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Everything posted by riclag

  1. — Pennsylvania officials cannot count votes from mail-in or absentee ballots that lack accurate, handwritten dates on their return envelopes, the state Supreme Court ruled unanimously Tuesday, a week before tabulation will begin in races for governor, the U.S. Senate and the state Legislature. It doesnt say whos party votes are most affected by this decision ,probably dems cause they use this method( drop box and mail) more than Gop imop So if you dont fill the ballot out correctly ( sign and dated)you have a chance of not having your vote counted . Seems easy enough to go to cast your vote in person to insure that it gets counted .imop. https://www.wfmz.com/news/national/govt-and-politics/pennsylvania-court-ballots-in-undated-envelopes-wont-count/article_278a2dba-d9b8-5b96-a7b8-5402986ad89c.html
  2. I agree! What a difference a debate makes. Many on the left dont see it that way! He champions their cause, thats good enough for them! The gop/ conservatives rolled their eyes on that debate.Hopefully swing voters watched that debate and come to the same conclusion as the rest of Oz supporters So the swing voter has to be the arbiter here again.Hopefully enough of them come out and vote accordingly ,on the “top issues, economy, crime, boarder ,abortion . If that happens imop its Game ,Set ,Match. A wasington post article “pre debate” referenced swing voters opinions. “These swing voters may be unaware of Fetterman’s strong support for abortion rights but they loved his outsider persona in describing their feelings toward him: “Weed … different … tax evasion … unpolished … tall … plain-spoken.” “Seven of the 13 Pennsylvania swing voters said Fetterman’s stroke concerned them, but only three said it would factor into their vote. Most just wished him a speedy recovery”. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2022/10/15/independent-voters-trump-biden-midterms/ Hopefully those 13 and many more have a more informed view after watching!
  3. Astros win ! I watched it all on YT MLB highlight channel ! I’m not a fan of either team but the WS games were exciting! I love the Philadelphia Phillies uniforms
  4. I feel your pain buddy! 5am on a sunday is a worthy complaint! The house next to me had a open house a few years ago and had the testicular fortitude to put twin tower speakers on the “soi”in front of my house , he did apologize before hand though 555. 3 days of this 8 am till 2am ! I complained to buda and my wife,which resulted in us going out for dinner and a few drinks! Blame it on Thai culture ! I got over it once we got into my 3rd beer and realized it was temporary!
  5. I’m curious too! Good thread ! I have used CS (not international acct)since 2019 ! I take out 30k 2 or 3 x a month , using the krungsri bank or on rare occasions Tmi bank, both banks atm allow 30 k max!. My card expires in June . I have to have another one mailed to my USA address . I haven’t decided yet to go back to the states, to visit or have my daughter send it here!
  6. The law enforcement was there to ask people if they filled their ballots out correctly, despite what cnn claims. Sad Imop! Fill out the ballots correctly for God sake . https://www.wfmz.com/news/area/berks/hundreds-of-berks-ballots-canceled-after-court-ruling/article_e36fa878-5c4f-11ed-a68f-8bb5ec0328ae.html Barnhardt, a Democrat, attempted to get his colleagues to agree to ballot curing based on a decision made last week to have deputy sheriffs stationed at the drop boxes to ask voters whether they signed and dated the envelope. "I got to thinking, well, we're not affording the same courtesy to people that mailed theirs in," Barnhardt said, "so I think there is a little disparate treatment that we're asking deputy sheriffs to verify that you've done that before you put it in the box, but we're not doing the same for the mail-in ballots." Barnhardt said that, as of Wednesday, the county had received 563 undated ballots and 49 ballots with erroneous dates.
  7. Been here over 10 years ! I was a professional driver in the states! This country brings a new meaning to driving defensively! Driving any kind of bike here is life threatening 10x fold imop Rip
  8. bidens economy can be seen every time you go to the gas pump, open your 401 k portfolio and shop at the grocery store. Majority of Americans vote their pocket book not their politics , so to speak. Soon his and his like will see what a majority of Americans think of his failures come Nov elections imop https://www.forbes.com/advisor/personal-finance/gas-prices-by-state/ https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/policy/economy/401k-down-34000-inflation https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-10-13/soaring-food-costs-further-squeeze-us-consumers-in-blow-to-biden
  9. My adult kids who are single living in Bakersfield, Ca are struggling to pay their bills! One has been self employed since 2013 with several businesses , she tells me her working capital is nearly depleted. She has fell victim to Criminal activity at her residence and businesses locations! My son who has disabilities works for a large car dealership in the area, sadly he revealed to me that he sees his hard work material achievements (investment)all vanishing , dwindling before his eyes.
  10. “The man accused of attacking House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s husband with a hammer was in the country illegally, ICE sources told The Post Monday”. https://nypost.com/2022/11/01/paul-pelosis-attacker-david-depape-in-us-illegally-on-overstayed-visa/ They dont know how long he’s been here on overstay , living in that hippie commune with apparent mental illness!
  11. I was confronted at Lotus and gave directions to a Uk chap 2 days ago .He was searching for for few hours and couldn’t speak Thai to get directions.
  12. Game 1 was exceptional ! Im not a fan of either team but the fall classic started with the WS favorite ,Houston Astros taking a 5 run lead early on ! Then miraculously the Philadelphia Phillies tied and sent the game into extra innings , all coming off of the Astros ace pitcher. Philly got a home run to break the tie in the 10th inning and went on to winning the game in Houston. I watched the MLB highlights on YT!
  13. I opened my account in the states over 3 years ago ! I have a brokerage and checking account ! Its not mandatory but i invested one hundred dollars in the brokerage account. There is a added advantage in having the checking account also besides the obvious (fee free) but the reason escapes me now lol. Get a security key device to access your online account,it acts like another layer of security , which they recommend.
  14. I dont tweet but I have seen in recent years through news reports what they as a social media platform have done to many! Sad ! But hey things are looking good finally for the ones who support freedom of opinions, without fear of reprisals from the censorship minions!
  15. He literally carried in a sink,To let it sink in., lol He should also have brought a broom to signify a clean sweep of the upper elite positions in the company! Google and other non conservative organizations will scoop them up in a heart beat imop https://www.forbes.com/sites/nicholasreimann/2022/10/27/video-of-elon-musk-carrying-sink-through-twitter-headquarters-is-this-weeks-most-popular-tweet/?sh=3cf47f001f22
  16. Mental health played a big factor but lots of disputing facts here . He was legally permitted to have the gun. Police should of held onto that gun instead of letting a “ third party” hold on to it imop “Sack also told reporters that Harris had been seeing mental health professionals and that his family had him committed several times”. https://nypost.com/2022/10/27/family-tried-to-take-gun-from-st-louis-shooter-orlando-harris/
  17. Another disturbed youngster who slipped through the school and law enforcement cracks like some others have in similar acts of school terror. In his note, Harris complained about not having friends, family or a girlfriend. “I’ve never had a social life. I’ve been an isolated loner my entire life,” Harris wrote. Harris reportedly screamed, “You’re all going to f—ing die!” and said he was “tired of this damn school” as he launched his deadly attack. https://nypost.com/2022/10/25/st-louis-shooter-orlando-harris-pictured-in-eerie-yearbook-photo/ https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2019/08/el-paso-shooting-when-loneliness-leads-mass-murder/595498/
  18. I like reading the comments sections on bookingsdotcom. You can filter many preferences such as beach and center location and much more! Sorry Op this doesn’t meet your 500-1000 price range .I just booked a 2 bedroom villa(Palmyra) in Patong after initially choosing 2 rooms at another hotel. I wanted to avoid noise from Adjacent rooms plus have my adult daughter near by using the same living quarters with separate bedrooms!
  19. Your child is very special to be able to converse in two languages at such a young age! Congrats to the parents and your son of course.
  20. Some disagree! For instance, J.Turley constitutional professor argues, its his wife not his (thomas)activists opinions ! https://news.bloomberglaw.com/business-and-practice/are-justice-thomas-and-judge-jackson-polar-opposites-on-recusals I agree with Turley. Anyways,Grahams request Is goin to the SCOTUS for all to decide I believe .
  21. If the scotus refuses Graham request and lets the 11th circuit ruling stand , thats a good thing! Immunity from debate in the constitution which he’s using as a grounds not to testify lets many of these politicians on both sides escape being accountable( other than election)for their accusations and actions. Imop Need a Supreme ruling ”only” if it helps preserve the rights under the constitution! Congressional members have enjoyed over the years a great amount of lead way for their speech and actions while conducting duties.. “In order to enable and encourage a representative of the public to discharge his public trust with firmness and success, it is indispensably necessary that he should be protected from the resentment of every one however powerful to whom the exercise of that liberty may occasion offense”. https://library.cqpress.com/cqresearcher/document.php?id=cqresrre1952042500
  22. Its brought awareness ! How many ballots is one individual allowed to deposit in a box! In Some states you can register to be a ballot bearer ,like in new jersey, other states have restricted when you can go . Wisconsin banned ballot boxes for the most part. https://www.npr.org/2022/07/08/1100696685/wisconsin-supreme-court-ballot-drop-boxes-disability-assistance https://www.marieclaire.com/politics/ballot-drop-boxes-guide/ https://www.newsweek.com/dinesh-dsouza-wants-republicans-explain-blanking-his-movie-2000-mules-1736806
  23. Back to Judge Cannon it appears. Judge derire needs just follow the instructions laid out by Judge Cannon. "The special master's job is to prepare a report and recommendations. The judge can choose to adopt or reject those recommendations, but ultimately, it's up to the discretion of the judge to make the decision," Rahmani told Newsweek. https://www.newsweek.com/special-master-raymond-dearie-resign-judge-cannon-1749527
  24. I could care less about denchenko its the 6 ways to sunday cabal (fbi)that i and millions of others have concerns about! Durham brought out their lack of integrity and more. I suspect once the midterms are decided more investigations will occur , involving the bureau.
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