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Everything posted by riclag

  1. You must be a U.S. citizen in order to vote. Citizenship is documented through a U.S. birth certificate or a Certificate of Naturalization, but proof of citizenship is not required to vote. Green card or visa status does not qualify a person to vote in Wisconsin elections. https://bringit.wi.gov/sites/bringit/files/3 4 Voter Eligibility-2020 july update.pdf This is a concern , relying on the honor system for non citizens to abide by the rules! No enforcement mechanisms! I have no idea of her political activities or affiliation! You brought up a interesting point! Thanks
  2. Voting as a green card holder in WI in the current election
  3. My wife’s sister just got her Green card , last year. Her and her Husband both live in Madison WI. Nice hard woking people. You have aroused my curiosity.
  4. Tampons in boys rooms in America are woke! There isnt a war in my country .
  5. 2 Social Justice Warriors coddled the 2020 Summer of Love protests turned riots!
  6. Hell , Im all for the planet being renamed , Elon. More power to Billionaires who busted their butt to get ahead and create jobs & sustain economic growth! Who the hell is Humza?
  7. Back in the early 70’s many of my GF’s hung out with gay men . We all use to party together in Gay & straight establishments ,enjoying Barry White and other popular music! We went to Providence Town , Cape Cod sometimes on the weekends and use to take in a Drag show for laughs at the Anchor Club and other straight & gay establishments. Now those comedy shows and thats what they were than are in Parades with guys shirking their junk at kids & at the White House lawn, (topless trans people )and pushing gender affirming ideology on America ! I don’t care if people get abortions but dont make others pay for it thats radical.
  8. Its very disturbing , the far left’s fascination with Restrooms, Toilets and similar traditional facilities!
  9. These are radicals who support & chant death to every tradition Our country was formed on ! I dont think they’ll be pledging allegiance to our flag . https://cs.stanford.edu/people/eroberts/courses/cs181/projects/2007-08/communism-computing-china/censorship.html
  10. “Tell us, what are the policies of these two”. Twilights last gleaming ! Reshaping of the old party of JFK will be complete. Their propaganda machine ( corporate msm media), are purposely allowing them until the end of the month to take interviews while they take radical donor contributions. https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4819670-harris-trump-press-conference-michigan-arizona-reporters-questions-interview/
  11. Its sick far left democracy ! And they’ll push for taxpayers to support it!
  12. walz democracy for America! Pushing, killing future generations (abortion)and disfiguring the ones that are allowed to survive( gender affirming care).imop Thats sick stuff
  13. Thats the radical far left Marxist for ya, Their democracy , pulling USA flags down and replacing them with a flag that supports terror.
  14. Appeasing campus marxist who have chanted death to my country is not diplomacy !
  15. Calling out the Msm to do there job, moment!
  16. Kamala Harris to anti-Israel protesters heckling her at Arizona rally: ‘I respect your voices’ “We’re here to fight for our democracy, which includes respecting the voices that I think that we are hearing from,” Truth be told ,The USA is in deep trouble if this appeaser to terror, wins the WH! Imagine,Marxist Pro Hamas Radicals ,given a voice, aka USA Campus Encampments! https://nypost.com/2024/08/09/us-news/harris-to-anti-israel-protesters-at-arizona-rally-i-respect-your-voices/
  17. Most would agree !The purpose of exposing irregularities in voting is to prevent fraud while encouraging Election Integrity! Younkin mandates all paper ballots for Presidential Election. Other security protocols , monitoring drop boxes ,Other aspects of the Virginia voting security protocol include the use of DMV data to verify voter identity. Every legal vote deserves to be counted without being watered down by illegal votes or inaccurate machines. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/youngkin-mandates-all-paper-ballots-presidential-elections-virginia
  18. Thanks for that information! Every state has its own election rules! Im thinking of all the irregularities , all the loopholes such as using a drivers license, motor voter registration , medicare forms with voter registration, Its confusing for some illegals especially in states where they just need to show proof of residence. You have the right to register to vote on Election Day if you can show the required proof of residence. in Minnesota https://www.sos.state.mn.us/elections-voting/election-day-voting/know-your-rights/ There is NO ENFORCEMENT MECHANISMS ! And its very difficult to prove IN A TIMELY MANNER.
  19. Just so you know, cause you replied to my comment! Lets leave it up to the story tellers , who get paid for their expertise! You won’t find these truth bombs on any popular msm discourse programs that you’ve reading into.imop Stop Oil is another facet of the same radical ideology thats prevalent all over-the world ! The Marxist ideology is multi faceted, they represent causes related to , social justice , green energy , neo carbon emissions ,colonization , anti traditional values and more! “These beliefs are consistent with the neo-Marxist ideology that holds Western civilization to be evil because it was founded on oppressor colonial conquest—mostly of people of color”. The scarf wearing radical in the picture of this news piece ,ties them all together , stop oil, divest , diversity equity inclusion, green energy, colonialism, all social justice causes that have joined forces with terror purveyors! “This same ideology condemns the United States as a racist, oppressor state built on colonialism and slavery. This idea is at the heart of today’s prevalent “woke” philosophy, which holds white Americans and other “oppressor classes,” responsible. https://www.jns.org/most-pro-palestinian-demonstrators-are-not-just-anti-israel-they-are-also-anti-american/
  20. The sooner good traditional people start calling the Marxist radicals ideology out for their extremist actions the better it will be for society! But I don’t see that happening any time soon ! This is how they get their foot in the door, , example France & Uk. imop
  21. Weiss had to fess up finally !The 2 senator Blue ticket carreer doj official finally comes clean on his agencies efforts on Obstructing Fara .imop Two tier justice Hunter & Joe escape fara while Scott Ritter is accused right quick!
  22. Thanks 2-1-2 years it took to find! In a election were it is so crucial to be accurate in a timely fashion!
  23. Maybe if its repeated enough the Independent voters in the USA, will believe it! The radical constituencies sure did build a mob of far left supporters. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Squad_(United_States_Congress)
  24. Election Integrity is on everyone’s mind, especially knowing there is no Enforcement mechanism to prevent this from happening! https://thefederalist.com/2024/08/08/if-democrats-want-proof-foreigners-are-registering-to-vote-virginia-just-found-6303-examples/
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