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Posts posted by MAJIC

  1. I wonder how long it'll take before the gloating brexiteers realise they've been duped, and none of what they thought they voted for is going to happen?

    There',s no shortage of bad losers on this thread, personally I think they made the best decision of their entire lives,only surprise is how long it took them to wise up.

  2. He's back!

    Well,sort of.

    He never left, the only way to kill a snake is to cut its head off.

    What democratic government in the world, where the PM is able to put his family and friends who have little or no political experience in key positions of government, even to be elected as PM?

    What democratic government in the world, allows vote buying, via cash or intimidation.

    Most would have to be elected in by elections and state elections first, would it be believable that all of TS friends and family were elected for these positions?

    What democratic government in the world, would tell the people that they are going to take from the rich and give to the poor, then move the money that was promised to the poor to shelf companies and off shore accounts

    What democratic government in the world, would have a militant group of thugs and violent offenders that will go out and disrupt the opposing governments, murder supporters the opposing governments including destruction of private property and burning down shopping centers.

    Why didn't the al Jazeera interviewer ask him that?

    What democratic government in the world, where the PM is able to put his family and friends who have little or no political experience in key positions of government, even to be elected as PM?

    - the US springs to mind with the Kennedy, Bush, Clinton dynasties.

    What democratic government in the world, allows vote buying, via cash or intimidation.

    - the US and UK are two obvious examples they call a lot of it lobbying

    What democratic government in the world, would tell the people that they are going to take from the rich and give to the poor, then move the money that was promised to the poor to shelf companies and off shore accounts

    - cannot think of a single recent US president or UK prime minister that has not been a multi-millionaire after after a stint in a modestly paid job

    What democratic government in the world, where the PM is able to put his faoob mily and friends who have little or no political experience in key positions of government, even to be elected as PM?

    MAJIC said;

    Politics the only job where no experience is needed,no qualifications either,and you vote your own pay rise (or you used to) and loyalties are sold wholesale! not forgetting the seat in the house of Lords,a licence to print your own money! or turn up for work and get £300 (15500 baht a day)

    for having a good snooze!

  3. You have no chance of recovering any money from the land. You have an obligation to pay your debts to HSBC in the UK - as does your Thai wife, but she's not going to worry about that.

    What's the security for the loan to HSBC? It can't be the land, so I'm guessing it's a lien/mortgage on some UK property of yours.

    You don't say if you're married in UK or Thailand. If married in the UK then she can do you for half your UK assets, less joint debt. If this is the case, be careful.

    If married in Thailand you can whistle Dixie for any claim against her assets.

    Best bet as Neversure says, have a beer and count your blessings. You've only half been taken to the cleaners.

    Oh, and next time I suggest you do some due diligence on the woman in question and the laws (such as they are) of the land.

    I wouldn't sign a loan document with anybody if I don't have legal rights to the asset being purchased - it just defies logic. If anybody really wants to give their Thai wife/GF a car/land/house/gold - consider it a gift.

    More like legal theft,we hear this story I

  4. Being an expat retired in Thailand hasn't changed me personally.

    I still have the same ethics and values I was raised to hold.

    I never considered using a prostitute or buying a wife in the UK.

    Not to mention bribing a police officer or government official.

    Let's not get on to ladyboys and massage.

    Guess I have changed.


    I don't take drugs in Thailand, so it hasn't all been downhill!

    Changed or liberated?

    It depends on your point of view. I'm pretty sure the vast majority of Thai bar girls don't regard themselves as prostitutes. They are just doing what they can to support their families.

    It's a double standard when we males shag everything we can cajole into bed, but use pejorative terms to describe females who do the same for money.

    The real prostitutes are those women who avail themselves of unfair laws to rip off men after they've contributed SFA to a relationship.

    Even though prositutes are often are not the cleverest, I think they all realize that they are prositutes,

    if they didn't realize you would not have to pay them and they therefore wouldn't be prostitutes.

    It is not a double standard, if you are a male who gets paid for sex then you are a male prostitute.

    The real prostitutes as you refer to them are not prostitutes at all, they are goldiggers.

    A gold digger is like a prostitute, but smarter.

    Gold diggers don't care what name is put on them as long as they get the money!

  5. I like the way the out campaign has been stitched up...

    DC gets on of his ministers with a proven record of incompetency to head it. cheesy.gif


    -- BBC http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-eu-referendum-35617843

    Well he has a few ...and I thought it would have been Theresa.

    Theresa promised immigration as low as 10,000 last year, instead she upped the immigration figures to 250,000,you don't get medals for that abysmal showing!

  6. Cameron asked the EU for next to nothing and he got even less. The mood here is for an out vote as the total negativity of the remain campaign has simply consisted of scaremongering about what will happen if we leave. They are today now saying that they might even throw out whatever is agreed after the vote so he is basically asking the mug public to TRUST both HIM and the EU which isn't going to go down well at all.

    Saying all that there is a serious risk of there being nothing to vote to leave if the immigration and the financial trouble continues unabated !

    I was gonna write pretty much what you have said, but you wrote it better, because you said it without swearing....makes me spit feathers, and i don't even live there anymore...

    With what was on the table, Cameron came away with a paupers breakfast,of course it will be talked up into a lord mayor banquet,let us pray our kinsmen also don't fall for this Blatent B*** S****

  7. So at the moment they can claim benefits for children that are not even in the UK, not even UK citizens and probably have never set foot in the UK..... That is outrageous and no wonder the likes of Poland and Hungary don't want to give concessions. Their economies are bleeding the likes of Britain dry.... Disgusting!!!

    Nothing wrong with them coming to work in Britain but it should be for Britain's benefit and not because they think it's benefits Britain.

    And Cameron is so desperate, he will probably go for for this one,the continuation of Benefit Britain!

  8. Cameron asked the EU for next to nothing and he got even less. The mood here is for an out vote as the total negativity of the remain campaign has simply consisted of scaremongering about what will happen if we leave. They are today now saying that they might even throw out whatever is agreed after the vote so he is basically asking the mug public to TRUST both HIM and the EU which isn't going to go down well at all.

    Saying all that there is a serious risk of there being nothing to vote to leave if the immigration and the financial trouble continues unabated !

    I was gonna write pretty much what you have said, but you wrote it better, because you said it without swearing....makes me spit feathers, and i don't even live there anymore...

    With what was on the table, Cameron came away with a paupers breakfast,of course it will be talked up into a lord mayor banquet,let us pray our kinsmen also don't fall for this Blatent $*** $****

  9. Cameron asked the EU for next to nothing and he got even less. The mood here is for an out vote as the total negativity of the remain campaign has simply consisted of scaremongering about what will happen if we leave. They are today now saying that they might even throw out whatever is agreed after the vote so he is basically asking the mug public to TRUST both HIM and the EU which isn't going to go down well at all.

    Saying all that there is a serious risk of there being nothing to vote to leave if the immigration and the financial trouble continues unabated !

    I was gonna write pretty much what you have said, but you wrote it better, because you said it without swearing....makes me spit feathers, and i don't even live there anymore...

    With what was on the table, Cameron came away with a paupers breakfast,of course it will be talked up into a lord mayor banquet,let us pray our kinsmen also don't fall fall for this Blatent B*** S****

  10. Even is there was NO warning at the time, is it smart to swim in seas that aren't protected? Alone?

    In the UK almost no beaches had protection ever.

    I used to swim out as far as I could, until exhausted, no matter what the weather or sea conditions.

    Then slowly make my way back to shore. The beach would be totally deserted as always.

    (always wearing a steamer, cos it's too cold to swim far in the UK without)

    This is the way you swim in Europe.

    We aren't quite the nanny states that the US and Oz appear to be ......... yet.

    i have serious doubts that you have ever been to the UK,or is it your normal UK bash time!


  11. Aw, but Cameron, being a Brit, doesn't have any balls. Maybe he can kiss the feet of Merkel and Hollande after he crawls across the room on his belly.

    Gawd. What the hell happened to the Brits to where they have to beg lesser countries for permission?

    Hey Cameron, it's simple. Tell them to go <deleted> themselves.

    Cameron will not do that,don't forget he is in favour of staying in the EU,and keeping the EU gravy train on track.

    Even Merkel who used to treat Cameron with contempt is rallying around Cameron, thinking about her own position,of course! small wonder the people want out, but will the cannon fodder Plebicites see the light this time,I have serious doubts.................???

  12. Cameron spouts nothing but hot air.

    His major proposal has already been vetoed.


    Donald Tusk, the former Polish prime minister and European council president in charge of brokering the deal, said EU leaders would have to go an “extra mile” to reach agreement. Tusk spoke out after Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, and Czech Republic reached a common position on Tuesday rejecting current proposals on curbing child benefits for their migrant workers in western Europe, a key demand in Cameron’s campaign.


    It is time he grabbed Merkel and the pair of them should head off to South Pole where they can do the least amount of damage.

    The EU are not going to going to give up the EU Gravy train without a fight,after all the English have been paying the benefits for the last 20 year,so don't expect any large give aways.from the EU.

    Slavemaster,are not allowed to escape! unless they shoot you !

  13. There should be constant research for spreading a killer bug that only kills the mosquito eggs and young mosquitos,under a controlled environment. It will not

    happen overnight,and will probably take several decades,and we must be sure it will not effect the environment.

    I see this as being the only way of eradicating the world of this world killer! seperate poisons are not enough,and only attack seperate reletively small pockets !

    Another way of putting it would be a program of breeding death to be passed on to the next generation of mosquito,or their sterile eggs !

  14. Not sure but for me a non smoke I think it is a great idea can save lots of life's .

    Good on the thai government if it is true should do it in the west as well .

    You probably also think that stopping people from buying beer in the 7/11 between 2pm and 5pm is going to save loads of lives as well ?

    It will do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to stop smokers from buying what they want they will just go elsewhere. Something that nevers seems to occur to people like yourself or the people who make these ridiculous laws

    We are not talk about drinking we are talking about smoking.

    You need to look at what smoking cost the governments in the long run with what happens to long time smoking it is a dirty habit and if I had my way I would have here like back home smokers smoke in the car park not were people eat .

    And back home the new laws come in next year no more smoking in mall and were people eat out side the best thing that can happen.

    Because people like you that smoke don't care about non smokers like me .

    Agreed and I'm a smoker. If cigarettes were introduced today and with the health effects and addiction known, they wouldn't be legal.

    I hate them. But I also love them.

  15. Replying to Udon teens blame 'GTA' for beating elderly westerners

    What nonsense,it's the usual story when you are too immature to accept responsibility for your own actions then blame the first thing that comes along.

    GTA Has sold millions of games worldwide,and I may be wrong but this is the first time i have heard of a personal attack that has been made responsible for this


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