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Everything posted by riclag

  1. On Twitter, Portland police said many protesters were "trying to get anarchist groups to stop destroying property" and that "anarchists" were refusing to do so. Demonstrators repeatedly chanted "peaceful protest." same source Whats another name for the myth,"anarchists" .? Its a shame there was no update on this story. Example : Who funds these groups of radical left , That to me has to be exposed & challenged legally and violent anarchy must be punished especially when that group has a history of it!
  2. Emboldened ! “However, earlier in the morning, police said a single group of organized protesters vandalized local businesses during a pre-inauguration march” https://www.politico.com/story/2017/01/2017-trump-inauguration-protests-233896
  3. Old story from Trumps 2016 win “WashingtonCNN — Six police officers were injured and 217 protesters arrested Friday after a morning of peaceful protests and coordinated disruptions of Donald Trump’s inauguration ceremony gave way to ugly street clashes in downtown Washington”. Will History repeat itself , the day they swear in the New Commander & Chief? The familiar leftest groups are already active in the streets & college campuses ,throughout America. https://edition.cnn.com/2017/01/19/politics/trump-inauguration-protests-womens-march/index.html
  4. 1 Gov SD KRISTI NOEM(loyal) 2 Gop NY rep Elsie Stafanik 3 GOP FLA BYRON DONALDS(loyal) 4 Gov AK ,Sarah Sanders(loyal) 5 vivek
  5. Take comfort in the fact, that there is no amount of spin from the chaos that the far left biden sycophants have inflicted on America & the world! Presidency, Administration, Party, in historic Peril.
  6. Cbs poll 66% blame his record as President , as to why he shouldn’t run! What a mess! https://www.cbsnews.com/news/poll-debate-should-biden-be-running-mental-abilities/
  7. The border Czar ! https://apnews.com/general-news-3400f56255e000547d1ca3ce1aa6b8e9
  8. Dems democracy is unfurling ! Clinton stooge James Carville urging donors not to give to politicians who support the primary winner, biden. https://nypost.com/2024/07/04/us-news/james-carville-now-urging-democratic-donors-not-to-give-to-pols-who-still-support-biden/
  9. "I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."
  10. Which reminds me I got to put the stars and stripes up
  11. I didnt see your post . I posted something similar! Its scary these breeches! I havent used Wise since last year. In the past I would transfer money from the USA , using ach Bank of America to a Usa Wise affiliate ,Evolve Bank back to Wise , then to BANGKOK bank
  12. I remember biden accepting Trumps invitation! Looking back at this statement and biden’s performance ,it will live in infamy . "Now he's acting like he wants to debate me again. Well, make my day, pal. I'll even do it twice. First pick the dates, Donald. I hear you're free on Wednesdays," Biden said, referencing Trump's current New York hush money criminal trial schedule“ https://www.axios.com/2024/05/15/biden-trump-june-presidential-debate
  13. Agree Bernstein who help expose the Watergate Scandal said ,it was horrific ! It’s truly a watershed moment in political debate history!But much more can be derived from the optics, bidens sycophants deceived Americans… Bernstein says 20 occasions in the last year he performed what we seen at the debate. 2 sets of the same person, he said Bernstein says sources suggest concerns about Biden have been growing for a year https://edition.cnn.com/2024/07/01/politics/video/carl-bernstein-biden-performance-presidential-debate-ac360-digvid
  14. Happy 4th to all American members! Aint no doubt I love the tradition! Celebrations: Fireworks, family reunions, concerts, barbecues, picnics, parades, baseball games and much more…
  15. Usa Transfers to Bangkok Bank,I haven’t used Wise for a long period .When I did it involved a bank of america ach transfer through their affiliate Evolve Bank to Wise , to Bangkok Bank. I recently received a Email from Wise saying they no longer use this bank since late 2023 and that Evolve Bank has been breached. Wise went on to say they don’t know if my data was affected! Are there Americans here on the forum have this issue?
  16. What do I know , I’m just a retired business man , livin large in Thailand . My guess is ,Recognize the problem ,then start with the biggest ,big corp machine , the media . Sounds stupid , doesn’t it! They are constitutionally protected and congress can’t pass laws to hinder it! The corporate media companies have become hoes for the progressives imop. The media can’t face its own corporate corruption . Our political press is simply deluding itself if it believes that ownership has no fundamental influence over the content it produces. https://www.truthdig.com/articles/the-media-cant-face-its-own-corporate-corruption/
  17. “Huge mistake , deeply dishonest” ! Lets get it all out in the open. Dem party went DEI woke open borders radical! And to protect their radical agenda they imposed lawfare to silence the opposition party. there i said it !
  18. I refuse to use the appropriate emoji! Presidency in peril ! Presidency in chaos! Presidency brought to you by Looney Tunes and the Laptop from hell indirectly.
  19. No argument from me ! Judging by your comments ,You have been involved in politics long enough to know evil ! Cheers
  20. At least you’re honest! many thanks from someone who wants the WH back from the clutches of an administration in chaos!
  21. The enemy withIN tHE USA HAVE been verbally attacking & verbally undermining its Existence ! Its very strange times , congress confirmed all these justices , and when the constitution is used through their (SCOTUS), jurist prudence, it’s condemned by the party(dems) that has been hell bent on destroying its legitimacy! Why !imop Cause the progressives can’t control them anymore! The GOP HAS THE MAJORITY and the left has been fuming ever since Trump came in and used the Constitution legally to change the make up! ELECTIONS HAD CONSEQUENCES
  22. Fake electors is a made up term by the left to deliberately delegitimize their purpose. The official name is alternate electors. Prosecutors are dems! Adversely,So once it butts heads with a legitimate court , usually highest in the land , it gets litigated! https://www.reuters.com/article/world/dueling-electors-hanging-chads-a-history-of-contested-us-elections-idUSKBN2781GK/ The dems have weaponized federal agencies and state proxies to go after their political opponents through Lawfare. Dems should fear lawfare tactics being turned against them. https://thehill.com/opinion/campaign/4642644-democrats-should-fear-lawfare-tactics-being-turned-against-them/ “But, looks like you guys will have your own Trump soon”. Fingers crossed !
  23. I made a statement somewhere on the new Political forum after the disgraceful water shed moment of the debate & biden & his handlers covering for 3 years of the mess called biden.Joe Manchin was gonna run. Joe Manchin left the dem party a while back and declared himself a INDEPENDENT! Headline below is Dem democracy flipping out! Dems scrambled to stop Sen. Joe Manchin from breaking with Biden – as aides ‘freak the f–k out’: reports https://nypost.com/2024/07/03/us-news/dems-scrambled-to-stop-sen-joe-manchin-from-breaking-with-biden-as-aides-freak-the-f-k-out-reports/
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