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Posts posted by ripstanley

  1. I waited until the grey wall began to lift, in an effort to show something other than a blank page, while still maintaining the mood of the morning. A couple of the hundreds of our visiting swallows dipped into the shot at the last second, and though blurry, I think they add to the overall feeling.


    A huge fog this morning down here in Phayao. Later when the sun came out it was a beautiful day. My wife said it was hot but I found it very pleasant. The mountain range near us was visible but still had a little haze. No photo but will try tomorrow. I love looking at your photos so keep posting VF

    Still hoping for a photo.smile.png

    Still some haze here. When i get a very clear day I will. Day trip to Chiang Rai today. Passports for the family. Will post later in that thread.

    • Like 2
  2. alot of people in this country dont have manners i dont know if its a culture thing or not. Have you ever been at the shop counter and people just push in and speak over you that really annoys me

    It is a culture thing. I live where there are not that many farang. This action happens all the time so I think it ther way of life and we have to accept it. I find it hard because of what I have been taught. Think what Thai people think of us when we object to their way of life.

  3. I wouldn't help them.

    Why not? Do you know them?

    why help someone who isn't friendly to me?

    Its called respect, you may not really know them you may not particularly like them but at the end of the day they are your wifes parents and she probably loves them dearly, for that reason alone they deserve a little help if needed. (in my opinion).

    My in-laws dont say much, they do try, I speal a little Thai so we do communicate a little, a nice smile can say it all at times, they often buy me little treats from the local market and if something is needed I take care of them, we get along fine and have mutual respect.

    Before anyone jumps on it, NO I dont and didnt give them any huge amounts of money, they never even got a sinsod. BUT if they need something or have health issues I'm there, as I would be for my own parents, why ? because they are now my family too.

    Charlie well said

    My MIL helps my wife with our new born 2.5 months. She and I get on well. Her English is very limited. My Thai is also limited but we can communicate in other ways. My FIL does not speak to me but now and then we have our moments where smiles and gestures are exchanged. This morning we were both looking after my son. No talk but there was mutual respect. Our son looks very much like a farang but they both show that they love him. Each situation is probably unique to your own situation.

    • Like 2
  4. A friend of mine, who is an retired American nurse who specialized in care of the elderly, sent me this information just a week ago.....

    "I just researched hospitals here who provide rtPA, an incredible drug that will totally reverse the effects of a

    stroke ie: paralysis, brain damage, etc, if the patient gets to the hospital within 4 hours of the stroke. So far

    Sriphat and RAM have it...so if someone thinks they're having a stroke, those 2 are good choices. Just FYI."

    So, if you or someone you know seems to be having a stroke -- don't ignore the signs. Get to either RAM or Sriphat hospital emergency rooms immediately and ask about this new drug, rPA.

    Is this medicine rtPA or rPA. Where I live English is a little poor. Most doctors do speak English a little but I would like to be sure of what I am asking for.

    Thanks in advance

  5. The first time was in the early 80s on a Chinese cruise ship. We arrived in Phuket and spent 2 days and one night there. We stayed in Phuket Town at the only hotel. They had the gold fish bowl with the girls sitting with numbers. First time I had seen this. I liked the climate and the locals. Some of the English speaking crew travelled to the west of the island and ended up being robbed.

  6. I've heard rumours that the Chiang Rai Flower Festival 2012-2013 will end January 4. Is this correct?

    I would love to visit the festival but it seems I'll arrive in CR early on the January 4 so I'm not sure that I'll have time to visit the festival.

    If someone have more information about the 2013 festival, time and location, it would be much appreciated.

    Thanks smile.png.

    Although it is nice to experience the crowds and excitement during the main dates you can still walk around the venue for sometime after the published dates. The flowers may not be at their peak but it is still a nice place to visit and it is much more peaceful after the crowds have gone.smile.png

    Ok villagefarang, thak you so much for your reply. I'll try to find my way there and go for a walk. I think I'll have a lot of spare time during my visit to CR so I must find nice things to do so I don't get bored. saai.gif

    We attended the flower show Jan 2012 and loved the displays. The orchids were so beautiful. I love orchids and have many growing at our home. The only downside was that when we returned to our vehicle we found that we were parked in by another car. Luckily the rear door was not locked. I have learnt my lesson. We will attend again this year.

  7. I waited until the grey wall began to lift, in an effort to show something other than a blank page, while still maintaining the mood of the morning. A couple of the hundreds of our visiting swallows dipped into the shot at the last second, and though blurry, I think they add to the overall feeling.


    A huge fog this morning down here in Phayao. Later when the sun came out it was a beautiful day. My wife said it was hot but I found it very pleasant. The mountain range near us was visible but still had a little haze. No photo but will try tomorrow. I love looking at your photos so keep posting VF

    • Like 2
  8. sadly Poanoi you chose the wrong forum to ask on, most of the posters on here are just here to ridicule or have a superior attitude rather than just give a sensible answer,

    It would appear here that there is no option to go to court, most people just pay the fine, it seems the simplest way, of course it does not fix the problem, it allows the problems to carry on, you seem to have no redress with motoring offences.

    Yes, it was a 50/50 to post in bike or general forum,

    since there isnt any thai traffic law forum to my knowledge

    Hey theres a topic idea, Thai road rules.

    Would mean that forum rules would be not adhered to like the Thai road rules are not adhered to? Just kidding

  9. These post seem extremely ironic to me, so many sitting behind their computers living in Thailand showing no compassion to all the victims of the silly war on drugs. Mostly the victims are the addicts. They are partly victimized by holier than tho attitudes.

    Seems to me if you can so easily cast out a person from the comfort of your big fat chair behind your laptop, just imagine what you would be capable of if you were born into poverty and violence.

    I suggest we all take some time to consider our own shortcomings rather than be so cold towards God's children.

    They all have a choice. They were the ones who chose to get involved with this deadly trade. Many people born into poverty do not choose this path.

  10. For all the bleeding hearts out there siding on this lady, please do me a favour and 'think outside the box' (thanks for the phrase Havco!) yourselves.

    You all seem to have jumped to the conclusion that this woman is a "forced" drug mule, who in this case was in charge of drugs with a street value of 21 million baht. She has admitted being paid for the service, so it hasn't been planted on her; she was well aware of what she was doing.

    The people who transport this amount of drugs are professional people, fact!! If you think the source would trust a 'forced' person with that amount of drugs, think again. They would be showing signs of extreme anxiety, prone to panic attacks, etc, etc, etc. All the outward signs that customs officials in every country are trained to spot.

    Do not fall for the BS which ensues everytime one of them is caught!

    My big problem with the story is why someone would import/smuggle meth into Thailand from such a distance, if indeed it did originate in Mozambique. The X-ray shot shown in the OP shows up like a pair of b0ll0cks at a ladyboys night-out.................wink.png

    Extremely strange that she got as far as Phuket without being discovered.

    Very good post. I have no sympathy for any persons involved in the illegal drug trade. It does not depend on which level they are at.

    I think that most transit luggage is not xrayed. However I would be interested to know what flight she arrived in Phuket on.

  11. As I inferred before; suicidal or homicidal. There is no in between. However, it is amazing that there are so many facts stating what this man did prior to his leap while he was alone. Did they use a clairvoyant for this article?

    Mr Puwanart had a fight with his girlfriend about getting more ice for the drinks that they were having in his third-floor room with a group of people who worked at the apartment complex, explained Lt Col Chetsada Saengsuree of the Phuket City Police.

    “He argued with his girlfriend in front of the workers, which humiliated Mr Puwanart a great deal. Then his girlfriend left the room in order to avoid any more arguing,” Col Chetsada said.

    If you read the article you would see that other people were in the room.

  12. My good news arrived today. The number plates for the vehicle I bought in April arrived in the mail today. I bought the vehicle from another province that is why they came by mail. There are a number of other threads re slow delivery of number plates where I have commented but I thougfh this thread would more appropriate. Very good news. Not pulled up once during the 6 months. Been to Chiang Rai and Mae Sai a number of times from Phayao

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  13. I always book with 2 people.I never have A problem

    I almost missed you post with the small font. Very true. In 2008 I travelled to Phuket. When I checked in I was informed that if I wanted a person to stay overnight there would be an additional cost of 1,000 Baht. I was also informed this was because I had booked as a single traveller. I was also told that if I had booked as a double (at the same price) there would be no additional cost. So cost has declined in 4 years.

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