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Everything posted by riclag

  1. Kamala Harris reportedly manipulating news headlines in Google search. 'Outnumbered' panelists react to the recent Axios report. https://www.foxnews.com/video/6360422007112 Wake up people , its getting ridiculous!
  2. More past promises from border czar/ once senator from California. Kharris promised to close private ICE detention centers on day one , this could dump thousands of convict migrants onto US Streets. Quote “I , on day one will shut them down. That is not how our tax dollars should be spent”. In response to a question, when you become PRESIDENT. harris hasn’t officially released her policy agenda and her campaign didn’t respond . https://nypost.com/2024/08/14/us-news/kamala-harris-promise-to-close-private-ice-centers-could-dump-thousands-of-convicts-into-us/
  3. They’ll all gaslight even when they’re ilk rip down our flags burn them while raising the colors of a terrorist supporting flag! This isnt the party of JFK OR MLK !
  4. Msm activists pretending to be journalists all take their marching orders from their leftest corporate ceo’s Its all part of the Washington Establishment!
  5. i got the same leftist spew when the Post exposed Hunters laptop from hell and when the post tied Soros & Rockafella to funding organizations-that support hamas! But you keep believing in delegitimization of news sources,while the MSM refuses or neglects to report on it. it sounds so stalinist!
  6. I hope they get all their protesting in by day and all of their anti America rioting in at night! Hopefully the store fronts are all bordered up in the Million dollar mile area! It dont take much to set these people off on a free shopping spree! History repeating itself imop
  7. I think many Dem radicals support this narrative , deColonialism, divestment! White Supremacy! it all ties in to a violent ideology https://www.jns.org/most-pro-palestinian-demonstrators-are-not-just-anti-israel-they-are-also-anti-american/
  8. I think many here see it as one dimensional ! Pro palestein! Come on guys look at the newsweek op The radicals are bringing their Marxist Foot soldiers to protest all their WOKE!
  9. She avoided Netanyahue at the Capital while her radical sister hell bent on supporting terror organization hamas held a sign up , WAR CRIMINAL. I think Chicago will be harris / highwater mark for her Radical appeasement of these useful idiots calling for the death of the country she wants to change for them! “The persistence of the pro-Palestinian movement suggests it still has the capacity to do damage in swing states like Michigan, which has large populations of Arab American voters in cities like Dearborn and young voters who align with the movement”. https://www.politico.com/news/2024/08/08/pro-palestinian-protest-gaza-kamala-harris-michigan-00173363
  10. Thanks Nick you have shown time & time again evil will never win the day
  11. please keep the topic similar to the OP! Hamas and their sympathizers are useful idiots hell bent on destruction . There is no compromise with terror and their woke supporters!
  12. Its my country their coming to, Hamas is coming! The Marxist across the pond have jailed people for announcing something similar . I believe the statement was coming to a neighboring city imop
  13. How many robberies, rapes and murders will it take to end migrant-crime madness? Some body needs to ask border czar harris https://nypost.com/2024/08/12/opinion/stop-giving-migrant-thugs-endless-chances-deport-them-or-lock-them-up-now/
  14. Thanks for your opinion! I If you were a citizen of the usa and attuned to the law of judge adjudicating you would know the dem lawfare used by Stalinist regimes have to be officially adjudicated! it hasn’t and never will ! Nice Try ,now go back to your fantasy of supporting the far left narrative!
  15. AZAB Thirdly, azab, which means punishment (punishment of God). In the Qur’an, azabis interpreted as torture or a very painful punishment. The punishment is inflicted by God only on those who are ungodly and do not believe. These people are dangerous far left radicals hell bent on taking on Americans ,traditions. harris/walz sympathizes with these people who chant death to America , divest from western institutions! I can’t change the narrative of the left, but I can help expose them to Swing voters of America!
  16. Optics from the last time harris appeasing supporters came to protest that turn to violent riots! Hamas is Coming!
  17. Although the main focus is on pro-Palestinian efforts, the group is also addressing a range of social justice issues including police crimes, immigrants' rights, workers' rights and LGBTQIA+ rights. harris/ walz better hope the Chicago police control their radical far left foot soldiers! Swing voters the optics will give you a good impression of the Sjw team of harris / walz supporters! Last time they met was full of burning flags and hoisting their flags up in DC. https://www.newsweek.com/dnc-2024-protest-chicago-march-palestine-1938750
  18. What ever happened to legal entry? What ever happened to legal ? Forced mass migration is criminal and destructive to all communities in the world . Not everyone agrees with radical forced migration by the far left!
  19. https://www.reuters.com/legal/us-appeals-court-lets-texas-keep-river-barrier-against-illegal-border-crossings-2024-07-31/ US appeals court lets Texas keep river barrier against border crossings. The far leftist attempts were thwarted!
  20. This is another attempt of the left to Hijack the topic
  21. Sick Sick far left administration! To assure their promise to surge the borders ! biden/ harris sued the state of Texas for trying to stop illegal border crossing between check points. Texas put razor wire up ,to prevent entry between checkpoints but the feds cut it down! Texas put barriers in the river in between checkpoints but the administration sued texas to remove them.
  22. What is the real migrant crime rate in NYC? ”We have no idea”. 😒 Sanctuary City vibes! For all you foreigners who like vibes and feel sorry for the millions of illegals, that were Purposely let in to my country by the borders czar harris. https://nypost.com/2024/08/04/opinion/whats-the-real-migrant-crime-rate-in-nyc-we-have-no-idea/
  23. She failed purposely! Take a look around the western civilization attempt's at forcing mass migration! “Migrant charged with rape in third NYC sex crime bust of an asylum seeker in two weeks”. https://nypost.com/2024/08/13/us-news/migrant-charged-with-rape-in-third-nyc-sex-crime-bust-of-an-asylum-seeker-in-two-weeks/
  24. You’re from another country, i think. She was tasked by biden to handle the border crisis. WASHINGTON, D.C. – This week, House Committee on Homeland Security Chairman Mark E. Green, MD (R-TN) published an op-ed in The New York Post, in which he lays out the evidence demonstrating how Vice President and Biden-appointed “border czar” Kamala Harris has failed to resolve the self-inflicted crisis at America’s borders. Further, the op-ed documents how Harris’ prior track record of opposition to border security and interior enforcement helps explain her failure as “border czar.” Read the full op-ed here and below. https://homeland.house.gov/2024/08/09/border-czar-kamala-harris-unburdened-herself-of-responsibility-to-secure-the-country-chairman-green-in-ny-post/
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