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Everything posted by riclag

  1. The picture(gas pump) at the top of the story says a lot too.But American voters will be voting on the dreadful economy imop Payback comith right soon in November 74% of voters say country is on the wrong track, Biden’s job approval stays low: https://nypost.com/2022/08/21/74-of-voters-say-country-is-on-the-wrong-track-bidens-job-approval-stays-low-poll/
  2. Spot on with that amount! You could even go down to 3 mil! Many years ago while living here,I had a friend from Wales,who was told he had cancer here ! Treatment was quoted at 2 mil! Unfortunately he didn’t have insurance or the 2 mil. Keep up with your healthcare , you’ll be ok with self insurance imop
  3. Despite that he payed the car installments. The fair and honorable thing to do was for the wife to offer to pay for his share of the assets! Unfortunately many people aren’t like minded when it comes to fair and equal! Its all about control!
  4. Lol For 4 years when he was in office his detractors were constantly badgering him and his rights as the office holder Understand
  5. The word steal is the lefts term imop When boxes have been declassified, packed away , transported and sent by a govt agency to mara largo ,to be put under lock only to be seen by investigators months prior, put under more locks at the request of another govt agency while lawyers and govt agencies negotiated the release . Thats not stealing ! https://www.foxnews.com/politics/reported-trump-fbi-informant-irrelevant-source-close-former-president-says For the left ,when it comes to Trump he’s never deserving of the constitutional privileges of the office ! Imop
  6. Does a political establishment who has been obsessed with Trump ,provoke and initiate uncharted unhinged radical never before seen actions against a former POTUS! My takeaway.You will find in litigations going forward what was good for the goose will still be good for the goose ! I think many of Trumps team are going to use past privileges afforded the office as a defense! Imop Whats the trigger word for this constitutional crisis the doj/ fbi has unleashed “unprecedented” ! Close to 250 years of existence and so close to a election .These are radical over reaching actions imop
  7. Special permit and govt approved cargo seating while transporting workers up here in the northeast !” And it would be more revenue for the transportation ministry! They already have laws for too many people on a motorbike ! They don’t enforce it. Sad
  8. What kind of symptoms , do you know? I had covid omi ,2 months after my third shot , no respiratory symptoms but the leg muscle pain was brutal.
  9. Yes , my internet capability’s with these thread links kept coming back “ Please check back soon “ on the rollingstone hit page!
  10. Good for him if he decided to not be cooperative with the establishment circus ! Dont sell your sole ! Do your time for your mistakes! “Former Trump Organization CFO Allen Weisselberg plea deal would not include cooperation against Trump: sources” https://www.foxnews.com/politics/trump-org-cfo-allen-weisselberg-potential-plea-would-have-absolutely-no-cooperation-against-trump-sources
  11. I get it ,your a expert with a opinion. It seems now all the experts are coming out lately with conflicting opinions! Ill stick with Grenell and Patel opinion and facts Kash Patel former security advisor risks legal jeopardy imop by concurring publicly the docs were declassified before he left the WH. Rick Grenell former DNI as well.” There is no approval process”. https://sports.yahoo.com/could-trump-declassify-whim-does-235027653.html https://news.yahoo.com/trump-allies-declassified-mar-lago-231609255.html
  12. Who am i to doubt or cast dispersion on the experts that Politifact subscribed too in describing the rights afforded to the office of the Potus to declassify/ classify with out process. Im comfortable with the office holding these constitutional powers!
  13. from politifact of all places. Steven Aftergood, director of the Federation of American Scientists Project on Government Secrecy, said that such authority gives the president the authority to "classify and declassify at will." https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2017/may/16/james-risch/does-president-have-ability-declassify-anything-an/
  14. Id like to see your source for that ! Maybe true for others but the office of the Potus has broad sweeping absolute over everything and anybody “at anytime “ , in fact he only needs to speak it.
  15. Do you understand that the office of the potus has absolute sweeping power to declassify anywhere anytime and that many Americans especially this one feel his detractors are fringed in over reaching again
  16. Its his opinion ! Its a discussion forum . There are people who have concerns with intel agencies and their tactics.imop remember what Schumer said.
  17. You have no link for that! Im assuming your talking about this source that said originally that Garland had no knowledge of the raid . A important mischaracterization and speaks to the validity of the informer imop 6:30 p.m.: A quote that mischaracterized Garland's role was deleted. Newsweek regrets the error https://www.newsweek.com/exclusive-informer-told-fbi-what-docs-trump-was-hiding-where-1732283
  18. Exactly! Trumps office! And over the history of the office of the Potus they have taken docs out as well I imagine. Imop
  19. The process was covered in the in both links, I posted! The office of the President , regardless of who it is , has declassification capability’s absolute ,in effect sweeping! https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2017/may/16/james-risch/does-president-have-ability-declassify-anything-an/ https://justthenews.com/politics-policy/all-things-trump/breaking-trump-describes-process-how-he-declassified-documents “The Presidents detractors are likely to contest Trump and his argument but officials familiar with national security law said courts have held the office’s power to declassify is far reaching and that the process for how that happens can be more happenstance,something the bush and obama EO’s of 2003 and 2009 made clear”. The haters of the FPOTUS are over reacting and over reaching again!imop
  20. The political opposition is gaming the court of opinion again . Court cases in multiple areas with lengty litigation and heavily covered by their propaganda machine! IMOP
  21. I dont think they were much concerned about any process at that time especially knowing that the constitution allows the POTUS broad powers when it comes to classifications! "The minute the president speaks about it to someone, he has the ability to declassify anything at any time without any process." https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2017/may/16/james-risch/does-president-have-ability-declassify-anything-an/ Its been reported on”Just the News”, https://justthenews.com/politics-policy/all-things-trump/breaking-trump-describes-process-how-he-declassified-documents ,that The FPOTUS DECLASSIFIED everything under a standing order while he was POTUS! The FPotus defense is rooted in legal principles. Quoting the former President, “Number one it was all declassified! Two they didn’t need to seize anything they could of had it anytime without playing politics. It was in secured storage with a additional lock put on as per their request”. Trump
  22. Nice neutral comment! I think its safe to say Since the credibility of the doj and fbi about Mr. Trump weighs heavy in this thread, comey left out the integrity part of the moto Finality and Bravery when he took advantage of the new WH administration early on.
  23. That "original " newsweek story with the source/informer saying Garland didn't know about the raid or something to that effect , has been corrected. "6:30 p.m.: A quote about Garland's role was deleted after the attorney general himself addressed the issue". So much from that reliable source informer imop https://www.newsweek.com/exclusive-informer-told-fbi-what-docs-trump-was-hiding-where-1732283
  24. Well said! I think the Six ways to Sunday cabal have been exposed ,especially since 2015! They can't be trusted !How can you trust them when other's that oversee there submissions, have also condemned their actions in the past .The FBI and doj are too politicized imop "was antithetical to the heightened duty of candor" Judges on the court rely entirely on the government's submissions. Because they are the only documents the court sees, the government has a heightened duty of candor, she said. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/justice-department/secret-fisa-court-issues-highly-unusual-rebuke-fbi-mistakes-n1103451
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