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Everything posted by riclag

  1. I was indoctrinated when living my life in Massachusetts & California ! That reminds me I should start a weird woke comparison in The new Political Soapbox !
  2. Judging from those facts ! Americans are getting fleeced by a corrupt government hell bent on covering up an emboldened network of of voter fraud ! Thanks for that post
  3. These potential Occupants are a disgrace . They bring all manner of baggage and progressive radical ideas to Pennsylvania avenue. The San Francisco politicians(kharris) past, present & future “World” will be all exposed!
  4. What country you from? My country suffered through a dem administration that had Cocaine in the WH,People exposing their chests at a WH event! First son exposing his prostitute friends , crack cocaine, illegal gun possession and other weird tax crimes! enough of the progressive culture , in the WH!
  5. Migrants are being hired for crimes in NYC! nyc is a sanctuary city so some crime by illegals goes unreported! Dr. Phil : Migrants are being Hired for crimes in nyc - Nypd chief of patrol.
  6. They are allowed to use the laugh emoji in a derogatory & inflammatory manner! Its allowed Until individuals abuse it ! But unfortunately they keep coming! how many years now!
  7. He screwed around on His first wife and got the Nanny Pg! Wow , its like the dirt bags all of a sudden got holes! https://nypost.com/2024/08/03/us-news/harris-husband-cheated-on-first-wife-with-nanny-and-got-her-pregnant-report/
  8. More as I dig deeper , Buongiorno is the plaintiff and he is suing Florida and federal officials to force DHS into releasing non citizens data so they can clean their voter rolls. Its a start , I hope he and Cannon’s court make some changes that the whole country can use! Jeff Buongiorno v Secretary of the US department of Homeland Security Mayorkas
  9. No reporting of this anywhere except for the Miamiindependent ! Google got its algorithms scrolling the search imop! Mayorkas is involved as a defendant. ashley moody is the state AG for Florida! Cause of action: Conspiracy against Citizen Rights https://dockets.justia.com/docket/florida/flsdce/9:2024cv80920/672069
  10. According to the DHS inspector General report ,the administration waived the process for vetting 7 to 9 million. I hope someone is investigating this!
  11. I dont support any party that funds & sympathize with countries(Iran) that want to Assassinate a former Potus ,appease & sympathize with terrorist and their proxies. harris and the dems emboldened death to America. Like James Carville said :”harris needs to tell her far left supporters to go F off”.
  12. Jimmy Carville is a gift that keeps on givin! “Vp harris should dump far left progressives” if she wants to win the WH .” I wish she tell them to go F— — themselves “ lol Ive been watching her over the years since she left SAN FRAN! Shes a SJW that helps Terrorrist & Criminals , its in her blood Jimmy! https://nypost.com/2024/08/03/us-news/james-carville-says-harris-should-tell-far-left-to-go-f-themselves/
  13. Facts thats been reported! biden was rejected by the SCOTUS with a decision ( immunity)that favors all Presidents including his sorry a.. biden took away Trumps Presidential immunity( illegal as of SCOTUS ruling)and allowed unelected bureaucrats from the National archive and the FBi to begin to investigate, demand , manipulate evidence by a illegitimate prosecutor , jack smith! “Judge Cannon rules Jack Smith's appointment 'unlawful' as he wasn't Senate confirmed Fox News' David Spunt provides updates on Judge Aileen Cannon's decision to dismiss Trump's classified documents case over the unlawful appointment of Jack Smith”. https://www.foxnews.com/video/6358078340112
  14. These pro hamas brownshirts vote for harris & the dems harris appeases these violent radicals! https://freebeacon.com/democrats/kamala-the-language-cop-harris-urges-end-to-terms-radical-islamic-terrorism-illegal-alien/
  15. They do exist but without shorts / nickers , toothbrush mustache and blonde crew cut hair! They shout & chant for the final solution , gas the jews , death to jews, humiliate jews on the streets & campuses the same as the original Nazi’s. They are a much more radical force combining Blm Marxist , Antifa and Terrorist pro hamas supporters! The SPL CENTER said it is “dangerous, threatens civil liberties.” To call antifa a hate group. The local police forces were emasculated in 2020 by smears and calls to defund them. It is, therefore, a matter for the Feds. The inciters and organizers of these insurrectionist Pro-Hamas brownshirts must be found and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. https://www.restorationbulletin.com/p/my-initial-thoughts-on-the-columbia https://www.jns.org/most-pro-palestinian-demonstrators-are-not-just-anti-israel-they-are-also-anti-american/ https://nypost.com/2023/03/06/antifa-should-be-labeled-what-it-is-a-hate-group/
  16. My kids live there one sells cars and the other is or was a successful business entrepreneur ! Because of the harsh rules like $ 15 p/h ,cost of supplies,taxes and crime she is in dire straits!
  17. There are many millions who condone the illegal entry.Do you ever-watch man on the street interviews in California Or other progressive bastions! There are many common folk ,Progressives who love feeding , caring and encouraging this sort of irrational radical behavior!
  18. Border Czar “Upon being named the head of the Biden administration's border response, Harris said, https://www.newsweek.com/what-kamala-harris-has-said-about-immigration-before-leading-white-house-border-response-1578550
  19. God help us from now until voting starts , there are millions who adore the SanFrancisco politician who wants to go further then biden to the open borders and Spend billions & billions of my country’s tax dollars on her radical agenda of appeasing terrorist and social justice activism!
  20. Harris and the left forget the opposition has the internet and her word salad verbiage ! “Upon being named the head of the Biden administration's border response, Harris said,
  21. It all started ,the owning of the Elephant in the room ,after biden called for a Surge to the border and he became Potus “Upon being named the head of the Biden administration's border response, Harris said, "There is no question that this is a challenging situation ... While we are clear that people should not come to the border now, we also understand that we will enforce the law and that we also—because we can chew gum and walk at the same time—must address the root causes that cause people to make the trek, as the president has described, to come here." https://www.newsweek.com/what-kamala-harris-has-said-about-immigration-before-leading-white-house-border-response-1578550
  22. Check out msnbc chuck Todd ,47 seconds into the montage. “She’s been tasked with some INTRACTABLE ASSIGNMENTS …” https://www.foxnews.com/media/medias-sudden-rejection-kamala-harris-border-czar-label
  23. Check out the montage of Msm border czar denialists against their attempts in 2021 https://www.foxnews.com/media/medias-sudden-rejection-kamala-harris-border-czar-label
  24. Now the liars in the media that covered for the lacking Mental acuity leader are trying more lies and denial! Harris was widely dubbed the "border czar" after President Biden tasked her in March 2021 to address the root causes of mass migration from Central and South America. While the Biden administration has rejected the title, the term was widely used by her critics and even embraced by multiple news organizations, at least until she ascended to the top of the ticket! https://www.foxnews.com/media/medias-sudden-rejection-kamala-harris-border-czar-label
  25. It aint to often the American leftist media is exposed but biden’s border czar will never escape the scrutiny & reality! They own it
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