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Everything posted by riclag

  1. Exactly! There use to be a time when SNL would make parody towards all politicians! The left has taken that away! biden is a treasure trove for pundits to make political jest. imop
  2. The results of a Catastrophic biden and a Presidency in Peril! Biden trailing Trump in 7 key swing states, poll shows. https://nbcmontana.com/news/nation-world/biden-trailing-trump-in-7-key-swing-states-poll-shows-2024-election-white-house-gop-republican-democrat-arizona-georgia-michigan-pennsylvania-north-carolina-nevada-wisconsin
  3. “Another Thai woman was also betrayed by her ex-boyfriend. She revealed her story to the media in June last year that the man raped her and later asked if he could take care of her as his girlfriend. Her refusal made him angry and he sent her explicit pictures and videos to her friends and family members”. This Zero should be tarred & feathered . The lowest of scum ,me thinks.
  4. He’s anti Marxist , that brings his credibility up along with is prose ,me thinks,cut him some …
  5. You used idiot on the wrong guy, im afraid to say! But I agree with everything else mostly! Give credit were due, Well said When Trump wins , it will take more then his administration and 4 years to drain the cesspool of bureaucracy! imop
  6. Brilliantly said, Safety First hasn’t occurred to the radicals and their leader of the Woke movement, Surge the border the fool said! Eventually,The Response by Intel, Its just a question of when(terrorism)! Hope Wray last long enough to stand in front of the American people to explain their ineptness. Director Wray even confirmed joint terrorism task forces in all 56 of the agency’s field offices are occupied with threats coming across the border. https://homeland.house.gov/2023/11/15/fbi-director-wray-confirms-the-border-crisis-poses-major-homeland-security-threat-dhs-secretary-mayorkas-stonewalls/ https://www.chicagotribune.com/2021/03/24/column-biden-called-for-the-border-surge-and-now-he-owns-it/
  7. “Mate it is as if the left are so blind that they cannot see that their 'reality' is falling apart all over the world”. Its called gaslighting spin ,the radical left failed miserably but others like a devout Trump hater or a cultural Marxist would deny the reality . imop
  8. Thats a triple bingo, congratulations , this one just made my ignore list
  9. Whats the condo rules for quite time, 11 -7 ?
  10. Its a me , me , society in many ways. Sick at times. Have you ever watched Perps on the news being escorted to and from court ! Fully protected in a helmet and vested.
  11. The dems are good at coming up with names to spare head their agenda ,not so much with the Gop usually . Their oversight committee got it right with this one . Weaponization of the Federal Government!
  12. I remember years ago having to order 5k in $100’s at the bank several days before traveling. Stood at the tellers window 15 minutes while inspecting each bill for excessive folds, blemishes , marks ,rips .The first time I came I had 7 bills rejected.Lesson learned. Only If I had known about Schwab Banks debit card then.
  13. Under President Biden's leadership, America's resolve appears weakened, evidenced by recent diplomatic missteps and the botched Afghanistan withdrawal. The collapse of a Senate border deal highlights a troubling shift toward adopting policies reminiscent of Trump's "America First" agenda. I like Murray’s opinions! Especially the diplomacy angle! So much can be said about prompting up Terrorist states like IRan and their terror proxies Hamas ! Billions of Americans taxes where wasted on the left’s experiment to legitimize religious arab extremist. That being said , the result being, the real enemy the left and the warmongers ! Peace through strength always wins the day, not another crisis after crisis afghan Ukraine Gaza imop
  14. Agreed! Anytime the opposition upon forming a new administration leaves a high ranking official such as Millie & Wray in office or in charge it usually is a indication how they will carry on. imop
  15. The liberal snowflake with the winter hat, screaming towards the sky ,comes to mind! Me thinks the flakes need reprogramming, fear not ,4 more years and a new America First wanna be will take the stage , shouting down the evil left.
  16. I agree with you, Impossible. Schumer : “Let me tell you, you take on the intelligence community, they have six ways from Sunday to get back at you. https://nypost.com/2017/01/11/schumer-predicted-intelligence-officials-would-get-back-at-trump/
  17. “On Trump's last day in office, why were sensitive documents allegedly in such disarray”? Pay no attention to the misleading way these activists pretending to be reporters phrase the headline! During his last weeks in office,Trump declassified much of what the intelligence agencies didn’t want known . Those documents were suppose to be released , but like the JFK files, they weren’t. Some Doj officials will be held accountable for that me thinks. https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/trumps-day-office-sensitive-documents-allegedly-disarray/story?id=90989613
  18. Politico, “In the classified documents case, Trump’s lawyers have argued that the intelligence community is heavily politicized already, only with a leftist ideology that is unfair to the former president. One former senior White House official under Trump, who is still close with Trump and his team, argued that other key national security officials at the time also believed the intelligence agencies were political and bloated bureaucratic offices that often miscalculated critical issues. Another former Trump administration national security official who still speaks to the former president said there is a need for Trump, if re-elected, to try to install people in the agencies who he trusts and oust those who have a history of trying to undermine him”. What a mess domestically and foreign! He’s in a much better position the second time around to do some legal agency house cleaning. Weaponization of Government agencies is a threat to the existence of the Republic, with help from loyalists , American First cabinet heads ,the new administration will weed out the outliers after the typical resignations . He won’t have a Jim Comey , McCabe or Stroz conspiring to create soft coup’s , such as the Russia Russia hoax. Fbi director Chris Wray a Chris Christy recommendation is gone, its a start .
  19. I dont see it that way! You need to reread the statement “dumbflukkery” presented in the The person he was criticizing post. Its a insult and highly critical!
  20. Im confused Mr Smith ! I just did a search for repair vs buy new.Seems like the majority are in your favor which I would also agree with . But what confuses me is that you would deny and criticize someone for their opinion! A opinion to throw something away for various reasons. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0959652623012106
  21. Safety First, helmet your kids while riding Motorcycles! And stop covering up the Nutrition Fact labels on groceries. Imop
  22. Chai lao! Sawadee Khap Khon Suay. Sabadee mai. Khoon duu Suay wan nee. Harmless among falang acquaintances. I once knew a Brit who was offended when I called him Johnny instead of John , though. There are All kinds out there ,I suppose .
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