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Everything posted by riclag

  1. Regime change, ”That being the case, if the Democrats hope to win in November, Biden will have to be replaced at the convention in Chicago come August”. You want him out ,do you! Tell your comrades in the Msm to cover the news , demand transparency. Start by asking if you have no involvement mr. biden , why not go under oath , at a committee hearing, your lawyers say there is no evidence! https://www.yahoo.com/news/white-house-declines-comer-testimony-020800078.html
  2. Stay home its much cooler & safe from the drunken SOB, me thinks
  3. How can a court negate TDS in NY? The dems stack the deck! Dem prosecutor Dem Judge Jury Pool,Dem majority voting base. Made up new (was a misdemeanor)New York law to get Trump! Lying ex lawyers already convicted and jailed for perjury! Turley: “So this is the case: A serial perjurer used to convert a dead state misdemeanor into a felony based on an alleged federal election crime that was rejected by the Justice Department”. It goes to the appeals process to get away from election interference by the corrupt New York judicial system.imop https://nypost.com/2024/04/14/opinion/a-serial-perjurer-will-try-to-prove-an-old-misdemeanor-against-trump-in-an-embarrassment-for-the-new-york-legal-system/
  4. Votes & Money! Some of his supporters are attempting to persuade the radical’s in Michigan,who wish death to America to support his election! “The silence is jarring”. https://www.yahoo.com/news/condemning-death-america-chants-easy-080214456.html
  5. Woke is a curse on culture! Radical ideas will take years to reverse! But at least its exposed!
  6. Best thing is to avoid years & years of toxic air climate change brought on by nukes. Economic appeasement by biden has consequences (supporting Iran financially). Iran for decades has been hell bent on the destruction of Israel through the use of their proxies ! https://www.cfr.org/article/irans-regional-armed-network Evil says ,We will not accept Israel. Evil says, Death to Israel. Evil says, destroy the Israel regime. https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/irans-khamenei-says-normalising-ties-with-israel-is-betting-losing-horse-state-2023-10-03/ https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2022/07/joe-biden-middle-east-israel-iran/670530/
  7. you should consider most people on here dont have a clue who Ted Williams is ( far right conservative fringe critter baseball great )but you used his quote to mock another opinion “As for your long thoughts ... as Ted Williams said "if you don't think too good, best not to think too much" Good ole Ted he’d be right next to Bobby Knight in heaven cursing the biden marxist regime for helping create a world in peril! Heres a left leaning source. https://www.forbes.com/sites/steveforbes/2024/02/20/president-bidens-disastrous-moves-are-making-the-world-more-dangerous/?sh=12a875845dc0
  8. Source: “Why it matters: The payments, made through the Democratic National Committee, are at odds with the Biden campaign's recent attacks on Donald Trump for spending his campaign fundson legal fees. Driving the news: The DNC — which has been collecting the biggest donations to Biden's re-election effort — paid more than $1.5 million to lawyers or firms representing Biden during the probe, according to the committee's financial filings”. Democracy 101
  9. The world has a bigger Climate issue! WW111 . It ain’t safe anywhere! imop Post Hamas / Israel war article : President Biden strode into office promising to restore competency and credibility to U.S. foreign policy after four years of President Trump’s shoot-from-the-hip diplomacy, but several international missteps and crises abroad have undermined his claim. https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2023/oct/14/world-crises-undermine-joe-bidens-boast-foreign-po/
  10. You took my thunder,woke synonym! Brilliant ! Opinion article on Sweden ,The Scandinavian nation of 10.6 million people is facing a national crisis because of its failure to successfully integrate record numbers of immigrants https://www.gisreportsonline.com/r/sweden-immigrants-crisis/
  11. When you Stalk me do you start with the trolling laughing emojis first or is it the trolling non sourced comment ,nonsense! Congrats you just became a member to my Ignore sanctuary.
  12. My falang ex wife of 35 years , refused to answer what her partner taste like ,before I started divorce proceedings! Her partner ruined my marriage !
  13. “The proposed legislation in Tennessee reflects ongoing debates surrounding LGBTQ rights and healthcare access, highlighting the complex intersection of politics, law, and individual right”. on going debate in front of the predominantly black clergy in NC. “Ain’t but two genders “.
  14. MLK qualities in this Trump Supporter , running for the NC Gov job. the biden campaign & his propaganda machine , including here ,took his words out of context purposely , to mislead, because he’s over the target!
  15. Democracy threat alert! Dems interfering again: Mr Kennedy is spot on again! twitter feed from a WH correspondent.
  16. The progressive’s only care about the future of children when they can use it to their political narratives! Shameful & sick
  17. What ever it takes to defeat the satanist cultural Marxist! The party of JFK would never shun its nephew from running as a candidate! Its undemocratic !
  18. Especially the CCP government ! The leftist and climate crazies will let them slide! China released 11.4 billion metric tons of carbon dioxide emissions in 2022, making it by far the world's largest polluter that year! https://www.statista.com/statistics/239093/co2-emissions-in-china/
  19. Spot on ! The extremist in that party refashioned the party of JFK to fit their cultural Marxist agenda! Its a war for truth, justice and the ole American way!
  20. The blue hair tackle box faced leftist will be at all the social programs offices handing out fliers . They do that every election cycle and then disappear till the next cycle. https://www.yahoo.com/news/biden-vote-executive-order-challenged-080019427.html Thank god some still have religious convictions . imop
  21. The founders would be proud ! Back than a tyrannical power , same as bidens dems weaponization of the law, wanted to hang them for treason , for speaking out !
  22. Thats what X’s Community notes are for! Fact check by who , leftist! Community Notes aim to create a better informed world by empowering people on X to collaboratively add context to potentially misleading posts. Contributors can leave notes on any post and if enough contributors from different points of view rate that note as helpful, the note will be publicly shown on a post. https://help.twitter.com/en/using-x/community-notes#:~:text=Community Notes aim to create,publicly shown on a post.
  23. Second Amendment advocate too! Anti woke , anti communist, anti socialist. An America First strong spiritual candidate for Governor!
  24. This Thai Dr performed the procedure on me. I suggest you read the thread for tips & other info. Good luck
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