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Everything posted by cheerz

  1. Stop your bitching as long as they are happy & your not paying there bills, whats your problem. Bitching for nothing
  2. Jail then deport this horrible human, Let Germany know off his ventures so they will know
  3. Brave bouncer hits a old brit. Hope your day comes when you receive same treatment. Bouncers need to take mediation training where they learn to use their mouths rather than their fists
  4. How did he get visa accepted with a ankle monitor on, came across border for sure Someone not doing their job, even after a assault complaint.
  5. Firstly Compensate the family & young girl then you should be imprisoned. Owner should share the responsibility she owned the dog.
  6. Maybe, Thailand would go belly up without the tourist dollar Cambodia will maybe accept you
  7. How good is this, honesty still exists congrats for being good honest people. Salute.
  8. Nurse should be compensated by this gutless Thai aggressor, she definitely should have him charged as well, wander how he would have handled a male nurse. Take his picture post it so others can see who does this.
  9. Visa agents make visa issues easier than you or I. There are dodgy agents everywhere not only in Thailand.Been using same visa agent 3 years no issues.
  10. Greed nothing but greed she has already benefitted with a Huahin property beyond 10 million baht she or family wants more.
  11. So many here bitch over what other do, mind your own business, it's their life your not paying there way. If they use a agent to complete their 12 month visas it's their business, spend your money not theirs.
  12. Don't blame the loan shark he just trying to recover his money, typical just borrow the money with no idea how they going to repay. Some borrowers need this kind of treatment, to learn only borrow when you can repay.
  13. Jail & fine then deport. If they can't pay confiscate their laptops phones jewelry clothes to the value. They will think twice next time.
  14. There is good and bad, this is bad, jail then deport. Home life for this cretin must have been interesting great parents...
  15. These Tucker haters just laughable, get em Tucker
  16. Death Penalty needed Thailand, to stop these crimes. This urchin deserves death Penalty to send notice to others who don't care about others. RIP to the victims.
  17. Why doesn't she get a recovery crew to get money back. Money or the bag ..
  18. Idiot, who goes slapping strangers butts, few screws missing.
  19. Money's gone 100%, instead of chasing the money, cheaper to get someone to collect the debt ... Money or the bag..
  20. Severely severely penalize these drivers who commit these driving crimes resulting in many injuries & fatal accidents. Drivers have to be fearful of accidents, not drive selfishly. Driver education programs must be part of these penalties
  21. Death Penalty if used by the courts extensively, would make potential murderers think about their actions before they murder anyone.
  22. Disgusting these people rule the poor & give nothing just profit from their government positions while the poor battle to eat & survive. Why Greed that's why
  23. Unfortunately it's all about money to survive. Tourists need to stop riding,washing just observe & admire but tourists, won't so don't blame the Elephants. Poor animals being used to earn money... Dancing bears,monkeys here elephants so sad. No tourists no problems Tourist agencies can help this but their greed does not help these animals.
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