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Posts posted by ripstanley

  1. I notice I just have a lot of spelling mistakes. Thats what happens when you try and type too fast smile.png

    Thats why I read 3 times before posting. Sorry maybe 2 but I still find I have to edit. Do not worry everyone does understand what posters are saying. Most of the time.

    Back to topic. Today i drove from Phayao to Chiang Rai and returned. On the return trip I was followed by a new ford ranger. No number plate (this is very common for new cars up to many months) Why i thought It was very new was the palstic still on the headrest of the back seats after I was over taken. It appeared that this was being deiven form one dealership to another. The way the vehicle was driven It could only have future problems. I hope this was not similar to yours

  2. Thailand is not listed on this 'Tipping Etiquette Around the World' chart. But, be aware that many Thai business owners keep some or all of the tips left by their well-meaning customers.

    Not all. When I was visiting Phuket very reguarly. The bar where I drank would split the tips amoung the staff. When the day shift ended the girls would count the money and split it amoungst the girls who were working that shift. The only exception was if a girl was more then 20 minutes late then she was not in the split. The bar was owned by a Thai national.

  3. The last country the OP's may have lived is Australia

    The origin of the practice may be traced back to 18th Century English pubs when tipping was considered an essential incentive for better service. I tip in the UK where service charge is not added and the service is good. The same applies in Thailand, but thats one of the many things I love about Australia, a non tipping country.

    http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/563001-tipping-in-phuket/page__hl__%20tipping%20%20service%20%20charge This is the last thread re tipping

  4. OP has his title wrong.

    Even a Scot knows its the State of Origin that means everything.

    State of origin is NSW versus Queensland. Every one in Australia knows that


    Sorry for being a little off topic

    If there was as I suspect a typo in the thread title, maybe you are on topic more than most

    I agree change country to state. We will have to move to different forum.

  5. I found this intersting on the Thai Immigration website about failure to report you 90 days residence.

    4. Question : What is the punishment in case of late/not notifying of residence every 90 days ?

    Answer : -In case notifying in person, the alien will be punished with a fine of 2,000 Bath.

    - In case of being arrested for not notifying on the due date, the fine is 4,000 Bath and with an additional fine of 200 Bath for each day which passes until the law is complied with.


    I was unaware about the the police able to arrest you. I now understand why the next notification is stapled into your passport. That is if you do carry your passport. See other thread.

  6. Game of the round, One vs Two, the old rivalry between two well matched sides. Should be a beauty!

    Won't be broadcast in Thailand on Australian Network because it's a Sunday afternoon fixture.sad.png

    We will have to settle for the radio broadcast.

    Where do you get the radio broadcast from ?

    Go to http://www.afl.com.au/ then select the game you want in The Match Centre. Just before the game starts you will see a button for live radio. Then just make a selection of which broardcaster you want.

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