, push in, and (when speaking English) sound aggressive and self righteous. There have been previous reports of Germans throwing a towel over their chair in the crowded departure lounge while they go looking for the swimming pool.
  10. This is fortuitous - I'm actually looking for an interior design company.
  11. That's what happens when humor is over analyzed. Looking forward to the thread on the political correctness (or otherwise) of blonde jokes. The mantra being that not only are they sexist and misogynistic, but also racist and exclusive towards non-blondes, both caucasian and non-caucasian.
  12. This is all going the way of the gender debate. They need to confuse and scare you with alphabet soup acronyms. They've concluded the original idea to use the Greek alphabet for variations on the disease was (arguably) too easy to understand. So now it's off to the races and the 33rd variation in 2024 will be described as the Covid-19/++/Sars-delta-foxtrot-oscar 2 variation, with a half-twist and a full pike. Bureaucrats, the second most deadliest word in the English language after Equity.
  13. I'm an ex-banker back in Farangland. Every loan contract I was ever party to gave the bank essentially unlimited powers to reclaim their loan for any reason they so desired. They don't usually do this because they're in the business of lending money - in fact they don't really want their customers en masse to repay the money because then they have to find somebody else to lend it to. The 20 page contracts all look legit with all the bank's and borrowers obligations and rights clearly outlined and enshrined in stipulated laws and statutes. But buried in the fine print there is always the clause that in layman's terms states that if certain conditions arise the bank can, regardless of all/any terms of the contract, claim their money back and/or seize the property at their whim. The clincher is that the "certain conditions" are always vaguely described and the contract allows the bank to decide at their sole discretion what those conditions are and if/when the conditions are met. Bit of a Joseph Heller "Catch -22" situation. The borrower may be able to seek satisfaction from an onbudsman or similar, or initiate legal action. And in the West there is always a consumer protection organisation that may be willing to fight for you. W
  14. Prostitution was a discovery. Beer was an invention. Q.E.D. ????
  15. I don't care if they use semi-blind one-armed dwarfs from Nicaragua. The quality of the products I purchased was immaculate. I attended a wedding in Sydney and the bride was miffed that the tailoring of my suit was better than that of the groom and best man, and they paid stupid money for the suits.
  16. News to me and seen no mention of this change anywhere. Maybe they've made a cock-up and are confusedly combining the 800K for 6 months and 400K for 6 months together, and getting 1200K, on a 2+2=5 basis.
  17. A Tank Top is a wife-beater by any other name. At least to a Yank, anyway.
  18. That's my very point. A government created currency by any means digital or otherwise is simply fiat currency. The US senate want to have every transaction over $600 reported to the IRS. Couple that with tracking us by phone location and the millions of cameras, plus the need to tell the world what we're having for lunch and our political thoughts on Facebook and Twitter, if we scratch our backside they know which hand we used.
  19. The whole point of a surrogate currency such as bitcoin is to keep governments thieving hands off it, and only create new money when sufficient energy and effort have been expended in the form of mining.
  20. The laws of supply demand only work correctly when the market is largely left alone to do what it does. Prices will rise or fall depending on where the supply/demand lines cross. It's when government step in to interfere with the markets that the proverbial hits the fan. Globally we are in for a perfect storm of government interventionist fallout. Globally circa 40% of surplus printed fiat money known as quantitative easing. Global productivity not matching the surplus fiat money. The labor markets turned upside down through covid lockdowns, the same with suuply chain logistics and manufacturing. Consumer demand increasing thanks to more leisure time and the aforesaid government printed monopoly money. Add to this the war upon fossil fuels and rampant energy and transportation price increases, and hey-presto, <deleted>. Inflation reported at 4.5% in most of the West but it's already really 10%. In the next few years we are going to see inflation north of 15% (and only a few months ago I thought it would be 10%), mortgage rates in the 10% region, seeing a housing market crash, corporate debt will be eroded for those who can generate the cash to pay the intertest, pensions will be eroded dramatically as governments just print more money to fund them which further dilutes their value.. I could go on but it's depressing. Anybody on a fixed income or have debt are in for hard times. Those that have the ability to manage their financial situation with some dexterity will prosper magnificently.
  21. To be fair, the photographer didn't capture my best side. Darn it - wish I'd worn my best Chang wife-beater that night.
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