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Everything posted by riclag

  1. Wrong! The owner is looking to install them somewhere else which imop could possibly recreate a similar situation!
  2. Nonsense!Let the experts inquire! 3 years is nothing in comparison to all of the other vax that were developed over the years. Read the article I sourced. “The quickest vaccine ever developed was for mumps. It took four years and was licensed in 1967. Pfizer’s Covid-19 vaccine was developed and cleared for emergency use in eight months — a fact that has fueled public mistrust of the coronavirus inoculation in the U.S”.
  3. President Trump pushed for a vax in record time , all while saying consult your physician before taking it. Nothing wrong with a state going after answers to questions that the GOVT AND COMPANY’s are avoiding to discuss imop “You can’t sue Pfizer or Moderna if you have severe Covid vaccine side effects. The government likely won’t compensate you for damages either” The govt and big pharma have protected themselves from prosecution by utilizing the 2005 PREP ACT. https://www.cnbc.com/2020/12/16/covid-vaccine-side-effects-compensation-lawsuit.html
  4. Just came from Patong beach . This will give those Kudo beach club goers something to do other than lay around their pool lounge beds ,sucking on bong water pipes .
  5. Who,Dog lovers internationally! ???? Its a Sick warped sense of morality that hold animal values higher than humans! “Many critics point to laws that favor dogs over humans. Having dogs put down is problematical. Dog lovers say that irresponsible or clueless owners are to blame and that Pit Bulls can make loving family pets if trained correctly”. The owner should be in prison as a result of his irresponsible neglect to take care of his dogs!
  6. Time to take a look at the law makers ! The socialists President who recently was disposed wanted to dissolve the Congress! 5 or 6 Presidents replaced in a short period of time is a good indicator that something is wrong with the system of Gov. imop https://www.reuters.com/world/americas/perus-fujimori-admits-defeat-presidential-election-lashes-out-socialist-rival-2021-07-19/
  7. He expressed “Danger”! Living near the jungle my garden is always frequented by snakes ! when I mow the lawn I always take the very long brush stick and tap tap around the perimeter and especially the vines ! They love the ope ope ( frogs).When they get a hold of one ,the frogs gives out a scream which in turn sends the young lady of the house to investigate ! I hate snakes because of the startling affect they have if you happen on them.
  8. Like to see the money received by those dreaded politicians and alike returned and used to help the homeless! Me thinks those involved will have to be shamed into it imop
  9. Messi is a candidate for the GOAT! Argentina over the winner of France/ Morocco. Argentina got a good wake up call from the Saudi’s.
  10. Thats good news ! If its the same people that were in charge before thats even better ! They were a threat to democracy ( free speech)imop
  11. Happy to see Musk and Chappel got together and flaunt their stuff !
  12. You go around protesting while committing murder in any country you must suffer the consequences
  13. My past neighbors daughter was on that plane ! I read on the Boston local news the mother is attending the court proceedings! Hope the mom finds some resemblance of closure! I-know she’s been active in grassroots Lockerbie movements.
  14. The last major competition a similar show down occurred .Many were extremely vocal and yet Harry Kane escaped the rath of the fan base in this major .
  15. Same ole laughing emoji trollers ! You can set a example going forward by discontinuing the child like trolling laugh emoji!
  16. No use my friend , no matter how many times you paint the picture that Trump and his family are innocent of wrong doing ,the left refuses to to acknowledge it was another loss in the ,we got him now narrative! Two entities were found to be libel and the prosecutors couldn’t find evidence that tied the family to knowing of the wrong doing. https://www.foxbusiness.com/politics/trump-organization-entities-found-guilty-all-counts-tax-fraud
  17. Oops wrong dc district court judge! Bet they won’t go to her again! Imop Time for garlands goons to go judge shopping! Maybe Judge Amy Berman jackson . Imop https://www.foxnews.com/politics/federal-judge-declines-hold-former-president-trump-contempt-court-classified-material-battle
  18. “Despite offering no proof, Joe Biden’s 2020 campaign, along with many in the media, dismissed the laptop story as being a Russian-disinformation operation”. https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/policy/defense-national-security/cia-veteran-who-signed-hunter-biden-laptop-letter-says-he-sarcastically-claimed-credit-for-2020-election The laptop contents wasn't properly investigated and exposed by the gop.,so other matters such as you suggest will be pursued no doubts about it. I would go out on a limb to say many on the left don’t even know about the disgusting contents, knowing how fervently it lay silent to the mighty msm and fbi activists .imop Some find it very suspicious that 50 intel agents , some working with the media, such as brennan and clapper, had signed off that it was Russian disinformation without having evidence to support their claims. Some sources reported that because the Hunter laptop story from the NY Post was so ridiculously censored by big tech platforms and other msm news it effected a percentage of the voters decision in choosing a candidate during the final days leading up to the 2020 election. The gop reps have their hands full exposing the suppression of that October surprise and the effects it had on the vote imop. https://www.politico.com/f/?id=00000175-4393-d7aa-af77-579f9b330000 https://nypost.com/2022/08/26/2020-election-outcome-would-differ-with-hunter-biden-laptop-coverage-poll/
  19. “The extraordinary revelation for the first time lays bare how the FBI was involved in pre-bunking the story of the laptop, which had been in the bureau’s possession for almost a year”. https://nypost.com/2022/12/04/fbi-warned-twitter-of-hunter-biden-hack-before-censoring-the-post/ which reminds me The intel agencies have six ways to Sunday to get back at you , part of the contexts was mentioned by 1 of the members of the Intel committees gang of 8 ,in a interview a few years ago. Me thinks the gop are gonna have much political fodder come after the new year, rightfully so ! Imop
  20. Must admit I dont know much about my SA friends governance.Sounds like a big political struggle, their quasi democratic republic ,with selecting 6 presidents in 5 years. Leave it to the people to decide whats right ,their congress cant according to the freedom article, this isnt the first time they deep six a President! Sounds like something should be look at ,starting with their congress! https://www.france24.com/en/live-news/20221207-pedro-castillo-peru-s-first-poor-president-ousted-on-corruption-charges https://newsonair.gov.in/News?title=Peru%3A-Dina-Boluarte-assumes-office-as-first-female-President&id=451990 https://freedomhouse.org/country/peru/freedom-world/2021
  21. Tats, wife beaters shirt and a drop dead looking young sao som noi would make it understandable ,me thinks.
  22. 1.5 mill is a drop in the bucket , its the headline that the activist media are drooling over! The Trump umpire is worth billions and they got nothing on him while the real threat are making laws for the corporate lobbyists to continue their global establishment imop
  23. Political immunity is a curse ! No end in sight, while the establishment holds the keys to the justice system! “As a longstanding and nearly universal concept, diplomatic immunity has long been considered customary law; https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diplomatic_immunity
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