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Everything posted by riclag

  1. For me its keeping fit ! Stretching exercises everyday. Stair exercise 3x a week! No sodium diet, Staying away from process foods and drinking 3 liters of water everyday ! Unfortunately I like to bake but I try to use healthy ingredients! Substitute Coconut oil for butter and use coconut milk instead of dairy products.
  2. This should make you think twice before offering up the bird to one of those 10 or so drivers one encounters in the first 30 minutes of driving anywhere in Thailand !
  3. wrong thread
  4. Well if ever a thread was safe to post a political opinion in, this appears to be it. All my life as a independent voter/conservative ideology,, not belonging to either party, I see fellow Independents showing up to vote out the radical dems in the midterms as a result of bidens worse ever performance as a president imop ! Him/ and His party of radicals are destroying the republic imop
  5. Are they or were they on prescribed antiviral treatment during their sickness ? if taken early the treatment can help lessen the effects.
  6. Have your wife find out the requirements from the Amphor that your gonna eventually register at. Some provinces have different requirements! Your gonna need to have some documents translated into Thai such as as a declaration from your local city govt about your marital status. You need to get a Affidavit regarding the marital status of the person from the respective embassy. Translated copy of affidavits to Thai certified by an approved Foreign Ministry Translator https://www.thaiembassy.com/family/marriage-in-thailand
  7. She had an earned a good life and what a character! RIP! "And though the duo have reconciled in the decades since, Ms Trump struck out on her own with a voice as distinct as her accent and a flamboyant personality to match". Making a cameo in the 1996 hit film The First Wives Club, Ms Trump delivered the now-famous line: "Ladies, you have to be strong and independent, and remember, don't get mad, get everything." https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-62173165
  8. Generally I don't converse for obvious reasons,same as many of my conservative acquaintances. I find myself liking many of your comments but I can't resist the temptation of sharing my opinion with you . Its been reported that the dems are gonna get mid termed to put it lightly! Mr. Trump has endorsed many conservatives and his record is stellar,percentage wise as has been reported by them winning their races! Just think of all of the effort "Save America" movement has exhausted in almost two years! To think of anybody else most deserving those achievements besides the GOP winners, Mr.Trump and the supporters is second to none! Mr. DeSantis is a conservative politician, he doesn't cower, same as Mr. Trump to the MSM ! Until conservatives hear what his national agenda is for America and most importantly who's supporting his "campaign ",it will be short lived. If its Mittens Romney an alike(Rino's) its over before it started for GOV DeSantis, its 2024 for President Trump and the good guys and girls that love the USA imop!
  9. Terrible way to die, execution via a cowardly mentally ill person. RIP Mr. Abe
  10. RIP Don Santino Corleone
  11. no guessing now on right wing conspiracy theory's! "Investigations into the suspected shooter’s political views or ideological beliefs or motives are still ongoing as of this article’s publication. Police said they did not know the motive for the shooting in a predominantly Jewish neighborhood, but had no evidence of any anti-Semitic or racist basis. Investigators were reviewing videos he had made filled with violent imagery (here") https://www.reuters.com/article/factcheck-tattoo-shooting/fact-check-photo-of-shoulder-tattoo-of-a-rose-in-a-fist-does-not-depict-the-arm-of-suspected-chicago-highland-park-gunman-idUSL1N2YN1K4
  12. Many Americans will be voting on the issues facing their everyday life such as the economy and gas prices not whether somebody was experiencing cognitive decline as in 46 as what you said or the progressive and Trump haters opinion of 45. See those gas prices below ,Its free campaign advertisement for the midterms imop ! Its like drip drip hundreds of thousands times a day in the USA and its all on the dems/biden ! https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/economic-issues-top-publics-agenda-poll/story?id=85183412 Joe Biden's approval ratings for his handling of these key issues are all well underwater, suggesting trouble for the president and Democratic candidates ahead of the midterm. Only 37% approve of Biden’s handling of the economic recovery, and even fewer approve of his handling of inflation (28%) and gas prices (27%).
  13. Here are the states with the strictest gun laws in America 6th. Illinois, 14.1 gun deaths per 100,000 residents. Illinois has a higher-than-average rate of gun deaths. A large share of trafficked guns recovered in the state are originally purchased out-of-state. The state has fewer laws to ensure industry and product safety, but checks nearly every box when it comes to limiting guns in public and keeping guns out of the wrong hands. Illinois ranks 27th in gun death rate. https://www.deseret.com/2022/5/27/23144447/states-with-the-strictest-gun-control-laws-mass-shooting-2nd-amendment-violent-crime-concealed-carry Illinois is sixth out of 50,thats where this incident took place. Having Guns are allowed by the laws of our Constitution! Millions and millions of law abiding Americans are responsible gun owners . There are some individual's that fall through the cracks ,like the mentally disturbed that at the time of allowance were granted a license ,cause they had no mental issues. Then there are the ones,like criminals that some how obtain them, illegal !
  14. The first moment you have to pay for it as you say, is what I call ,cutting to the chase.
  15. In what way does that offend you
  16. For 3 days Covid caused the Worse leg pain I ever experienced ! Don't want to go through that again! I'd like to see people wear masks indoors if they are sick !
  17. Op Please keep us posted on your next visit to the DR. good luck
  18. Can't imagine what its like to be aborted! Its heavily censored,all those transparent details! Women still have the pill,planned parenthood and other states for "help" when and if they decide to abort a baby! Democracy working again, tirelessly in the states ! They apparently made a wrong decision in 1973 imop. It took all this time to bring it to the people(the states) to correct it imop
  19. Air at 26 for a few hours ! Ceiling fan all the time! Floor fan to drown out the outside noise ( dogs,cats, sparrows and roosters) .
  20. read a report somewhere, that its not the first time this animal had lost its temper and bit someone !
  21. I don't hate dogs, I hate what they do to people! Any dog regardless of breed! Maybe if there were laws like one and done, ,owners would get the hint when they replace them .
  22. The cop should get life or execution! BS on the intimidation! They are taught not to point loaded guns!And the cop changed his original story , that his wife committed suicide . What about the family ! 720k to buy them out ! What do they suggest punishment should be!
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