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Everything posted by riclag

  1. Trumps Gop is going with the Dem Convicted felon! Even if the dem judge puts him in jail! Take that to the bank Theres still a lot of Swamp to drain! Methinks
  2. Tell that to the far left! They adore biden & his woke agenda! biden is their George Floyd. methinks
  3. Having Trumps press secretary come on air and get censored by cnn played a huge roll methinks! Lol I haven’t even watched a snitch of the debate to know, it was a strategic play by 47.
  4. He’s a threat to the new Dems democracy! The dems molded and shaped a man who was a moderate into a cultural Marxist supporter methinks A 2003 article by the far left SPLC, see any similarities going on today ? I see tons. https://www.splcenter.org/fighting-hate/intelligence-report/2003/cultural-marxism-catching
  5. Tide has turned , methinks CNN flash poll shows Trump debate winner by 2-to-1 margin
  6. Americans ,remember porky pigs Looney Toons ending cartoon ? Trump, Biden presidential debate live updates: Jill leads Joe off stage after calamitous night; Dems freak out https://nypost.com/2024/06/27/us-news/trump-biden-first-presidential-debate-live-updates-fact-checking-reactions-analysis/
  7. Wow now theres a thought! The left loves them Hollywood Glitzers. Maybe have the godfather for his campaign mgr methinks
  8. ……Hollywood john Wayne he aint , Ronald Reagan he ain’t , What is he? He ain’t my hero! I livid there, in California .
  9. Newsom is the lefts answer for continued power According to them he ‘s a 8 year man methinks The California governor has made clear that he’s not running for president in 2024. But he’s getting antsy. https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2024/04/gavin-newsom-biden-trump-2024/678051/ 'You don't turn your back!': Newsom defiantly pushes back on calls for Biden to step down
  10. it gets worse by the day with bidens illegals Man accused of shooting NYPD officers charged, claims guns are being smuggled into NYC migrant shelters https://www.fox5ny.com/news/suspect-arraigned-murder-charges-shooting-2-nypd-officers-nyc
  11. Thanks for saying what so many feel like saying! its not humane to be a terrorist or to support them in any shape, way or sick form!! Evil can not be appeased or shown quarter! methinks
  12. “Did i leave anything out”! Yes ,buyers remorse, bidens homies opinions! Video of Scranton , Pa residents remarks of his 4 years as POTUS. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/top-issues-divide-bidens-hometown-scranton-looks-back-native-sons-first-term
  13. The investigator reporter who broke the story that was censored by the news immediately after it broke reveals CIA director Haspel in on the 51 lie letter . How cia interference with the spies who lie letter made biden the president . https://nypost.com/2024/06/26/opinion/how-cia-interference-with-the-spies-who-lie-letter-made-biden-the-president/
  14. Pinocchio alert before the debate: Sen. Marsha Blackburn @MarshaBlackburn Over 400 illegal immigrants were brought to our country through an ISIS-affiliated network. Now, Mayorkas is lying about it. Border security is national security. https://x.com/MarshaBlackburn/status/1806050161619038540
  15. Rapist is a lie ,if it was true it would be settled in criminal court . Keep it up ! These are far left talking points!
  16. CUOMO: former dem AG & Gov of NY! The case should of never been brought. https://thehill.com/regulation/court-battles/4734858-andrew-cuomo-donald-trump-alvin-bragg-hush-money-case-new-york/#:~:text=Cuomo%2C in an interview Friday,'ve never been brought.”
  17. He’s not allowed to talk about the collusion of bidens# 3 in line(collangelo) in the DOJ MIRACULOUSLY retiring one month after biden said we are gonna constitutionally stop Trump and then appearing on braggs team. He ‘s still under a limited gag order ! With in days of his debate the dem NY JUDGE tweaks the order! Political ! Ex-top Biden DOJ official now prosecuting Trump was once paid by DNC for 'political consulting' Matthew Colangelo's move from DOJ to the NY Trump prosecution has drawn allegations of politicization https://www.foxnews.com/politics/ex-top-biden-doj-official-prosecuting-trump-once-paid-by-dnc-political-consulting
  18. Yes, just like the founding fathers of my country ,at one time.
  19. 5 things to know about bidens border bill , “These are not asylum-seekers,” he said. “Asylum is not an open invitation to bum rush our borders. But the Democrats have made it precisely that.” https://thehill.com/homenews/house/4390204-5-things-to-know-about-border-bill-hr2-gop-shutdown-threats/
  20. Spot on! You speak of left outrage always deranged! I recently watched this mini survey of UCLA student’s opinions on 2024 biden or Trump for Potus. Its a short clip ! The rub, biden is the lesser of two evils
  21. You have been reading in between the lines of truth , justice and the Globalist way! Its nice to know some can see the hypocrisy! Can you imagine the outrage if the shoe was on the other foot scenario. Remember the kids in cages picture?
  22. It only took 19 terrorist before.And it goes on & on! biden called for a surge to the border, that surge has created a crisis! it is one of the most serious matters on the minds of voters. With Criminals(illegal border crossing)coming in by the millions and being released into the interior of America , some murdering & rapping innocent young girls , and now this. IMMIGRATION DHS identifies over 400 migrants brought to the U.S. by an ISIS-affiliated human smuggling network Over 150 have been arrested, but the whereabouts of over 50 remain unknown, officials said. ICE is looking to arrest them on immigration charges when they are found. https://www.nbcnews.com/investigations/dhs-identifies-400-migrants-brought-us-isis-linked-human-smuggling-rcna158777
  23. Founding fathers to my country at one time would of been hanged if found & captured! Now a days in my opinion , depending on your political leanings Convicted felons have a purpose! George Floyd, Hunter biden , Assange and Dem convicted Felon ,Trump. All of these are heroes according to one’s political causes. methinks
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