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Everything posted by riclag

  1. Michelle / gavin wow thats interesting! The Obama’s get 4 terms , arguably! methinks
  2. Urban Decay gone viral! I use to go to NYC for business back in the years 1998- 2001! Sanctuary policies have destroyed the ambience! Subway system is now occupied by the NATIONAL GUARD! https://www.forbes.com/sites/jamesfarrell/2024/03/09/national-guard-now-patrolling-nyc-subway-heres-what-it-looks-like-photos/#
  3. Much more than that, John Its ideological crisis! Created by the world elites! Globalism vs Traditionalism Globalist vs Nationalist crisis ! Houston we have a problem!!! https://sundayguardianlive.com/news/globalist-vs-traditionalist-france-set-make-choice
  4. Well theres much truth to be told even though OB & biden wouldn’t admit it publicly! Obama Once Said He'd 'Be Fine with a Third Term' if Someone Could Be a 'Stand-In with an Earpiece'? https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/obama-third-term-stand-in-quote/
  5. bidens mess I went back to California to visit the kids . I was in San Diego , I went in to buy Fruit of the looms underwear ! All locked up behind glass . The associate said “its a sign of the times”. BS I said. ‘The bane of retail.’ To prevent theft, many big chains now lock up all kinds of merchandise Security glass once locked up electronics, Sudafed and a few other items. But stores have gotten more aggressive in efforts to confront retail theft. https://www.latimes.com/business/story/2024-04-25/retail-theft-locked-up-merchandise ‘The bane of retail.’ To prevent theft, many big chains now lock up all kinds of merchandise Security glass once locked up electronics, Sudafed and a few other items. But stores have gotten more aggressive in efforts to confront retail theft.
  6. Any chance biden can stay up until the election , he has to fix covid or was it medicare ! “4 more years ,Pause” https://nypost.com/2024/04/24/us-news/biden-reads-pause-instruction-off-teleprompter-in-speech-to-union-members/
  7. Theres much the media is purposely leaving out about the dem supporters, many who wrap scarves around there face to hide their identity! Methinks Who chants anti colonialism , Who chants divest Who chants death to … Many of these radicals believe jews as white people , therefore are privileged! These beliefs are consistent Marxist ideology. Pro-Palestinian demonstrators are not just anti-Israel but anti-American ”These beliefs are consistent with neo Marxist ideology that holds western civilization to be evil because it was founded on oppressor colonial conquest, mostly of people of color!” https://www.jns.org/most-pro-palestinian-demonstrators-are-not-just-anti-israel-they-are-also-anti-american/
  8. Cnn interviewed Sen Graham on the sunday show! He said, The dems opened Pandora’s box ,expect it to be opened again by “SOMEONE”,(not Trump). Everything and anybody involved in the Laptop and its Cover up !
  9. biden family & members are more corrupt ! The optics of his lies( my son never did business with china, his sons laptop and many more . Scandals involving cover ups by the Government involving his participation to take away a former POTUS IMMUNITY, tip of whats gonna come as a result of the debate complicity scandal of all involved . Dems created it, expect Pandora’s box to open up again . Investigations !!!
  10. Some truth to that . Looking at the anger he has displayed when talking about Trump , I think his hatred towards him extends from his handlers hatred! Its like many leftest on all the internet forums ,Trump lives in their syndrome! methinks
  11. Looking at The political establishment because of the debate and apparent cover up decline of biden from domestic / foreign Left Media sources , dems , corporate elites, military complex , bidens cabinet, and including some Moderate gop members , their credibility has been seriously compromised! A good hard investigative look must be taken! Special Counsel Hur was right ! methinks Washington: In a damaging report ahead of the November 5 polls, a special US counsel has said that President Joe Biden 'willfully' mishandled classified documents as a private citizen but concluded that it would be difficult to convict him as he come across as a elderly man with memory loss! Read more at: https://www.deccanherald.com/world/special-counsel-says-biden-willfully-kept-classified-materials-hits-him-for-significantly-limited-memory-2887560
  12. Thanks! These sanctuary states municipalities must be held responsible! These scum must be deported ! However, a spokesperson for the enforcement and removal operations division of ICE told the Globe that Plymouth Superior Court officials “refused to honor” its detainer same source
  13. Its been a while and Im sure I missed more heinous acts performed by illegals in my country! Ill try to be as transparent as thE MSM , going forward. Utah ,WEST JORDAN — Two men accused of raping a 14-year-old girl who was in and out of consciousness and anotherman charged with videotaping the sexual encounter were sentenced Wednesday to 48 months of probation. Third District Judge Douglas Hogan sentenced each to between one and 15 years in prison but suspended the prison sentences in lieu of probation. U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement will first address the immigration status of two of the men before they begin serving the probation. https://www.ksl.com/article/50364761/3-men-who-raped-or-filmed-14-year-old-sentenced-to-probation
  14. Spot on John! The heathens have been testing the waters . methinks
  15. Very good ! You have been paying attention! The nazi tactics by the cultural Marxist are meant to humiliate & disenfranchise western civilizations well established Institutions , especially the financial ones! My country experienced this on several occasions . Feb 1993 & 2001 chants of anti colonialism, divest and the Death to… methinks
  16. I greet my Welsh neighbor every morning with Hello Falang, his reply hello gringo . You're spot on with legal immigration ,to a point! The point that it starts giving them free b’s and DEI jobs ( making special rules as opposed to a regular citizen having to jump through hoops of living in any country thats not their origin ). Another words merit based immigration!
  17. It always the smears with Globalist ! Brink back traditional values , make the Uk great again! cheers to the Populist Monsieur Farage! methinks
  18. Despite obama & his Msm & intel cronies efforts . methinks
  19. During Trump administration,Van came in to help Trump. Im surprised the far left didnt crucify him for that! The First Step Act. Working with the Trump White House and Kim Kardashian, Jones and #cut50 were involved in helping to pass the First Step Act, a criminal justice reform bill The New York Times called "the most substantial changes in a generation" to national crime and sentencing laws. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Van_Jones#:~:text=justice reform bill.-,The First Step Act,national crime and sentencing laws.
  20. “To me the possibly more scary part of Trump again elected as President are these folks who see him as an empty vessel for changes to the Federal government they have been working on since Reagan”. Empty vessel( biden) politics worked for the largest illegal border invasion in the history of the USA! BIDEN’S BORDER CRISIS IS THE WORST IN AMERICAN HISTORY HIS POLICIES CONTINUE TO MAKE IT WORSE https://www.politico.com/f/?id=0000017f-d8bd-d522-ab7f-debd59400000 Now only if bidens footsoldiers would stand down while America first through legal channels allow a OBAMA type deportation of millions! methinks
  21. Some have been at this since before he came down the escalator! Truth be told its all the same leftest BS, as we have seen with the media & dems trying to sway public opinions! If Trump stays on message we will have a dem convicted felon , as POTUS. Make America Great Again!
  22. Im sure its ,Trump joking . it was easy to smoke out, the usual Get Trump nonsense Despite the testimony from elite pilots, Trump said he would not call himself a believer in aliens. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/trump-says-could-be-alien-life-forms-its-not-my-thing
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