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Posts posted by bumpkin

  1. 10 hours ago, trogers said:


    Sorry to prick your bubble. You forgot to include the deciding factor. Why would they stork up on discounted 7-11 ready to eat food? Because they spent most of those hard earned money in the expanding karaokes...


    Don't underestimate the weakness of the flesh...which had led a German to kill his wife back home...

    The behaviour you describe is more likely to be associated with tourists rather than those who have work permits and are earning a living in this country.  

  2. 9 hours ago, dick dasterdly said:

    Can we stop with the 'labels' e.g. " the left , the tree hugers  the luvvies"?


    IMO many 'ordinary' people whose concerns have been ignored by politicians and the wealthy - have finally given vent to their anger which, resulted in the Brexit vote and the Trump vote.

    Note -  Clinton polled more than 50% of votes only in the lowest income group, <50000$ annual income.

    In all higher annual income groups, >50000$,   Trump polled more votes.

  3. An important point to remember about Prostate issues is that they take many and varied forms.   

    My advice (for what it's worth) for when you have been diagnosed with some issues,  is to tell as few people as possible.

    The guy in the bar,  the person in the office or factory, the neighbour,  will all have different stories to tell you, totally influenced by the one (maybe 2 cases) they know of, however remotely. 

    Their vague recollections are unlikely to be highly relevant to your case.    

    They are in no position to help you.  Scare stories abound !  

    This is a matter solely between you and the Medic.

    Find a medic you can trust and put your faith in that person.  They will have more experience and access to relevant data,  far greater than all your other contacts put together.


  4. The PSA test is only the beginning of the investigation.    Any Medic worth the name will follow this with Biopsys,  UltraSound scans,  MRI scans and PET scans and several frank consultations.    Although one hears of a few "headline" cases  where surgery is rushed into,  that is not the normal process.    Prostate tumors present in different forms,  and it takes skilled interpretation of all the results before treatment can be contemplated. 


    P.S.  had  a robotic prostatectomy 2 weeks ago for a large but contained tumor.   Early days,  but recovering well and feeling good.

  5. The USA government should be grateful that someone with no malicious intent,  has tested their computer defences and found them lacking.  The holes in the software were obviously  present and they could have been discovered by some foreign power with evil intent.   Is the US government just trying to cover the obvious fact of the incompetence of their own software engineers.     

  6. It is possible to check online for crime rates by UK Post Code .  Anybody seriously wanting to contribute to this debate could check a few areas and make comparisons.   There is no doubt that crime rates vary significantly between different cities/towns and  between different areas within those cities/towns. Often areas of social deprivation.   

    This is the sort of issue that the British choose to refer to by inuendo, rather than plain speaking.     

    Whether the Chinese should modify their forms of expression in their own publications is another matter.   

    The Chinese have for many decades been" educated" in the firm belief that they have a culture superior to most other ethnic groups. Blame the teachers not the students!   

    (not strictly relevant to the OP, but the Chinese living in the UK,  are amongst the least likely of any foreign ethnic grouping, to be involved in crime).

  7. 8 minutes ago, Khon Kaen Dave said:

    If there was any oil to be had in the country Magabe would have been ousted years ago.No oil,no interest.he is left to get on with it and to ruin his country and slaughter,rape and rob his people as he sees fit.

    Is that true?   There are several oil-rich countries suffering under ghastly political systems, which are supported by the oil hungry nations.   

  8. On 7/30/2016 at 7:19 AM, ddavidovsky said:

    First, stopping major new projects like nuclear power stations, hydroelectric dams, and fracking - which suddenly pump huge energy capacity into the economic system (as well as jeopardising the environment).

    Transition to new forms of energy is all very well, as is moderate degree of growth - the problem is in growing too much too fast.

    Energy puts a natural limit on economic growth, just as food puts a natural limit on population growth.

    And if anyone asks why put a limit on growth at all? - the answer is because there's more to the earth than people. There's nature. And if they still demand an anthropocentric perspective, I would claim that people need nature for its own sake. Human life on earth is meaningless without it.

    Human life for the rich.  Will that be the future of mankind.  That is one way, for sure.

    Limiting a resource increases the price, restricting it's availability to those wealthy enough to pay.

    Maybe that is the way the world will go, who knows.  

    Anyway,why shouldn't the rich inherit the earth ?

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