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Everything posted by riclag

  1. Nah, its Trump 2024 , Mr D in 2028. America First supporters want a “proven” leader! Besides MrD hasn’t declared he wants to be POTUS and there is no national policy agenda by him! Right now he has the kiss of failure endorsement coming from a political failure Paul Ryan x gop house speaker!
  2. In regards to this news clip back in 2020 and your statement ,Tucker doesn’t need to say anything his host revealed to the world the Ccp’s Wuhan lab leak!
  3. I hear the soi dogs howling and the monkeys of Lopburi clapping ! Please somebody take back the night from 2014
  4. In the grand scheme of trash talking conservatives to some how link them to the 30’s and 40’s Germany is always expected and is a euphemism used by people to demean others similar to the term white supremacist and racist are being used so broadly to describe conservatives who disagree with liberals on particular cultural topics imop .Ive seen this a lot over the years . He and the members of the legislature got elected by the people of Florida.What he has proposed goes to the law makers(legislators )to consider in both houses! This quote below from the Cnn article is basically what the left is upset about imop . Thats the beauty part of living in the USA , not every state such as Fla practices or conforms to a liberal ideological curriculum..Some states have a different approach. “The state’s education department characterized the move as a rejection of “‘woke’ diversity, equity and inclusion [and] critical race theory ideologies.” Its a very divided topic according to this poll ! https://www.chalkbeat.org/2022/5/3/23055884/critical-race-theory-schools-polling
  5. Rationally speaking the idea is to not escalate the situation(take the dog) Some Thais have been known to get very hostile when it comes to their family!
  6. I Told the young lady of my house about the OP experience.She said roads are for cars not for dogs to sleep on! Then she said Som namm na ma! Serves the dog right!
  7. Spot on with the common sense remarks! We dont live in a jungle were primeval rules the day !
  8. Hey your spot on! Take it from experience ! Know your neighborhood before you drop anchor! We have a similar situation up here where we live with soi dogs and irresponsible neighbors with dogs ! Recently there was a story of how Thai’s considered their pets as family members. They sometimes treat them better than humans! Look at that city here in Thailand were the monkeys run around willy nilly! Know the layout of the land whether it be a moo baan or private gated community or residential area. I have a Thai neighbor who moved in 1 year after us , with his wife,adult daughter and 7 small dogs ! The everyday ,24 hours a day disturbance has me wanting to sell my house and find another especially now that he has threatened my life for telling his dogs to shut up repeatedly in the middle of the night! We’ve been to the police, with his recorded response and to the Amphur several times with officials coming to both our houses. and still it continues. My wife wants me to fight the guy ,my Falang friends want me to poison the dogs while I’ll just want to be able to live a normal life.
  9. Not allowed to use Thai script I believe according to forum rules but if you read labels like I do and If the grocer doesn’t cover it up,many times it will list the percentage of sodium per serving! Other way to find sodium content is through mother google ! You'd be surprised to know how much sodium is in a regular hotdog !
  10. Try to tell Thai wives about silent sodium is like telling them they aren't always right! Every day for the last 3 years Ive tried to stay under the daily amount of sodium suggested for a healthy diet while living with Stage 2 CKD! Hopefully I’ll be able to squeeze out another 10 years out of my kidneys.
  11. As for the deflection to dem talking points and steer the topic elsewhere , I can’t speak to that ,I only wish the individual be held accountable ,but The gov is waiting for lawmakers that are enhancing a law that's already on the books.The Fla lawmakers have several bills that they are considering for people who commit heinous acts of cold blooded murder.If this sick person meets the requirements and if the law is passed, than he’s eligible for the maximum penalty under the law. “At the time, Gov. DeSantis condemned the decision and has since backed legislation to get rid of the unanimity requirement”. https://www.firstcoastnews.com/article/news/politics/nicolas-cruz-decision-death-penalty-could-be-changing-in-florida-again/77-3f0a4493-a64b-41f3-b797-a8501ae16982
  12. Spot on my friend and More importantly it is a political win for 45 efforts and America First supporters to regain control over the WH,come 2024 . Any time 45 can shame the biden divider,is a win for us imop. Thomas Gift, founding director of the Centre on U.S. Politics, University College London, U.K., told Newsweek on Saturday that the Biden administration's approach to the East Palestine derailment could have major political implications. "Criticism of Biden's flat-footed response to the Ohio tragedy is well-deserved," Gift said. "Even if just as a symbolic show of support, the fact that it took a senior administration official roughly two weeks to visit the site isn't excusable given the scale and magnitude of the incident." https://www.newsweek.com/joe-biden-has-handed-donald-trump-huge-win-ohio-response-1782185
  13. Lol ,he’s participating in a affair madam! He’s probably shaggin a young Thai bird. How do I know this because “ he says its none of your business”.
  14. None , sorry if you got that impression from my comment! I use alcon liquid tears when my eyes feel irritated.Something im gonna have to live with he told me. 15 ml last me 4 months at 350 bht.
  15. Thats a considerable amount of money! I betcha they are anticipating that you’ll give up trying to reclaim it! How did you originally pay for the tix,cash, credit card ?
  16. I dont have fedex or ups up here in Sakon Nakhon . I’ve seen delivery motorcycles with DHL markings but my Mrs doesn’t know where there location is. I ended up using the Thai Ems Post , special service “World”,with tracking ,costing 1650 bht. The contents consisted of 10 docs and the bubble envelope. Thanks
  17. I don’t recommend getting both eyes done the same time or within days of each other ! things could go wrong during post op recovery ! I waited 1 year before I had my second !
  18. CIA and FBI ! Not surprised! Time to take these institutions down and clean them up! Good luck with uncovering and exposing them ,Mrs. Shabazz!
  19. Both eyes done up here in Sakon Nakhon at a Private Clinic ,out patient .One eye cost 70k in 2021 the other 60k in 2022 ! The eye dr is the eye specialist for the gov hospital .Speaks very good English. I too had astigmatism and dry eye! I also had Lasik surgery in 2008! I’m very happy with the results! No more blur and the hellos with spikes are gone! Still have to wear readers! Stay away from the cheapest and ask how many surgeries they have performed!Imop
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