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Everything posted by riclag

  1. He’ll win , look at the location of the ruling. The lawsuit, filed in state court in Manhattan, contends that the dissemination of these intimate images without Biden's consent violated New York's revenge porn law.
  2. Here Here! I like your description of testicular fortitude. God help save centuries of tradition! Cheers mate
  3. History repeating itself. Its an Election year and the left are scrambling & desperate imop
  4. WHO BROUGHT this argument up , a wokie progressive justice, Sottmayor. Her hypothetical argument was lampooned by the progressives and biden after the 6-3 decision that effect's all POTUS who enter before & alter. In the history of my country the only thing that resembles a government killing a President is the controversial JfK assassination! The rub: 60 years have gone by and still under lock & key ,are secrets. To think that a president who as I have stated before with sources can go after another former Potus ,using the constitution as a bases ,is sickening! It was because of this & his doj efforts as to why the SC has tried to address the immunity argument. And now here we are the leftest, hell bent on changing the narrative because the SC ruled in a opinion that doesn’t fit their weaponized lawfare. https://www.congress.gov/event/118th-congress/house-event/115294/text
  5. Spot on For the love of god & my country ! The people & organizations that make bias accusations are bias with INTENT. Mediabiascheck says The Nation masthead states that it is edited and published by Katrina vanden Heuvel. Richard Kim is the Executive Editor, and the President is Erin O’Mara. According to theirabout page, the magazine describes itself as “Principled. Progressive”. https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/the-nation/
  6. For truth , justice and the American way. Not that the titled dem convicted felon makes a difference! Dems persecution in Ny concocted trial , more likely to get a two week delay! Donald Trump’s sentencing in his Manhattan hush money case will likely be delayed for at least two weeks in light of his bid to throw out the case in light of the U.S Supreme Court’s immunity ruling. https://nypost.com/2024/07/02/us-news/donald-trumps-sentencing-hush-money-case-will-likely-be-delayed-at-least-2-weeks/
  7. Good point !Another example of dems & biden threat to the republic , as Turley & others have suggested! https://nypost.com/2024/07/01/opinion/supreme-courts-trump-immunity-ruling-is-what-the-body-was-meant-for-unpopular-but-constitutionally-correct/
  8. Rage by dem commentators, over The SCOTUS presidential immunity decision . Constitutional Professor Turley rebuttal to Cnn Van Jones Aoc , Sen Schumer Sen Warren & others. Turley said,The comment captures the misguided analysis of many media outlets. The Supreme Court was designed to be unpopular; to take stands that are politically unpopular but constitutionally correct. The dems have become the very threat that the court was meant to resist”. https://nypost.com/2024/07/01/opinion/supreme-courts-trump-immunity-ruling-is-what-the-body-was-meant-for-unpopular-but-constitutionally-correct/
  9. biden had a news conference today and criticized the Scotus decision on Presidential immunity ! The Supreme court is the bedrock of the justice system in the constitution! biden has criticized the court over & over when it goes against his administration. The rub: When a reporter asked ,How can you assure your predecessor wont take office again. , at a press conference in Nov, 2022. He said “We just have to demonstrate that he will not take power if he does run, making sure he — under legitimate efforts of our Constitution — does not become the next president again ! Can you see how he manipulated the Scotus opinion ! He’ll use the constitution,but if the justices who interpret it dont rule in his favor , him and his delinquents take a hissy fit. https://www.c-span.org/video/?c5098992/user-clip-q-assure-predecessor-office-again-biden-we-demonstrate-power-run-making-legitimate
  10. He’s DEAD , a Corpse , lacking brain waves Well if the cards , letters and small & large donations come in like they did with the dem conviction announcement , Trumps mug shot and all the other dem lawfare .. And the-undeniable loss of trust Of dem media credibility . Game over methinks
  11. The POTUS is the commander and chief of the military ! His lie that no soldiers died on his watch went viral . “Thats a lie Mr. President”
  12. “ So this case doesn’t really fix anything. It benefits Trump, in that the case was remanded and is now delayed, but that’s about it. The people screaming about the outcome are politically motivated. They hate Trump so much they’ll spout any kind of nonsense“ Also worth mentioning chief justice roberts was disturbed by the prosecutors & lower courts efforts at speeding up their proceedings, when it appeared they should of taken these exact steps to help smooth the course!
  13. Thank you for your comment of what some experts might consider as Ham Sandwich Law. Methinks “Just because some nutty DA somewhere dreams up a crime that the president supposedly committed, doesn’t make it so”.
  14. Its our Constitutional Republic at work! Dems be like, its Democracy when the Scotus decisions favors them! And if not, they take a similar approach as you! AOC a radical socialist congresswoman,Impeach the SC justices. https://www.businessinsider.com/aoc-impeachment-articles-supreme-court-trump-immunity-ruling-2024-7 Dem Senate majority leader Schumer: ‘Disgraceful’ Trump immunity decision will ‘weaken’ democracy https://thehill.com/homenews/4749850-supreme-court-schumer-trump/
  15. His latest press conference finished with biden looking a little orange . He finished his conference and walked off the stage , not taking any questions! A major donor watched the prior debate fiasco and emailed top dems ,his concerns ! Looks like biden ignored a major donors concerns . Rather, I am asking you to tell him that he needs to show me (and every American) that the Joe Biden we saw on Thursday night was an old man who had a bad night, not an old man in a moderate to advanced state of cognitive decline. Specifically, he needs to appear in unscripted settings and handle fair but tough questioning (further demonstrations of his ability to read from a teleprompter will not assuage my concerns). Four ideas come to mind: https://uk.news.yahoo.com/biden-donor-says-giving-him-041858989.html https://www.the-sun.com/news/11784992/biden-spray-tan-speech-today-trump-supreme-court-ruling/
  16. Cant believe a word coming out of these liars , these biden decline deniers! biden world and his media cronies have deceived& covered up the conditions of mental acuity! They have tricked Americans ! methinks Retaliation comes via the vote! “Seven of the nine voters who were dismayed by Biden's performance told Reuters they were now leaning towards Trump, because they no longer believe Biden can perform his duties as president”. https://www.aol.com/news/us-presidential-debate-undecided-voters-050825820.html
  17. Whats left of jacks case in DC is going back down to Judge Chutkin as a result of the SCOTUS Immunity decisions. Her opinion from what seems like a eternity! “Former Presidents enjoy no special conditions on their federal criminal liability,” Chutkan wrote. “Defendant may be subject to federal investigation, indictment, prosecution, conviction, and punishment for any criminal acts undertaken while in office.” https://whyy.org/articles/supreme-court-trump-immunity-decision/
  18. Sorry Jack! Cannon hasn’t made a decision on if Jack Smith hiring ,is legal. If you remember former AGMeese filed a amicus brief arguing that he must be duly appointed by law. That being said ,Only Congress makes laws . In a separate opinion from the Immunity case Judge Thomas wrote: "If this unprecedented prosecution is to proceed, it must be conducted by someone duly authorized to do so by the American people. The lower courts should thus answer these essential questions concerning the special counsel's appointment before proceeding," Thomas added. https://www.newsweek.com/clarence-thomas-jack-smith-supreme-court-ruling-donald-trump-immunity-1919643
  19. Still waiting for the 100 page decision to digest in the stomachs of Pro Republic experts! Much to unpack & understand! methinks
  20. Its a crucial decision to protect the separation of powers, the presidency and country .
  21. Its a good day yet again for Trump & a bad day for THE DOJ weaponization of Jack Smith & bidens executive branch ! Long live the king without clothing ! God bless 45/47. methinks
  22. JACK smith & JILL biden went up a hill to fetch Joe biden. Joe fell down and broke his crown and Trump survived them! Jack be nimble Jack was too quick after all. Presidents have immunity & when the lights went out in GA debate scandal all points to Trump increased his chances of securing 47! methinks “In an exclusive interview with Fox News Digital, former President Trump said, "I have been harassed by the Democrat Party, Joe Biden, Obama and their thugs, fascists and communists for years, and now the courts have spoken." "This is a big win for our Constitution and for democracy. Now I am free to campaign like anyone else. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/trump-immunity-case-supreme-court-rules-ex-presidents-substantial-protection-prosecution
  23. Dems be Dem Independents have watched the dems arrest, try and convict a former POTUS,on concocted charges,while top officials in the administration, hid bidens declining mental acuity , all this while bidens agenda has most voters concerned about the economy ,immigration and 2 wars . I’m Pretty sure theres nothing wrong with the legality of it yet.Politically it was described as a Def con 1 tragedy by one dem critic ,after watching the debate. That being said, The rub ,most legal minds see Trump appealing and winning after the appeal process , which will take place AFTER the election. Despite all the dem lawfare Trump is ahead in many swing state polling ! Swing states will determine the electoral winner ! It really doesnt matter what the dems do . Americans watched the liberal establishment make excuses for biden since he came on the scene .It was exposed debate nite!imop Dem’s & their media allies are complicit ! They lost all credibility! Some even think it showed how weak he is and emboldened ,Americas adversaries!
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