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Everything posted by TerraplaneGuy

  1. Went today, 27 days before expiry date. No problem. My hotel checked with immigration yesterday who said the rule is it’s ok up to 30 days in advance. But they wouldn’t let me pick my passport up later the same day even though I applied in early morning. Last two years they did. This time she said come back “around 24” which is 8 days from application.
  2. I wasn’t really thinking that, I assume they would do that anyway. But then is there no point in making the online appointment? I’d think the idea is that if there’s a lot of people just showing up they’d give you a queue number ahead of those without an appointment …?
  3. Has anyone recently used the online appointment system? As I recall it wasn't really working last January but maybe it's good now ...?
  4. Just checked my records, I actually went last year January 16 ahead of a February 12 expiry date so that's 27 calendar days (or 28 if they're counting the first and last dates as they sometimes do for other purposes). They accepted it without any issue. Maybe I was lucky.... ?
  5. Wow that's pretty crazy. I think last year in Samui I did it at least 3 weeks ahead, no problem. Do you know anyone who’s been turned away in the past year for going more than 2 weeks ahead?
  6. Thanks. Small point, maybe splitting hairs but any idea if they count both the start and end days? Like if your expiry date was the 30th and you went on the 1st we’d usually say that was 29 days ahead but I guess it’s possible they’d say it’s 30? (And I assume we’re talking calendar, not business days here).
  7. When I used to do it in Bangkok (Chaeng Wattana) some years ago, it seemed you could do it as early as 45 days ahead of expiry. Not sure if that's still the case. I know each office has its own variations. This year in Samui 30 days would work for me but it would cause difficulty if much less than that.
  8. Thanks, I did ask in that other thread but hadn't got any answers and needed them kind of urgently so thought I'd open it up :)
  9. I’m going soon for my annual retirement extension of stay (based on non-OA visa). I‘ll be doing it in Koh Samui. My recollection is you can apply as much as 30 days before expiry. Any recent experience on that? Can I go even a little earlier?
  10. Does the current Samui Form TM.7 (extension application) still have a field for entering your Form TM.6 number? That form is now abolished so on arrival I didn't get a number.
  11. Is it correct that you can apply for extension up to 30 days before your current one expires? Anyone applied even earlier?
  12. Interesting suggestion. Did you scan them with a proper printer/scanner or use your phone camera?
  13. Thanks but as I said, it's not convenient for me to go all the way up there (plus will cost taxis both ways) just to get forms in advance. Was hoping somebody might somehow have them. Or that maybe there's a way to convert the one-sided pdf to two-sided for printing but I don't see how on my computer. If not I guess I'll just head to the office early the day I apply and fill them out manually there.
  14. Does anyone have a pdf or good printable version of the Samui Immigration office's own double-sided application Form TM7 (extension of stay) and TM8 (multiple re-entry)? I know they tend to reject the single-sided version available from the main government website, and I'm staying far from the Samui office so it's inconvenient for me to go a day early just to pick up those forms.
  15. Has anyone recently used a hotel (long stay) as residence for retirement extension in Samui? Wondering if Immigration is accepting a hotel booking as “lease/rental agreement”. (The TM30 and other residence documents are manageable.)
  16. If someone has gone to the trouble to fake all the other residence documents (TM30, lease, etc) why couldn’t they just go to their fake residence and take a pic of themselves in front of it? It doesn’t really prove they live there. It’s in fact easier to fake that than the other documents.
  17. So the house book, TM30, drawn map, rental agreement ... are all insufficient to accomplish that? And if someone really wanted to fake their address, a pic of them in front of a house would stop them? lol
  18. Hate to ask because it can be futile to try to understand Immigration but do you have any idea why they want this photo, in addition to all the other things that already prove your residence?
  19. The province of Ontario now has a law that limits use of foreign licenses to 90 days from last entry into Canada. If staying longer you need an IDP which makes no sense, I think, but that’s the law.
  20. Thanks. The whole thing seems odd because from what I read, the point of an International Driving Permit is to provide an English translation for non-English language licences. Since Thai licences already have both Thai and English, what is the purpose?
  21. 1. Do you have to print the photo or is it OK to have it in your phone and let them take their own pic of it from your phone? 2. Is this document now on Samui's official list? Does anyone have a current copy of that list to share?
  22. Thanks didn't see your comment until now. That's all good except that the International DP is for 1 year only. What a silly limit. So you have to go back every year, and it might expire while you're still travelling abroad. Do you know if you can get the International DP at the Dept.. of Land Transport in Koh Samui?
  23. I'm planning to apply for one of these permits at DLT in Bangkok. I see the list of required documents, and I wonder: - does "5 years Thai driving licence" mean there are still 5 years left before the licence expires? If so it's a problem for me since mine expires in a little over one year. - one of the required documents is "work permit" - but I don't have one, I'm here on a retirement visa/extension. Is that a problem? - is there an expiry date on the international permit when they issue it?
  24. I think I’ll have to file a TM47 (90 day report) for my new Krabi address before I do my extension, so I’ll have that. In that case is there any need for a TM30 for the extension in Krabi? I used to live in Bangkok and did many extensions at Chaeng Wattana; never was I asked for a TM30.
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