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Coffee Dude

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Posts posted by Coffee Dude

  1. I agree the choices in the poll didn't include mine. I prefer the Beautiful Thai Girl that I have been with since I moved to Thailand. I have been married to 3 Falang women, if you include one from Mexico. They were all beautiful. They were also very difficult to live with. If I had a the choice I would pick no one but the Woman I am with.

    :o Coffee!!! :D

  2. I wonder how the Thai people would feel about being viewed as an anthropological exhibit not to be tainted by outside influence. :D

    So what are foreigners supposed to do in other countries? Walk around blind folded for fear of treating the native people as exhibits? :D

    I would suggest walking around like people and treating others like people. Having the open mind to recognize that all of them are different. Some are amusing, some are dangerous.

    Didn't mean anything bad with the statement just that it seems a "them and us" kinda thing was happening.


  3. I speak Thai really well... it's just that no one can understand me :o

    My TGF could Spea englit litton bit when we first met but now....Incredible ability to learn a difficult language so quickly. I speak in complete sentences (even though she still doesn't always). She asks for syntax and verb conjugation corrections often. It took me 2 years to learn Spanish when engulfed in a 95% spanish enviro in Latin America. She has done better than I did with me being the only real (albiet poor) example and sounding board.

    :D Coffee!!! :D

  4. Better to call the police anonymously...any intervention on that situation could have brought you upon a concealed weapon of some sort.  That's defintely a shitty situation.

    I saw a similar situation (except she was knocked to the ground several times and once briefly lost concienceness) on the street in direct view of a policeman. No action taken.

    Quite dissettling

    :o Coffee!!! :D

  5. Yep the Muay Thai song, also known as "a cat massacre in a bagpipe factory" :D . That's my favorite :o .. I especially like it when I am having a conversation and the PA truck broadcasting to the moon comes by.

    :D Coffee!!! :D

  6. I fear he will be taken again by the first girl who sees his need and exploits it.

    Scamp is in an unfortunately fortunate position to see the tell of the tape about that. I rememeber in the other thread that at one point he had considered eating a TP roll soup. And on several occasions it was Ms Ning that provided the grub and or entertainment.

    One can't be exploited for money if one doesn't have any.

    :o Coffee!!! :D

  7. I like reading them because of the moralistic detours often taken by posters. This can lead to very active discussions about differing view points.

    For many Farang folks, even after some time in LoS, there is still a glimmer of the old forbidden ground taboo. I think this is eveidenced by the read count on the thread about Lady boys in General Topics. :o

    :D Coffee!!! :D

  8. We have temple dogs. Dog rescue people come around and do the sterilization thing and within a couple of weeks neighbors go out and get some new puppies to starve and neglect, just to keep the stray population up I guess. Noisy, territorial, busted up bunch always trying to move up a rank on the alpha male list. Don't like'em, no sir, don't like'em.

    :o Coffee!!! :D

  9. I was afraid you may misread my post.

    I will add a little more information. The woman I am refering to had a weapon of choice. That was the threat of leaving. I would ALWAYS bow down (painfully) in the face of this choice. Finally, after several years of ever increasing demands on my understanding I accepted her proposal in lieu of a particularly hard to accept demand and said, "OK then. If you leave you can't come back...ever". She called my bluff and went back to the US from Costa Del Sol Spain (Puerto Banus to be exact). Within 2 weeks she wanted to come back. (I don't lie and she couldn't come back)

    The wounds began to heal soon and I started feeling more and more like a whole human being again. All I needed was to get some balls about me and STAND by my own thoughts and feelings. I believe regardless of what your thoughts and feeling are, everyone is more the person for standing by them. The feeling I think works against you most is fear (of the unknown or uncomfortable).

    In all of your posts it appears quite obvious that you are an intelligent, conscientious person. Your ability to achieve just about anything you want in life is just a few efforts away at any given moment.

    Head up and believe in yourself. Even from afar I feel you are a very capable person.

    :o Coffee!!! :D

  10. Please don't take this the wrong way.

    I have enjoyed your Saga a lot.

    I can remember a time when I was with a woman (second wife) (American of Irish/Mexican ancestory) that was so concerned about her well-being that mine was basically insignificant to her. In an increasing effort to make the relationship work I became more and more, to quote an earlier post, pussy whipped. For my particular personality this didn't work in the short long-run. I can hang in adverse conditions (5 years in that case) but I am not a masochist. I found that trying to conform to the (against my internal feelings) demands, I was beginning to fail in other aspects of life that normally would be no challenge to me. I had begun adjusting my psyche to accept things that I felt were wrong. This trend lead to a series of horribly wrong decisions. These wrong decisions had drastic negative impact on my ability to succeed in life.

    Inversely, if I had been a masochist it could have been just what the doctor ordered.

    Are you a masochist?

  11. DAY 33

    "You need to be strong more, that why you are not my style, I like a man not care about anything and not take life seriously too much. You are too good for me and if you are too good you will only get hurt more."

    What is strength anyway?

    I don't know why it is that women want this type of man. The dangerous type . You can see them on the Cops Television show. An attractive woman standing in the door of a mobile home, in her underwear, sporting a black eye, and protesting "He didn't mean it, He really f*ckin' luvs me you know". Strange quirk in many a females mental make-up. Don't take it personal, and for the female readers and defenders of female virtue, I am not saying all women are this way. Not at all... but a lot are.

    :o Coffee!!! :D

  12. It is hilarious to me to see sex tourists bemoaning the impending collapse of Bangkok's tourist industry based upon a 60 minute (or 90,or 120 minutes) change is bar closing times.

    Hard core sex tourists are maybe 0.5% of tourists, they interact with mybe 0.1% of Thailand, and all the money they spend combined is maybe 0.5% of tourist spending.  I made up the numbers - who really knows.

    But - I didn't make up this:  http://www.travelandleisure.com/worldsbest....cfm?cat=cities

    Bangkok is the #1 tourist destination in Asia - period.  #4 in the world.  Based on 2004 status.  Who says?  Well, T&L isn't God - but they are a fairly mainstraem, center of mass publication.

    Places that serve drinks along Silom and Sukhumvit aren't even 0.01% of Bangkok's economic activity - much less Thailand's.  Just because it is where you hang out, don't kid yourself that it is macro-significant.

    If they literally shut down Soi Cowboy, Nana, and Patpong I and II tonight - permamently - I would hazard a guess that it would be completely invisible for 4th Qtr Thailand tourist numbers, comparing 2003 and 2004.  That's how totally insignificant this sector is - at national, or even city level.

    It matters a lot to individual bar owners, go-go dancers, cashers, touts, and policemen on the take.  But places recover - from lots worse impacts - take a look at Beruit.

    So, for all the horny guys weeping their Singhas - time for you to slither on over to Phnom Penh, or Angeles City, or wherever.  Bangkok doesn't want you anymore.  You said it first, and I agree with you.

    I'm looking forward in a continuing improvement in the quality of life in Thailand- lengthening life expectancies, higher average educational levels, improiving healthcare, ever-increasing average wage levels.  'Yup,  goin' to ###### in a handbasket.

    'Get a clue.


    I'm not in the Bar or lady business, but, a 2 hour change now comes shortly after a 2pm curfue was made ?3 years ago? In comparison New Orleans gets a lot more business than the rest of Louisiana, I believe, because it is the only city in the state that doesn't close at 2am. It parties all night and all day if you want. But there, like here, you can find many other things to do (and spend your money on) once you arrive.

    You are probably correct in assuming that the actual #baht that is spent directly in the nightlife industry is a small percentage of the money spent overall. That is a good thing, as long as it is spent diversely among small businesses and entrepeneurs.

    Governement policies all over the world tend to support targetted financial gain. This would eliminate many opportunities for the Thai people, and others living here, from having a CHANCE to earn an honest living with a lifestyle/income ceiling that is determined by drive, effort, and forthought as opposed to minimum wage laws.

    But all of the tourist money, where ever it's spent, has to come in for a reason. I have to say I don't think people will come half way around the world to see some temples...Maybe...Angkor..once...and a people who appear to be increasingly less welcoming...but "Sin Capitol of the World"??? Keeping in mind that in the end they will only spend a small percentage of there time and money in that venue.

    I think these closing times (and zoning rules) are a corral to squeeze the money into a tighter more controllable stream into the pockets of a few. I don't really think that the Thai Government has done this for humanitarian reasons.

    :o Coffee!!! :D

  13. I think slut is an attitude. When I was a young man I new young ladies that had very little experience but could think and act like all that mattered was the Salami Slide, doing the Cucumber Mamba taking the meat treat, slappin hide, makin bacon... you get the point.

    I have know women who were proffessional escorts that were much more trustworthy and self-controlled than these young inexperienced women.

    My old granpappy used to say "The worst I ever had was wonderful"...Unortunately I have found that not to hold true.

    So look at the head :D and remember....If you kiss her you don't know what she's had in her mouth.

    :o Coffee!!! :D

  14. Usually I shy away from these situations but still have a short friendly chat.

    I must admit a sense of humour to me is priceless. The more the better !

    Some people have told me that Ladyboys have a college education.

    If so, how well are they educated ? Or does it vary a great deal ?

    You Ladyboy experts out there must know?

    My one contact with a highly educated one is the exception that proves the rule?

    Or is it more common ?

    This is getting curiouser and curiouser.

    :o Coffee!!! :D

  15. i have a few general questions regarding how one should dress in the LoS so that one does not look out of place or stand out like an american tourist (they're always the ones to get kidnapped or shot first you know  :o )...

    Do all of the things that people above say not to do and you will not be suspected of being American.

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