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Posts posted by ripstanley

  1. I took notice of one poster and within one week over 200 posts. That is about 30 a day.

    Don't know, what is most pathetic, the poster with 200 posts a week or the guy counting the number of posts ?ermm.gif

    Thank you for the complement. Normally I am called worse names. Please not not thow any stones as they may hurt.

  2. The ARL Commission's No.1 target to fill the vacant chief executive role - Gillon McLachlan - has knocked back rugby league to remain with the AFL.

    McLachlan, the AFL's No.2 man under chief executive Andrew Demetriou, had been offered a reported $1.5 million a year deal to switch codes.

    The ARLC has been searching for a new chief executive ever since the sudden departure of longtime rugby league boss David Gallop - who sensationally parted ways with the code in June.

    McLachlan admitted he was tempted by the opportunity to oversee the reshaping of that sport.

    "There is still much to achieve at the AFL as we continue to strategically position the code for ongoing growth in popularity and participation," McLachlan said in a statement released on Tuesday.

    What a bunch of idiots the ARL were to dump David gallop. Talk about politics being the winner on that day.

    Unfortunately for the NRL, the AFL also benefits from it, as shown in the reluctance of AFL head honchos to jump ship to the NRL despite good $$ on offer. Gallop steadied the ship for the NRL and dealt with endless controversies firmly and quickly.

    Gallop is now going to be in charge of soccer Australia

  3. Yup, new rules on entering Oz; 50 smokes or 50g tobacco. Soon it will all be drab green packets and more cancerous eyes!

    At least they're realistic on the booze. Two and a half litres, of whiskey or whatever. no use bringing wine in - it's cheaper than bottled water in the shops. $11.00 for 4 litres of nice claret. sighh!

    Whinge for the month: my 1 litre of unopened Duty Free Drambui was confiscated by Malaysian Security; it had come from Australia on AirAsia, no problems. But as the plastic bag was not sealed (tho the bottle was!) they took it off me for the flight to CNX. Glare of the month was when I wished the lady in black a good party that night!! I might add that Duty Free Stores Gold Coast refunded my money as their staff should have sealed it.

    It is only 2.25 litres not 2.5 litres.

  4. post-140056-0-52582300-1346631482_thumb.


    Can't believe the odds offered on the Eagles Nth Melbourne game.

    The only reason I can think of is a lot of money has been put on from WA.

    Click on images to enlarge.

    I think when the Eagles field a full strength side, they're pretty hard to beat at Subi.

    They've beaten Collingwood by 10 goals and Geelong in the last month and Nth seem

    to have dropped off a bit.

    The odds seem reasonable to me.

    I think Freo look pretty good value at $3.55. Especially with Stevie J being out for Geelong.



    I think Sydney will fancy their chances against Adelaide

    They will find it tough in Adelaide. Adelaide beat them in Sydney this season.

  5. To retain your eligibility for medicare you must submit a tax return each year as a RESIDENT FOR TAX PURPOSES, so that you can be assessed for the medicare levy. You need to do this even if you have no taxable income in Australia.

    You can live in Thailand indefinately and remain a resdent for tax purposes in Australia, as long as you do not establish a PERMANENT ABODE here.

    If your stay here is based on visas/extensions of 1 year or less then (by definition) you do not have the legal right to live PERMANENTLY in Thailand.

    This is also the single most important thing to do if you intend to claim an Australian aged pension at a later date.

    The taxation office has a resident test. I would suggest that you talk to them first to see if you will be a resident of Australia for taxation purposes. There are many factors. I qualify because I have an Australian Government superanuation pension. They have linked their decision to my tax file number

    This can only be done over the phone. I tried via email but got told to phone.

    Edit I have established a permanent abode here.

    You would also have qualified without the pension. I have. (confirmed by my accountant in Australia - a CPA)

    You have an abode that you think is permanent. Just check your passport - I bet your visa expires in less that a year. Yes I know it will probably be easy to renew or extend it, but if your situation was truly Permanent then you wouldn't need to. I accept that it is possible to use the word "permanent" in a general sense to describe you situation, but not in the legal sense as per the legislation.

    Yes I used it in the general sense.

  6. I hope the Australian government release this in Australia after the TV interview. I have not seen anything on the internet from Australian news sites.

    This search gives some links to reports about it in the Australian media:


    I hope this latest report that LB has posted is picked up by the Australian press. One site which may is ninemsm as they are the opposition to channel 7

  7. To retain your eligibility for medicare you must submit a tax return each year as a RESIDENT FOR TAX PURPOSES, so that you can be assessed for the medicare levy. You need to do this even if you have no taxable income in Australia.

    You can live in Thailand indefinately and remain a resdent for tax purposes in Australia, as long as you do not establish a PERMANENT ABODE here.

    If your stay here is based on visas/extensions of 1 year or less then (by definition) you do not have the legal right to live PERMANENTLY in Thailand.

    This is also the single most important thing to do if you intend to claim an Australian aged pension at a later date.

    The taxation office has a resident test. I would suggest that you talk to them first to see if you will be a resident of Australia for taxation purposes. There are many factors. I qualify because I have an Australian Government superanuation pension. They have linked their decision to my tax file number

    This can only be done over the phone. I tried via email but got told to phone.

    Edit I have established a permanent abode here.

  8. "Passengers, particularly from the inbound Asian and Chinese tourism markets, have been given little or no warning, the association says."

    This was announced in the May budget. There have been some threads on this forum about this. When I travel to other countries I will search the internet about their duty free concessions before I travel. Most duty free shops will advertise what other countries will allow. I find the above statement to be very poor.

    Edit The Customs website has had a notice re the change since June

  9. Raining this morning and it looks like one of those all day sorts of rains. Not a hint of blue anywhere.sad.png

    In our village on the lake opposite Phayao we have had very little rain. There are showers and storms around us but very little rain for us. The rain seems to hang about the mountains. It looks like we are going to get good rain but it just seems to elude us.

  10. Hey! Things are looking up. My missus just peeped over my shoulder as I was reading this post.

    “Who sexy ladies?” she asked.

    “Oh, just girls down the soi.

    “Really? Well ask them round.”

    Are you still asleep or have you woken from your dream?

  11. I live in Phayao. I have to go to Mae Sai for my 90 day reporting. Last time there were about 5 Thais ahead of me with many documents. I presumed that they were agents. I was called to the front of the line for my reporting before the Thai agents. Nothing but praise for the immigration staff at Chiang Rai immigration located in Mae Sai

    Edit I thought that I would have had to wait my turn.

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