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Everything posted by riclag

  1. WDAY RADIO in North Dakota: First media outlet considers SUING Kharris campaign for using deceptively edited headlines in ads “The advertising practice has media organizations like WDAY Radio outraged because these ads make it look like they are campaigning for Harris”. https://www.inforum.com/news/fargo/harris-campaign-fabricated-wday-radio-headlines-in-ad-campaign https://www.inforum.com/news/fargo/harris-campaign-fabricated-wday-radio-headlines-in-ad-campaign source: the radio station
  2. Chicago is preparing for anything even the worst. DHS designated it ,a national security event. Could be a potential for terror or criminal activity , like mass shooting,bombing, chemical attack or protest turned riots according to the video! Plain folk be like,The far left are coming, shut the doors , lock and latch them , here they come again .imop
  3. Its a given that the progressives aren’t concerned , cause in their mind its just a means to an end! The foot soldiers of the radical Left are coming !We were told that in DC. They are already angry cause their route has been restricted . Coalition angry over terms of DNC rally permit, plan to file injunction “The city says these could be a risk to public safety for several reasons including tents or port-a-potties being used to hide illegal activities or weapons”. “The city said those could be broken down to become weapons and could be used against other people or police, though it is not suggesting the group necessarily would do that”. https://wgntv.com/news/democratic-national-convention-chicago-2024/coalition-angry-over-terms-of-dnc-rally-permit-plan-to-file-injunction/
  4. On a sad note: More Migrant crime . 11 year old migrant thief symbol of biden / harris open border tragedy “An 11-year-old boy — barely 4-foot tall, dressed like he’s ready to play in a youth soccer game — being arrested by the NYPD after allegedly committing a violent mugging. He wasn’t just an accomplice, either. He was the “main aggressor,” beating the victim when he tried to get his phone back”. https://nypost.com/2024/08/14/opinion/11-year-old-migrant-thief-symbol-of-biden-harris-open-border-tragedy/
  5. imagine the staff the infrastructure behind the propaganda campaign! They are deceptive ads targeted to uninformed voters! Imop https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0261379413001522
  6. Now as you read through the thread,you can see that multiple news sources have reported the scandalous incident!
  7. Thank you i have a usa residence , retired and married to a Thai , here in Thailand. I collect a pension and Soc Security old age benefits and file a USA tax return and file a FBAR return . After i hear or get sent correspondence from a reliable authority I will continue to do the above, no more no less!
  8. As a Independent voter who doesn’t align with the popular USA parties , thanks for exposing the Hypocrisy of those who would assume power by manipulating narratives and news headlines! Its truly shameful !
  9. "The Soros machine sets their policies and priorities, staffs their offices with hand-picked leftists, dictates media narratives, lobbies government officials and perverts the American justice system," MRC researchers wrote. From the Fox source
  10. I’ve watched your comments over the years ! Its seems you try imop to meet in the middle ! It’s very admirable especially ! “Freedom of Information is a fundamental human right” Jfk
  11. your opinion! Ive never been warned not to use NYP or Fox news!
  12. More sources : Internal communications reveal Soros-backed prosecutors ‘undermine law and order in America,’ MRC says https://www.foxnews.com/media/internal-communications-reveal-soros-backed-prosecutors-undermine-law-order-america-mrc-says
  13. God help us if this Marxist controls the media!!!!! How George Soros funded progressive ‘legal arsonist’ DAs behind US crime surge For the last several years, billionaire philanthropist George Soros has been quietly financing a revolution in criminal justice reform, doling out tens of millions of dollars to progressive candidates in district attorney races throughout the country amid movements to abolish bail and defund the police. https://nypost.com/2021/12/16/how-george-soros-funded-progressive-das-behind-us-crime-surge/
  14. A long term project created back in 2020 by the Marxist supporters that fund other organizations to support their radical agenda. Open Society Foundations Announce $220 Million for Building Power in Black Communities https://www.opensocietyfoundations.org/newsroom/open-society-foundations-announce-220-million-for-building-power-in-black-communities
  15. More radical Soros funded manipulation exposed By a congressional rep! Section 310(b)(4) of the Communications Act provides that no radio station license can be held by any corporation that exceeds 25 percent foreign ownership. The Soros groups are asking the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to approve a change in ownership in Audacy without the normal process required by law. "But instead of going through the usual petition for declaratory ruling process, which would enable the FCC to review and assess those foreign ownership interests as part of its transaction review, the Soros group has asked the FCC to waive that process and put it off until sometime down the road — indicating that those foreign stakeholders will be given ‘special warrants’ in the meantime." https://roy.house.gov/media/press-releases/rep-roy-sounds-alarm-soros-purchase-radio-giant-audacy
  16. Ya gotta wonder how deep these SOB 3 letter agencies go towards making these suspects assets! They avoid scandal, scrutiny like ice avoids hell. So ridiculously maligned. imop
  17. The progressives have a network of rich elites that they spin their propaganda through such as Soros organizations… https://www.foxnews.com/politics/soros-foundation-funds-nonprofit-finances-pro-palestine-protests-watchdog-group
  18. Soros& other rich progressives get away without consequences or controversy … Connecting the dots ,Its Election time , remember In 2020, the other radical scheme to fund swing states . Its all legal , apparently. “A former federal election official on Thursday called the $400 million-plus that Mark Zuckerberg spent to help finance local elections a “carefully orchestrated attempt” to influence the 2020 vote — and recommended that all states ban private funding of election offices”. “Hans von Spakovsky, a former Federal Election Commission member, said the billionaire Facebook founder’s donations to a pair of nonprofits that doled out the cash to nearly 2,500 counties in 49 states “violated fundamental principles of equal treatment of voters since it may have led to unequal opportunities to vote in different areas of a state.” https://nypost.com/2021/10/14/zuckerberg-election-spending-was-orchestrated-to-influence-2020-vote/ Analysis conducted by our team demonstrates this money significantly increased Joe Biden’s vote margin in key swing states. In places like Georgia, where Biden won by 12,000 votes, and Arizona, where he won by 10,000, the spending likely put him over the top. https://nypost.com/2021/10/13/mark-zuckerberg-spent-419m-on-nonprofits-ahead-of-2020-election-and-got-out-the-dem-vote/
  19. God forbid all the Cover ups of hbiden be exposed. Perhaps there wouldn’t be a conversation now if the wesponized government agencies did their job to begin with! 1.Laptop from Hell cover up . 2. IRS WHISTLEBLOWERS expose the DOJ purposely delaying the trial of biden to avoid statue of limitations implications that could of incriminated bidens dad. https://thehill.com/homenews/house/4152046-gop-releases-transcript-from-fbi-agent-involved-in-hunter-biden-investigation/
  20. Soros through many of his organizations funds radical activities,such as college protests encampments …. Recently his Fund bought 400 million stake in 227 US radio Stations going into the 2024 Elections. Perhaps Elon is going about it the wrong way ! Probably better to copycat Soros funded schemes to control public information through the media! https://finance.yahoo.com/news/george-soros-fund-buys-400-165211641.html
  21. Im inclined to agree! Unless I get a demand letter from the IO when I report or something similar, I’ll act accordingly! I’m not sure about this Countries security measures in regards to safe guarding my personal data! I had several issues here in the past with Credit Card fraud and I also learned that scammers working in institutions sell data to nefarious actors! When covid hit here there was a massive data leak involving millions on their health department portal https://www.nationthailand.com/thailand/general/40036516
  22. Although the main focus is on pro-Palestinian efforts, the group is also addressing a range of social justice issues including police crimes, immigrants' rights…. Radical Marxist, the foot soldiers of the dem party who will be coming to protest in Chicago, have a anti American plan to radically change our local / Federal elections! Imop They want voting rights for foreigners/ non citizens! Start small in local communities , flood those communities with like minded noncitizens and through their progressive indoctrination , they CHANGE AMERICAN LAWS with the help of other Marxist organizations! The taking of America without firing a shot imop Americans need to change laws not foreign residents!
  23. She’s gods gift to women ,despite the radical wing in the party’s not knowing how to describe themselves ( Justice Brown interviewed)! She will get the majority of these lost souls. imop
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