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Everything posted by Gsxrnz

  1. I've learned not to be critical of prime ministers or presidents and the like making stupid decisions and illogical recommendations that have no materially detrimental affect on the public at large, or me specifically. I conclude that was 30 minutes or maybe 3 days of their time devoted to stupidity that did not cause anybody any harm. The unfortunate truth is that as soon as they issue their ridiculous proclamations, they are then free to think of new ways to victimize us and bow to the wishes of Aristotle's Mob. It's called democracy.
  2. Anybody's first smartphone (or computer, motorcycle, car, house, stereo system, watch, camera, wife) needs to fit the following description: As cheap as possible and you ain't gonna be broken hearted if you lose it, break it, have it stolen, or decide you want a more up to date and younger model.
  3. I used to drink 285 but it gave me a helluva headache. Looked into it and apparently it's made from imported scotch whiskies and blended in Thailand. Do further research and it is supposedly the dregs from barrels and blended with what the Red Bull company call "quality neutral spirits". I concluded that these so-called quality neutral spirits is either nail polish remover or ethanol, neither of which is good for the soul. On the other hand, I was once desperate for some kerosene to wash some oily car parts but could only find it in 20 ltr drums. The Blend 285 worked a treat and on a litre for litre basis was cheaper than the kero.
  4. I suspect the coriander argument may be a red herring.
  5. WordPerfect wasn't a bad little word processing program actually. I learned my first spread sheeting using Suercalc on a 14" green screen with no mouse, a 386 with 640k and 20M of memory. That was when you had to actually know math to write the equations - I was counting open/close brackets in my sleep. I asked the predecessor of the IT specialist (known as The Computer Guy) if he could upgrade it to 1M of RAM - he asked me what the hell I was gonna do with a Super Computer. When I told him it was because Larry the Lounge Lizard was playing a bit slow, he saw my reasoning.
  6. You've described cronyism. Thailand's system of government is a combination of cronyism and nepotism. But even these two -isms, as distasteful as they may be, have a fundamental ideology behind them that I can almost live with. And at least they are honest in their dishonesty - unlike western politicians who pretend they are more virtuous than Mother Theresa while not even giving you the benefit of a reach around while they are reaming you from behind using vaseline they stole from you.
  7. This is a Thai website. The reality is that 6,000 people got kicked off the site 5 or 6 times each before they figured out it only worked if they used Windows XT with IE 1.0, attachments only accepted in WordPerfect and Lotus 1-2-3.
  8. I find it difficult to believe they could find and arrest 400 fraudsters per day for ten days. They always send 10 coppers for every arrest to get a photo opportunity, so that implies 4,000 coppers were weren't sitting in their office drinking coffee and scratching every day for 10 days. And why no photos? Show me a picture of somebody pointing and I might find it more believable.
  9. I'm 97% sure that the Wave only ever came out with a disc on the front, and that was only about 2015 or so. Before that both brakes were drum. Maybe the one you saw in the shop had been converted with aftermarket parts.
  10. Every Bank (not just in Thailand) are geared to upsell you all sorts of insurance products. Even in retail they try and insist and sell the ignorant Farang useless extended warranties. My MO is to let the missus and the bank teller/service waffle on for 20 minutes about the benefits of the product, let the missus translate it for me, and then say "NO". It's worth the wait just to see the look on their faces. But recently the missus has caught on and now she says NO for me. Ruined my shopping experience no end, I can tell you.
  11. You've exceed your quota of puns in this thread Matey!
  12. Yep, but don't you find it ironic that most of us Brits and a few Aussies and Kiwis can only remember the ribald spoof version? I suspect there's a psychological thesis lurking there just waiting to be written by a potential Nobel Laureate.
  13. I was thinking the same - Central have a pretty extensive range of high quality stuff. I'm no Gordon Blue but I can find most things I need there.
  14. Blistering Barnacles! There was even a Willy in the actual Pugwash series. All the rest we've mentioned are just urban legend anyway. I think It was actually Master Mates and Tom the Cabin Boy.
  15. Maybe we should check with Master Bates?
  16. That's far too much drinking - I only drink on days that have a Y in them.
  17. Well spotted, you may be correct. I doubt it's a SKX007. I've heard of watch fanatics wearing a watch on each wrist, but the only time I heard of multiple watches on the same wrist is when combatants pilfer them from the deceased bodies of their enemies. Are there any cabinet ministers unaccounted for today?
  18. The obvious clues are sometimes the easiest to ignore. Her workmates had to give each other collectivised gifts at Christmas. She was given a witches hat and a broomstick - went right over my head.
  19. Maybe this link will help you. Seems a common problem. https://addons.thunderbird.net/en-us/thunderbird/addon/theme-font-size-changer-for-tb/reviews/ FAB.
  20. I'd humbly suggest that even a Thai would find it difficult to nail you from above - not too many reports of them chucking a scooter out the second floor window. You might get sconed by a broke and drunk Scandi throwing himself off a balcony, but membership of the Pattaya Feefall Association seems to have diminished substantially in the current world situation.
  21. I'm a little dslyexci and have problems with numbers. Is "two" the number that comes after seven?
  22. Authoritarianism used to be understood as suppression of speech, opinions, and association. You know, limiting our freedom to combat the system Controlling behavior such as making it illegal to consume alcohol, get a massage or a haircut, go to your job of work, receiving an education, or observe the sunset from the beach, is not authoritarianism. At best it is totalitarianism, but even the word totalitarianism leads one to believe that the proponents of such a system at least have an ideology (albeit an evil ideology) that their machinations are based on. But it's looking more and more as though we will have to ditch the old -isms and coin new political phrases such as Idiocracy and Idiocracism to describe the current state of world political domination by a bunch of evil muppets.
  23. The official colors are led, yellOr, green (the N is silent). However the colors are merely for decoration and serve no real purpose.
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