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Everything posted by riclag

  1. It aint gonna stop! Revolution is the lefts goal in the west! Look at the signage ! If there was a ceasefire and terrorist hamas was appeased , the extremist on the left would find another cause. Chants of Death to America is real and stronger more than ever. Methinks
  2. Put Portland on the list! Destruction costing over 700k The estimate does not include expenses for replacing and repairing any damaged technology or furniture, and PSU President Ann Cudd said on Wednesday that she expected the full cost to surpass $1 million. https://www.kgw.com/article/news/local/protests/portland-state-university-protest-library-occupation-damages/283-e3c8a742-398f-4315-9ba3-7d0b91b057d2
  3. Exactly ! You’d be hard pressed to find any political figure admitting they belong to a Marxist organization or a socialist party! This apple (willis) didn’t fall to far from the tree! methinks
  4. The impeachment inquiry rules! remember biden lied at his press conference “ how in the hell dare he raise that” statement! He tried to blame Hur but Hur never raised his son death ! Or biden lying about Hur finding he willfully misrepresented his findings . “From impeachment to oversight , to the 25th amendment (allowing the removal of a Potus for incapacities) there are ample reasons for congress to demand information and evidence from the Government”. https://thehill.com/opinion/criminal-justice/4671765-bidens-voldemortian-privilege-the-president-who-must-not-be-heard/
  5. I don’t understand all of that pink hair non binary protesters stuff! But the optics are so so familiar minus the looting! bidens left supporters are terrorizing all over America . Columbia building Berkley Ucla uc irvine
  6. This is a problem ,activist who hate the system that they were brought up in ,become educated and influenced by Radical organizations and with a little bit of funding they pervert the legal systems .She got huge funding for her campaign going after Trump as I sourced earlier. methinks
  7. Its my impression based on facts and her comments! To convince you , well lets say I won’t waste my time. Read the New York Post source watch the trial where she idealized her dad! Read her proud comments!She even attended dads events. Her dad runs through her veins! Willis credits her father for her values and career as an attorney and told The Post he is “a great man,” to whom she speaks as often as 10 times a day. Floyd has said he brought up Willis as a single father, moving from Los Angeles to Washington. Floyd was a high ranking member in the black panther movement according to the NYP , wiki says its a marxist -Leninist organization . https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Panther_Party https://nypost.com/2023/09/01/trump-prosecutor-fani-willis-father-was-top-black-panther/ https://www.heritage.org/progressivism/commentary/connecting-the-dots-between-fani-willis-and-unrepentant-communists
  8. He waved exe priv, listen to the above forbes video first 3 minutes! Are you suggesting the audio would be edited by a Gop& Dem oversight committee lol
  9. Joe’s acting like a Richard! Nixon tried to push his version of Transcripts during watergate but the court didn’t bite!
  10. How dare a(court)in Georgia attempt to disqualify a Marxist activist who is hell bent and campaigned on getting Trump and other Trump officials.She worshipped the ground dad walked on. https://nypost.com/2023/09/01/trump-prosecutor-fani-willis-father-was-top-black-panther/
  11. This is what happens when you put leftists activists pretending to be DA’s in charge. Fani Willis suffers new blow as Georgia court allows Donald Trump's appeal to remove the Fulton County DA’ from his election fraud case. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13428301/Fani-Willis-Georgia-Appeals-Court-Trump.html https://www.newsweek.com/fani-willis-fundraising-since-indicting-donald-trump-1887877
  12. When are the dems gonna call off their foot soldiers? The umbrella anarchist are back to rile up decent Americans ,same as the Summer of love riots did in the 2020 elections. methinks
  13. Methinks that person your talking to is part of the ever so declining electorate of 38.5% who approved the current presidency in peril.
  14. I agree with your opinion . Since the left has taken over The management of our countries borders their attempts at a utopia are destroying every country’s ability “to be”. But the leader of the free world would think you’re xenophobic! https://edition.cnn.com/2024/05/02/politics/biden-japan-xenophobic-us-ally/index.html
  15. Another words she and other dem prosecutors in Georgia,Florida ,New York and D.C attempts at judicial persecution through lawfare are losing the long game! We got Trump finally,has failed . The world has seen Fani in action and they ain’t buying it anymore ! Trumps polling is up in Georgia , since her falling out scandals. https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/president-general/2024/georgia/
  16. Sure beats the alternative a Global dollar and the cultural Marxist attempt to open borders and the destruction of the middle class. methinks
  17. Gov Abbott and the Pardon committee just pardoned a hero! Former US Army sergeant released from prison after Gov. Abbott pardons him for 2020 fatal Black Lives Matter protest shooting. https://edition.cnn.com/2024/05/16/us/daniel-perry-texas-pardon-recommendation/index.html
  18. Thats tax payer funded! He already got away with not paying his taxes.Enough is enough! "The Defendant engaged in a four-year scheme to not pay at least $1.4 million in self-assessed federal taxes he owed for tax years 2016 through 2019," the indictment read. https://www.reuters.com/legal/doj-files-new-criminal-charges-against-hunter-biden-cnn-2023-12-08/#:~:text="The Defendant engaged in a,2019%2C" the indictment read.
  19. In my opinion I become more aware through my Presidents son the effects of what substances abuse can do to him , his son and others. The malicious malfeasance of it all ! Politically Humiliating ! bidens are a malignant tumor in my countries WH.
  20. The ex drug addict is looking for money to further his legal chaos !His sugar brother (morris) has run out of money! That bong could raise hundreds of thousands of dollars. Christie's and Sotheby's comes to mind. You’d be hard pressed to find a Gop member to support bidens cause! imop
  21. Here Hear! I applaud their efforts as well! My pro nouns are ! B—A—bay B—E—be B—I—bicky-bi—B—O—bow The insanity of it all, imop June, Next month is their celebration month!
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