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Posts posted by ripstanley

  1. been here 2 months. the more i know, the less i like it.

    becoming a super pretentious pothole full of scam artists whove garnered their spoils through one plot or another.

    if you can turn a blind eye to half the people who live here and the pace at which the place is trying to conform to their lifestyle, then its heaven.

    Move out of the tourist zone.

    its not where i live (im nowhere near the tourist zone), its just the general feel when youre out and about town.

    This is in reply to one of your later posts.

    I wouldn't exactly call loi Kroh a non touristy area.

    Yes there is a lot of Asians coming in now. And for sure they will have a affect on the businesspeople.For sure the bars are going to be changing. I also noticed this year women. They seem to be coming in groups now. As well as families.

    Perhaps because you can understand Thai it would make a difference on your opinion of them. I don't speak it or understand it. Well just a little but that means I don't generally here what they say about me.

    I suspect you will be moving along soon then. If Thailand is your thing I am sure you will find what you are looking for. For myself the beach would be nice. But Alas every where has it's drawbacks. And to be honest with you I have had enough wild and whakey ( my spell check said whiskey had that too) days. Now I just want to take it easy. Maybe go for a chat at a monk chat. Or a movie Dine out just simple life.

    IMO the problem is with some of the westerners is that they cannot distinguish between Thais and other asian nations. I find this very sad. They can lisiten to the language but have no idea.

  2. I don’t know the answer to your question but my guess is that is doesn’t matter which visa. In my experience it might be the rule but they have always preferred my driver’s license over a passport except at immigration. Police and others typically can’t make heads or tails of a passport and much prefer a Thai document which they can read.

    I have a Thai drivers licence but i found out today that they placed my family name as my first name. Jjust another challenge. I really enjoy living in Thailand. That is NOT a sarcastic comment. Living in a village in the north is great.

  3. I applied for one through SCB and they wanted to set up an account for my now wife and I would get a secondary card. We had to deposit 100,000 baht in the account and not able to use it. I had a few million in my account but that meant nothing. I declined the offer.

  4. I arrived in Thailand to live full time last September. I obtained a Non Immigrant O visa before I travelled. I sent 4 boxes of used personal effects. I sent them through DHL. They were in storage for one month before I arrived. They would not clear them through Customs until they had my actual passport. I was charged duty and storage to the tune of 5900 Baht.

    I found out after that if I had arrived and gained an extension of stay based on retirement that I would have been exempt any Customs duties. You have 6 months after you gain your retiremnet extension to import your personal househo;d goods. I also sent goods through the post office and they arrived with no charges.

    This is a link to the Thai Customs site http://www.customs.go.th/wps/wcm/connect/custen/individuals/importing+used+or+secondhand+household+effects/importingusedsecondhandhouseholdeffects

    I personally will not use DHL again

  5. I have read today that it is a requirement that you have to carry your passport with you when you are out and about. I am guilty of not carrying my passport even when I was travelling back and for to Phuket. I have searched Google and found where the British government even advise tourists to Thailand to carry their passport at all times.

    My query is is it only for those on tourist visas or 30 day exemptions that this is a requirement or is it for all non Thai citizens

  6. I got mine at our local Amphur office in Lamphun province. Brought my passport (with 1 year extension based on marriage), my wife, and the local head of our village. The employees at the Amphur office were friendly and helpful. They filled out the forms, the head of the village signed a paper verifying I lived at our house in our village, and about 45 minutes later -- Bob's your uncle -- I had my Yellow House Book. That easy!

    Very similar to mine. I got married at the local Amphur office today and the they processed my yellow book after the marriage certificate was issued. I had the following documents:

    Copy of passport of photo page and visa

    Copy of wifes blue book

    Copy her ID

    Copy of brand new marriage certificate

    Two witnesses and copies of their IDs

    Three photos

    The local officer filled out all the documents including the letters that the witneses had to sign.

    The whole process including marriage certificate and yellow book took 3 hours.

    The Amphur office was Phayao.

    Very friendly staff.

  7. You depart Thailand on your US passport as this is the one you arrived on. Show your US passort at checkin if this was the passport you used to make the booking. I take it that the same name is in both passports. Then when you arrive in Malaysia use the German. They will not check for departure stamps. It takes to much time.

    "They will not check for departure stamps. It takes to much time."

    They will have time to see that the German passport has never been used when they stamp in the arrival.

    I’ve heard Malaysia doesn’t look too favorable on dual nationality to begin with, or if they even allow it for that matter.

    Maybe another surrounding country that allows dual citizenship would be the best bet. They will need to have a Thai embassy/consulate there as well. Land border crossings don't qualify damhikt.

    Any suggestions?

    Australia do not stamp Australian passports. I have read that Germany do not stamp their nationalities passports when they depart. He could have only transited Bangkok airport. The OP said he was flying.

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