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Everything posted by riclag

  1. Thanks op ! Best wishes going forward ! I hope you score big with getting some or all of your money back and the low life being found and convicted! Dont give up !
  2. It was reported as a Prediction , ! it certainly wasn’t being reported As a mobster threat nor encouraging political violence, like you have said or that others have claimed without evidence ! You and others would do yourself justice if you use the opinion other than provoking others into something that its not!
  3. Not relevant ! Longwood made a broad stroke claim im merely backing him up with a source
  4. Conspiracy theory run a muck, graham predicting Vs a claim of encouraging political violence.
  5. Brilliant ! Just goes to show the agency and Trumps lawyers were negotiating for these docs! When it comes to 45 the feeble left would have you believe that the former POTUS while in office stole these docs ! Imop “All recent administrations have had some Presidential Records Act violations, most often involving the use of unofficial email and telephone accounts. White House documents from multiple administrations also have been retrieved by the Archives after a president has left office”. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2022/02/07/trump-records-mar-a-lago/
  6. She’s going to another state to have her procedure done! The Supreme court decided to leave it up to the each state laws, to abort a birth. States rights prevail in abortion ! They make the laws now!
  7. Merely Fox giving a expert on the matter time to reflect , me thinks.
  8. Why wait, Former Supreme court law clerk speaks out on the Fbi mar-a-lago raid. He says they are improperly leaking!
  9. How about those village witch dr’s , that they visit every 3 months or so! They predicted my step daughter would have bad luck the entire remainder of year 2022! She missed work the next day so she could get the monk to splash water on her at the temple , for good luck.
  10. Before i bought a car here i was riding on the back of our motorbike ,while my wife drove.I remember on one occasion asking my wife why cars and trucks dont yield with caution before they enter the soi after leaving a parking lot! They just pull out it seems. She said because many times people know they have bigger vehicles than a motorbike and its up to the motorbike driver to take care! Lol
  11. "The FBI and DOJ have demonstrated a willingness to treat President Trump differently than any other citizen," the motion states, citing the two years of the "noisy" Trump-Russia investigations and more. Trump’s lawyers demanded a special master to review the records, stressing that a DOJ "filter team" "will not protect President Trump’s rights." https://www.foxnews.com/politics/trump-files-lawsuit-seeking-independent-review-fbi-raid-mar-a-lago Good read with lots details. That last paragraph speaks of the trust many Americans have in the agencies individuals that claims the moto “fidelity, bravery and integrity “.imop
  12. My wife had moderate facial acne ! We found a clinic in Udon about 6 years ago ! They started her on the generic version of accutane , along with facial creams ! While on the meds for 3 years she broke out the first 2 or 3 months ( highly expected) but after that she never got it back! She still visits the same dr once or twice a year for co2 treatments and creams. In six years she has had only two bad cystic pimples! success
  13. The picture(gas pump) at the top of the story says a lot too.But American voters will be voting on the dreadful economy imop Payback comith right soon in November 74% of voters say country is on the wrong track, Biden’s job approval stays low: https://nypost.com/2022/08/21/74-of-voters-say-country-is-on-the-wrong-track-bidens-job-approval-stays-low-poll/
  14. Spot on with that amount! You could even go down to 3 mil! Many years ago while living here,I had a friend from Wales,who was told he had cancer here ! Treatment was quoted at 2 mil! Unfortunately he didn’t have insurance or the 2 mil. Keep up with your healthcare , you’ll be ok with self insurance imop
  15. Despite that he payed the car installments. The fair and honorable thing to do was for the wife to offer to pay for his share of the assets! Unfortunately many people aren’t like minded when it comes to fair and equal! Its all about control!
  16. Lol For 4 years when he was in office his detractors were constantly badgering him and his rights as the office holder Understand
  17. The word steal is the lefts term imop When boxes have been declassified, packed away , transported and sent by a govt agency to mara largo ,to be put under lock only to be seen by investigators months prior, put under more locks at the request of another govt agency while lawyers and govt agencies negotiated the release . Thats not stealing ! https://www.foxnews.com/politics/reported-trump-fbi-informant-irrelevant-source-close-former-president-says For the left ,when it comes to Trump he’s never deserving of the constitutional privileges of the office ! Imop
  18. Does a political establishment who has been obsessed with Trump ,provoke and initiate uncharted unhinged radical never before seen actions against a former POTUS! My takeaway.You will find in litigations going forward what was good for the goose will still be good for the goose ! I think many of Trumps team are going to use past privileges afforded the office as a defense! Imop Whats the trigger word for this constitutional crisis the doj/ fbi has unleashed “unprecedented” ! Close to 250 years of existence and so close to a election .These are radical over reaching actions imop
  19. Special permit and govt approved cargo seating while transporting workers up here in the northeast !” And it would be more revenue for the transportation ministry! They already have laws for too many people on a motorbike ! They don’t enforce it. Sad
  20. What kind of symptoms , do you know? I had covid omi ,2 months after my third shot , no respiratory symptoms but the leg muscle pain was brutal.
  21. Yes , my internet capability’s with these thread links kept coming back “ Please check back soon “ on the rollingstone hit page!
  22. Good for him if he decided to not be cooperative with the establishment circus ! Dont sell your sole ! Do your time for your mistakes! “Former Trump Organization CFO Allen Weisselberg plea deal would not include cooperation against Trump: sources” https://www.foxnews.com/politics/trump-org-cfo-allen-weisselberg-potential-plea-would-have-absolutely-no-cooperation-against-trump-sources
  23. I get it ,your a expert with a opinion. It seems now all the experts are coming out lately with conflicting opinions! Ill stick with Grenell and Patel opinion and facts Kash Patel former security advisor risks legal jeopardy imop by concurring publicly the docs were declassified before he left the WH. Rick Grenell former DNI as well.” There is no approval process”. https://sports.yahoo.com/could-trump-declassify-whim-does-235027653.html https://news.yahoo.com/trump-allies-declassified-mar-lago-231609255.html
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