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Posts posted by ripstanley

  1. Thanks guys for all the replies.

    We were married before the children were born, my name is on the birth certificates and there is no doubt in my mind that they are mine.

    I found out by accident, she told me she was going to get her hair done, by chance I was driving along the road in the opposite direction to were she was meant to be going and spotted here car at a roadside café, when I went in I found her with another man. Not conclusive of course but after confronting her she admitted that she had been “seeing” him for the last four months. Then on asking around where we live it seems everyone knows about it but me. The man is also married and has a reputation of doing this sort of thing.

    I had had suspicion before when she started coming home at 4AM, from playing cards, so she told me. At first one or two times a month then up to one or two times a week. I confronted her at the time and she promised that she did not have a boyfriend. And of course I believed her.

    After being caught and the admission I told her I was leaving and taking the kids with me. She begged for forgiveness even to the extent of cutting her hair off, it was long before. She asked for a second chance. I, with a lot of uncertainty gave it her on condition she moves down to where I work (other end of Thailand) and has no more contact with him.

    So right now she is staying with me where I work. However after some weeks I find out she has been sending SMS messages to this guy just about every day. I have not confronted her with that yet. But have come to the conclusion that I can no longer trust her.

    Or am I wrong? Is this a normal Thai woman behavior? Maybe I have become paranoid and should not be too concerned.

    My wish would be for us all to stay together, kids especially, they love their Mother and me and any break up would be difficult. But at the same time, if she is lying to me then it has to end.

    Your done man leave her ......

    I agree but the children are a big worry.

  2. I'm getting sick of this lazy trolling.

    Look OP you start it like this...

    "Hi I'm a 19 year old girl from Rainham in Essex and we are having an asian theme night at the local rugby club. A few of us girls have decided to go as Thai pole dancers and I wondered, in the interests of authenticity, if you would mind answering a quick question....."

    Go on OP rub it out and start again.

    I should imagine he is rubbing one out as he reads the replies.

    So what's your excuse for reading the replies?

    I need a bit of a laugh. My answer some do some do not

  3. Personally I don't see how someone can "settle down" someplace in the sense of committing financially without having lived there for a good long while first.

    Since you're so Internet savvy, I would have thought you could do a lot of good for local businesses and charities that way without needing to worry about getting a fair rate for your services, basically just do it for those organisations that provide you with good contacts for your social needs.

    And obviously if you don't yet you need to become fluent in Thai - if you want to do it intensively for the first six months, it's most cost-effective to hire someone full-time and then you're free to schedule them at your convenience, and just going through the process of recruiting that tutor will be a nice project as well. Just make sure they are native-born "kon pak glang" so you learn with a respectable accent, and also better if they are a male with what you consider a nice masculine manner of speaking so you don't take on the common effeminate patterns many of the educated Thai men here display.

    I agree learn the language and then you will not be left in the car when the wife goes visiting. I thought my 5 bottles a day was bad. Try and reduce the alcohol intake. Set yourself a time before you start drinking. Later the beter. Good luck.

  4. Depends on what you call sane.

    My version of sane is ignore all the small negatives, and enjoy the positives.thumbsup.gif

    Have lived here for ages now, but you could always try Phuket next time. According to many Pattaya haters it's a lot more civilized than here.whistling.gif

    Just my personal opinion of course.


    Do not try Phuket just head north, Chiang Mai or Chiang Rai

  5. Did any more info come out on this extraordinarily sad case?

    The funeral for the man killed was held today. There is still police tape around the gate of the house where the man was killed. Have not heard any more about the Australian held.I have not seen any activity at the house since the day after the death.

  6. Another heart stopper. Swans had a great 1st quarter but lucky to win again. I have now put the ambulance telephone number on my quick dial

    Good game and Swans are back on top although it is only a temporary situation unless the Collingwood-West Coast game is a draw and Nth Melbourne defeat Adelaide.Cant see that happening.

    Neither can I. The Swans were lucky that Hawkins missed 2 easy goals in the first quarter

  7. i can't find it now, but I thought someone posted on here a while back about something in a yellow pot that the ants carried back to their nest and it wiped their nest out. I could never find the stuff when I went looking in Big C though. Anyone remember what it is?

    Yes I posted about the ARC yellow pellets but I have since found that the ARC white powder is more effective

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