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Everything posted by riclag

  1. The courts denial of motion ! https://int.nyt.com/data/documenttools/denial-of-justice-department-s-request-for-a-partial-stay/5a04a0af482fe04f/full.pdf
  2. Its in the courts hands now! Its quite possible that when Mr Trump as Potus took these unclassified docs marked classified ,he and his legal team were inclined to think this was the way it was going to go and knew it would have to be litigated ! Imop Its ugly because its the left vs the right with liberals and conservative media flavoring! Im content knowing that a judge finally stands up to the Fbi/doj knowing their past when it comes to Trump and especially how they showed contempt by leaking to the press ! Americans will never know what the content of these docs are . One could only guess ! But if it shows how devious and cunning the establishment has been in their attempt to get a POTUS that wants to expose them and the establishment, by all means good for the American people.
  3. I think this will help! "Accordingly, NARA will provide the FBI accessto the records in question, as requested by the incumbent President, beginning as early as Thursday, May 12, 2022," Wall wrote, about four months after Trump handed over the records to NARA. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/biden-signed-off-fbi-review-trump-records-national-archives-letter-reveals
  4. Trump knows full well what to expect from agencies investigating their own! Over the years especially with Trump, Americans have learned a great deal about the Washington establishment other wised known as the swamp.imop He’s the master of stringing a narrative! Because of the conspiracy’s attributed to the famous 6 ways to sunday cabal ,many Americans have seen and become familiar with, fbi/ lying in a fisa warrant fbi/ doj being scolded and called out by a fisa judge . Fbi / McCabe misleading investigators. Clinton and her campaign dissemination of the Russian hoax. Comeys famous line when sending FBI agents to investigate Flynn “something I probably wouldn't have done or maybe gotten away with in a more … organized administration.” https://www.nationalreview.com/news/fisa-court-issues-rare-public-order-condemning-fbi-for-russia-probe-abuses-and-demanding-reforms/ https://m.washingtontimes.com/news/2020/jan/2/andrew-mccabe-ex-fbi-deputy-admits-role-media-leak/ https://www.foxnews.com/politics/comey-admits-decision-to-send-fbi-agents-to-interview-mike-flynn-was-not-standard I cant imagine what the world would think if the shoe was on the other foot and these deeds done to a dem ! Two tiered justice system imop
  5. It’s crazy, I have been thinking of him the last couple of months and wondering why i haven't heard of his response to the unprecedented move by the fbi/doj. Now I know why! I always looked forward to his opinions . Rip judge , he was a legend and a force for searching out the truth during his career. “Over his career, Ken Starr achieved a number of accomplishments, including becoming a federal judge, an attorney general, Solicitor General, the President of Baylor University, and serving in the White House”. https://kidadl.com/famous-people-facts/ken-starr
  6. Since the govt affords former Potus expenses and salary for a office and its “administration” expenses under the “Former Presidents Act” , I think it’s more than reasonable that both pay. It was the govt who conducted a unprecedented search on the property that is helping pay for the office of a former Potus.. Some experts have said they should of carried on negotiations with the office of the former . Now that the govt through the doj/ fbi/ federal magistrate ( who equally is controversial imop , as reported by virtue of his past comments and past political support ) have caused a overly broad search and seizure ( collecting passports and medical records) ,Trump together with the taxpayer dollars should foot the bill! “Allowances and Office Staff for Former Presidents’’ may be used to pay fees of an independent contractor who is not a member of the staff of the office of a former President for the review of Presidential records of a former President in connection with the transfer of such records to the National Archives and Records Administration or a Presidential Library without regard to the limitation on staff compensation set forth herein. https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/COMPS-11552/pdf/COMPS-11552.pdf https://www.everycrsreport.com/reports/RL34631.html https://nypost.com/2022/09/09/trump-and-doj-make-special-master-suggestions-in-mar-a-lago-probe/ https://nypost.com/2022/08/09/judge-who-approved-fbi-raid-on-mar-a-lago-once-linked-to-jeffrey-epstein/
  7. Who cares, the topic is biden! God knows there are enough topics on trump for you to post on .
  8. I Like your comment especially the part of “ trial in the court of public opinion “! One of the arguments of the judge was about the leaks in relation to granting a special master and within a short time after her ruling,bam. I like to see the judge institute a media gag order or throw out the case against Trump https://www.politico.com/news/2022/09/05/special-master-mar-a-lago-documents-00054814
  9. Among independents bidens approval is still very low and thats at 29% . https://docs.cdn.yougov.com/t1ravwgbet/econTabReport.pdf
  10. Same thing is happening at my house, unfortunately I dont have a gun , but I carry a large stick with a knife attached when I go out in front of my yard to throw away trash or perform maintenance of the hedges! Need more of these occurrences to make others who have no clue or could careless of their neighbors irresponsibilities, heed caution. My wife said neighbors often kill each other over stupid dog issues. I certainly can understand why .
  11. Id keep most of it in a bank collecting close to 2 percent interest in the states. Bring over 10-15 k for spending while parking it here in a bank
  12. “Plaintiff faces an unquantifiable potential harm by way of improper disclosure of sensitive information to the public,” U.S. District Court Judge Aileen Cannon wrote in a 24-page ruling issued on Labor Day. https://www.politico.com/news/2022/09/05/special-master-mar-a-lago-documents-00054814 Imop this judge did the right thing , especially with all of the illegal leaks that was given to the media! She was so methodical and descriptive in her review of time lines. “But they also indicate that, on more than one occasion, the Privilege Review Team’s initial screening failed to identify potentially privileged material.” My takeaway ,Cant trust the fox (doj/fbi)in the hen house to be honest and do a proper investigation when it comes to Trump imop. Garland made a gigantic political mistake goin after Trump. Their unprecedented action and blunders is evidence,that I hope the Independent voters take notice imop !
  13. What led up to a showdown in a federal court in Fla ! Good read especially knowing what became of that day! https://www.lawfareblog.com/mar-lago-showdown-federal-court
  14. Take care take care . Many falang men “not all” are sympathetic to a young ladies past circumstances ( as has been briefly discussed in this article)! I think she sees a falang as a way out of a miserable existence for her and her kids. Cant fault her for that! Not knowing her ex’s stance on falangs , imop it seemed to trigger him .
  15. He’s got a history! Stupid blok! I liked to see a eye for a eye ! Punishment should be the same as what happened to the victims! Heinous act deserves the same back, me thinks!
  16. Well then ill have to weigh your opinion with the experts in these matters that I have linked to in one of my prior posts. I Think ill stick with the supreme court justice clerks expert opinion ,together with past incedents that lay questions to the reliability and trust of the six ways to sunday cabal intel agencies with respect to dealing with Trump !
  17. They cage people for assaulting other people ! But dogs assaulting people not so much. Soi Dogs here myst be managed like people are managed! The vicious should be Caged ,they are a menace to society!They should take care of the others so that they cannot have pups also! There also should be restrictions on residential areas ,1 dog per house! Can you imagine living next to 7 small highly strung dogs who bark oppressively all day and night!
  18. Talking about the dark day when fbi came a calling ! They told trumps lawyers not to follow. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/fbi-would-not-let-trump-attorneys-agents-raided-mar-a-lago-warrant-nara
  19. Trust us we got experts who have a different perspective dealing with the unprecedented radical act ,by bidens doj/fbi as i indicated in the comment source !
  20. He wasn’t on site when they came a calling he was in NY or NJ . A reasonable person would be curious imop to know why a secret service rep or Trumps legal team wouldn’t be allowed to tag along and was asked by the fbi to shut down cctv while they scoured Trumps residence .
  21. Its been reported.The documents with govt markings were declassified according to kash patel trumps former aid and now one of his reps to the national archives! “The bottom line was he said this information has to get out to the American public,” Mr. Patel said in an interview Wednesday. Mr. Patel said he didn’t know what was in the boxes the Federal Bureau of Investigation seized earlier this month but believed prosecutors would have a hard time proving that the documents weren’t covered by Mr. Trump’s declassification orders. https://www.wsj.com/articles/ex-white-house-aide-kash-patel-presses-view-trump-broadly-declassified-documents-11661083201 As a president when he was president he can decide what is personal , not others, according to a 2012 ruling. Heres a quote from a expert, former law clerk to the SCOUS “Even if Trump took classified records, that isn't a crime. The president has the inherent constitutional power to declassify any record he wants, in any manner he wants, regardless of any otherwise-pertinent statute or regulation that applies to everyone else. The president does not need to obtain Congress' or a bureaucrat's permission—or jump through their regulatory or statutory hoops—to declassify anything”. https://www.newsweek.com/garland-wray-must-impeached-unconscionable-trump-raid-opinion-1733523 I see the lefts ridiculous narrative that he stole documents another in the long line of manufactured spins.
  22. I got my 3rd shot of Pfizer in March, got omi in May all while living here in Thailand. I wanted to rough it without the help of meds but my Welch friend suggested to take the Govts anti viral drug favipiravir to lessen the duration of Omi. Im glad I took the antiviral drug mfg in Japan used here in Thailand . Omi only attacked my muscles , no fever or respiratory problems. I dont know what saved me from serious covid illness but No 4th shot for me , I’ll try just the antivirals favipiravir the next time.
  23. From your source, Democrats are expected to lose control of the U.S. House of Representatives in November and possibly the Senate as well. Even with control only of the House, Republicans would be able to bring Biden's legislative agenda to a halt and launch potentially politically damaging investigations. The dem and gop voter are basically accountable ! Its that 1 or 2 % of independents in the the swing states that everyone wants imop! Good to see the economy is still the major issue theres no getting around that despite the lefts attempts at attacking amendment rights and forcing Americans to pay handsomely in the form of taxes for their socialist spending spree imop
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