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Everything posted by riclag

  1. https://rawbistro.com/blogs/raw-bistro/food-aggression-in-dogs Food aggression tactics ,what dog owners can do ! Me thinks your dog is behaving badly( biting people)in your surroundings that you have created for it.
  2. Compliments to your son for understanding how important it is to watching out for mail addressed to you ! I have two grown adult children who I have trusted to do this and its hit or miss at times during their busy life ????
  3. What kind of dog was it and in your opinion why did he bite you ? Just curious!
  4. Theres much to be said about that! Politicians and people who have accumulated wealth and power! When I was a rebelliously young lad working in the steel mills I had a boss years and years ago who use to put his arm around my shoulder like a dad look me straight in the eye and say , “ play the game Ricky,just play the game” and when that didn’t sink in ,the suit with wingtips (owner)came down into the factory and said , if you don’t like what your doing here , find another way of making a living. So eventually I did play the game and left ! Months of taking my children's piggy bank savings and always returning it to make ends meet , and eventually with hardwork and with the help of a partner, rich people ,lawyers ,accountants , bankers , stockbrokers, consultants and employees.I experience the American dream while paying as little as we could “legally” in taxes. I love capitalism , billionaires, millionaires and people who know the value of making money through hardwork, risk and a little bit of luck !
  5. They’re considered Family members! Many Thai people treat their pets better than humans.
  6. A familiar theme all over the world with sick suspicious people refusing to adhere to police commands. Hope they catch the deviant!
  7. Agree its terrible! These started happening, they keep coming no matter how many times its x out! They are very annoying while using a cell phone!
  8. I was hoping for a repeat of Nancy’s x speaker performance by the new Speaker McCarthy,by ripping up a Potus Sotu speech , but instead rino Senate minority leader gave this response : “The state of our union is apparently under Chinese surveillance from our own skies…It is ludicrous to suggest that Canada and the United States had no choice but to let this thing traipse across the continent from coast to coast. President Obama’s own Defense Secretary Leon Panetta says, ‘we should have acted earlier,’” McConnell said https://www.kentucky.com/news/politics-government/article272248398.html
  9. riclag


    Im ok with ads but these below take up a good deal of the page! Anybody else have similar experience's with this annoyance?
  10. I was wondering why Rubio was confirming what pentagon officials said,Apparently this is worse than prior occurrences .Probably were so insignificant that they never made it to Trumps daily briefings or his administration ie Rattcliff and Grenell and Pompeo. Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL), who is the vice chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee, also called the recent Chinese balloon incursion "unprecedented," and noted that while there may have been minor breaches of U.S. airspace in the past, he was unaware of something so flagrant. https://gazette.com/news/us-world/former-spy-chief-john-ratcliffe-denies-reports-that-china-sent-three-balloons-under-trump/article_b05cb3c9-cf1c-57ed-b389-656b3b9ef5c0.html
  11. Probably not in your eyes judging by your question and answer! One would be hard pressed to find reporting of fbi whistleblowers being used to testify ,to support the oversight committees chairman claim. All for the American people to decide . https://www.foxnews.com/politics/house-republicans-whistleblowers-fbi-investigations-outraged-parents
  12. On a personal level , guests should always be given proper respect . And the same holds true for guests, they should respect the country they are allowed to visit! Once that respect has been alienated then its time to consider alternatives!
  13. Agree with the Shingha . I usually like to eat Pizza Company Pizza ! I get the promotion card buy 1 get 1. 2 large pizza for about 450 bht,will give me 3 meals after the young lady of the house takes 2 slices. She makes a salad to go along with the meals. I like thick crust!I never cared for thin! When I lived in the states I made my own dough and on occasions would buy Papa Geno’s greasy Italian Sausage pizza ! Aloi maak
  14. “The subpoenas, which Jordan formally signed Thursday, are linked to a long-held GOP claim that federal agencies “targeted” parents. Whistleblowers: FBI targeted parents via terrorism tools despite Garland's testimony that it didn't happen! https://www.foxnews.com/politics/fbi-targeted-parents-via-terrorism-tools-despite-garland-testimony To me its all about how credible fbi whistleblower's are! This is some of the evidence JJ will use to hold garland and his DOJ accountable to the Americans who voted for Gop oversight. Imop If it was the other parties WB’s the msm would all be shouting how brave and trustworthy they are to come forward!
  15. I have a uk neighbor who obtained his non o 10 years ago in England and has been advising our Welsh neighbor that there is no options such as (obtaining a non o in Thailand)! I explained to them several times this is how I got my Non O after coming from the USA on a SETV. He shrugged his shoulders and says it must be a USA agreement with Thailand. My compliments Drjack54 I’ve seen many of your posts over the many months . It’s been all good.
  16. Thanks Andy this is the kind of stuff (suggestions /tips) I was interested in.
  17. I remember as a kid one of my first jobs , that I got fired from. I was so upset that the employer wouldn’t tell me the reason, so I filed a complaint at the local labor department . The CS rep at the department told me by law they didn’t have to tell me! So off I went , butt hurt and all, only to continue through life and use that experience as a life lesson . Musk creates jobs for thousands of people and he is a inspiration to many. What Musk did to the left’s club house was extremely satisfying imop but If he promised in writing 4 months severance and only gave 1 then he should be held to it ! Most of these former employees are butt hurt that they were fired! Every day people working there expose the hypocrisy created by past Twitter employees who cooperated with Government agencies visa versa Stay tuned more to come Richard !
  18. We live in a moo bann ma ( dog village). It is a residential complex with similar housing. I thought by choosing a plot and building a house next to someone I know was a step in the right direction unfortunately that only took care of 1 side of my property. After living there 1 peaceful year the developer finished building on the lot next to the other side of my property and subsequently sold it to a older Thai family and their seven small dogs! My suggestion know your surroundings especially the noise and inconvenience of others living near you!
  19. My goal in life is to be like you, BMT! People who know me say,if they ever opened my mind nothing but pu…… would come out! It can be a curse sometimes though! that is, Thinking with 2 heads.
  20. Imop Im not a lawyer so I could care less about whether it was stolen ! Just like leaks and sources who dont want their names divulged the contents are for political prodding. Its whats on that laptop and all of the malicious malfeasance that led to the suppression of its contents and to a scandal. Its criminal imop what took place after the FBI took possession of that laptop but thats my opinion .As reported ,going to facebook and warning them and having 50 intel people alleged Russian misinformation , Twitter shutting down news reports.All before a election. But you go head and defend the recovering crack head and Fbi. https://www.foxnews.com/media/mark-zuckerberg-tells-joe-rogan-fbi-warned-facebook-of-russian-propaganda-before-hunter-biden-laptop-story
  21. “Mac Isaac took possession of the laptop and hard drive late in 2019 after trying and failing for months to notify Hunter that the device was ready to be picked up. Once the shop owner saw the laptop’s contents — including emails detailing influence-peddling involving then-Vice President Joe Biden and videos of the younger Biden smoking crack and having sex with prostitutes and his work subordinates — he alerted the FBI”. https://nypost.com/2023/02/01/hunter-biden-admits-infamous-laptop-is-his-in-plea-for-probe The smartest guy Joe biden knows ! https://www.foxnews.com/politics/joe-biden-hunter-smartest-guy-i-know
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