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Everything posted by riclag

  1. Stop trying to bait me into arguing with you about what this forum is “allowed to use” as a source.
  2. Wrong! Read the article from Fox, Nancy wanted control of the narrative imop “Pelosi, who has the final say on select committee appointments, said she's rejecting both Banks and Jordan to preserve the "integrity" of the committee's work”. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/pelosi-bans-jim-jordan-jim-banks-jan-6-committee Enough of this probably off topic
  3. Its a law suit its not criminal in nature. They happen all the time! Imop Ethics, meh ! They threw out ethics when Nancy wouldn’t allow jim banks and Jim jordan on the sham committee imop https://www.foxnews.com/politics/pelosi-bans-jim-jordan-jim-banks-jan-6-committee
  4. There is always two sides to a story! Americans are very interested in hearing and seeing what Thompson is objecting too! “It’s hard to overstate the potential security risks if this material were to be used irresponsibly,” Thompson said in a statement. https://www.dcnewsnow.com/hill-politics/bennie-thompson-rips-mccarthy-for-giving-tucker-carlson-jan-6-footage
  5. Sad ! I have found its much better to suffer in anguish and dissolve a relationship and move on than to batter and assault a partner! Nobody is worth killing over! He’s gonna have a long time in jail to think about his pathetic actions! RIP twotimer
  6. Take it up with the WP or the technician in the hospital! They didn’t describe there is the fetus head or hands! “The technician slid her wand across Deborah’s swelling abdomen, calling out the baby’s features so that Kaiden could follow along on the black-and-white screen: There’s the baby’s head. There are the hands”.
  7. It appears that unless there is court intervention , nature will decide the baby’s course! Im all for that in this unusual case! The family also can travel to less restrictive states to end the life of their baby! A google search will show there are numerous efforts underway by abortion advocates to find funding for expenses for people who wish to have this done! https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2022/07/25/1112938261/the-role-of-independent-funds-to-help-people-access-abortion-is-growing
  8. International people dont vote for potus but Americans do! This months. The majority of Your fellow brothers and sisters think he’s a liability . Follow-up interviews with poll respondents suggest that many believe the 80-year-old’s age is a liability, with people focused on his coughing, his gait, his gaffes and the possibility that the world’s most stressful job would be better suited for someone younger. Me thinks they have a right to be concerned! https://apnews.com/article/ap-norc-poll-biden-2024-presidential-prospects-c843c5af6775b4c8a0cff8e2b1db03f6
  9. There was a poll taken in August of 2020 on this ,majority think they should. Mind you this is so telling now especially after biden was asking for a dead congress person at a political engagement. "Jackie, are you here? Where's Jackie," he said looking out into the audience on Wednesday morning. "She was going to be here." “Should presidential candidates be required to take cognitive exams and drug tests”? https://today.yougov.com/topics/politics/articles-reports/2020/08/06/presidential-candidates-drug-test-cognitive-exam https://www.npr.org/2022/09/28/1125591160/biden-jackie-walorski
  10. She killed somebody, it was accidental. She’s gonna be held accountable! Things like this happen on occasion and it usually gets sorted out! Its not the first time someone ran from a hit and run!
  11. Years ago they had show stopping blonde figures with very attractive legs. Now people like Susan Smith are behind a desk!
  12. Cnn discussing Fox hmmm laughable. Since they all show highlights from the intolerable msnbc and cnn while employing people like Rino x speaker paul ryan I find on occasion I’m watching more of lesser known news podcasts and watching experts like Dershowitch, Turley and Davis when they appear. Sure do miss Rush ! Ain’t nobody that can unshine Tucker’s commentary ! That all being said will mediafactcheckers organization take them out by giving them a disfavored rating !Conservative voices are on the edge of their seats ,wondering with anticipation!
  13. She’d be somebody’s Vp ! She’d never win the GOP primaries! As someone once said she can check all the boxes but for actual experience as a POTUS she cant compete with my choice!
  14. Like I said in my previous post I have been doing MM here for years . I agree with your intentions going forward! On occasion I get a random txt from random people which cost 5 cents ,because of this I purchased $ 10 of international roaming ! I keep half of it in my MMwallet account which never expires .
  15. 75 witnesses , some person or persons allegedly committed perjury under oath ! But no mention of who! All that time wasted and all they have is a may have been. “a majority of the grand jury believes that perjury may have been committed . The Grand jury recommends that the DA seek appropriate indictments for such crimes where the evidence is compelling”. https://www.washingtonpost.com/documents/f11f75f3-4b90-45a9-a71b-5b5c1a90fc9e.pdf?itid=lk_interstitial_manual_4
  16. Oh wow , one of my fav fantasies from my teenage and young adult years. F sake , Im getting old! RIP Honey
  17. OP,I have what you have and I’ve been living here with my mintmobile plan since 2019!The only issue in the future is if the carrier MM partners with (tmobile) sunsets the phone for the 5g technology. Make sure you activate the phone before you come here ( one less potential headache) .
  18. Florida besides being hot has no individual income tax ! Best to send them out to dem states were they could use tax payers funds to accommodate them . “On the flip side, those who want governments to help shape society — and support investments in education or infrastructure — might favor an income tax”. . https://www.bankrate.com/taxes/state-with-no-income-tax-better-or-worse/
  19. I stayed in Patong beach in December. Prices for rooms have gone up considerably since than. March is coming they better drop back down.
  20. The dog in question is competing for food with another dog! This is probably why the dogs instinct for food aggression is front and center imop How many dogs are you feeding at once?
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