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Coffee Dude

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Posts posted by Coffee Dude

  1. I have always thought that because the Rama Dynasty is Buddhist, then preaching Christianity in Thailand should be viewed as a serious no-no.

    And Muslim????????????????????????

    If I knock one off a bike will you buy me dinner????????????????

    Personaly an agnostic, but do not see the big deal. Here come the christians, booooo, better watch out, boooo.

    After all, it's the muslims that kill you if you don't convert.

    Here's an idea. If you see a mormon missionary, why don't you take him to lunch?

    At nana plaza. :D

    Well, well, well......SoCal, you were writing in another thread that you don't have hatred towards any group, race, etc. The stuff you wrote here shows what a pathetic lier and a racist of a person you are.

    So you are anti-Muslim, eh ? Admit it....your despise does not seem to be just for 'Islamist extremists' or even 'Islamists', but 'Muslims' in general, according to what I can read.

    Fool, how many Muslims have you met in life ? I am agnostic but I have many Muslim friends.....none of them would fit the stereotype you have about Muslims. Almost all of those friends of mine are fully against fundamentalism. Some of them sometimes enjoy a beer or two with me.

    Of course you would probably argue that they are not really Muslims.....I wish you could tell it to them then...they claim to be Muslims.

    You are one of those people who like to lump people together in certain sterotypes and then vent your hatred towards them ! Pathetic !

    Shame on you !


    JJ you seem to read the worst into posts. I read that and thought it was poorly written. But I read it as "Why would you do that to anyone?".

    I could be wrong but I am looking for the silver lining not the dark cloud.

    :o Coffee!!! :D

  2. The death of these people is unfortunate and regretable. War kills children and other living things. Nobody likes war.

    If all of the foreign troops left now...All that would be left are the untrained, unprotected, majority of Iraquis that have stood and hoped for a chance at a peaceful future and the people that want to make absolutely sure that hope never comes to fruition.

    They will be masacred by the 10's of thousands.

    All deaths are a horrible thing.

    :o Latte please :D

  3. Perceived safety is usually much lower than actual safety.

    The press looks for sensationalism and for some reason seems to try to affect tourism.

    The SARS media blitz for example.

    Koh Samui was a ghost island for several months becasue of this media hype. When the fact was that you were more likely to get an intestnal bacteria and die of diahrea than to even contract the SARS virus (of which there were no reported case of someone contracting SARS in Thailand).

    I think the same type of exagerated perception is likely from the unfortunate and regretable murders of a few people.

    Same thing happened in Florida a few years ago. A few Tourists were murdered and robbed and the media would have you believe that if you went to Florida you were probably going to die a horrible and violent death.

    I feel safer in Thailand than ANY other country I have visited or lived in during my 50 year life.

    :o Coffee!!! :D

  4. MR GS

    are you going for the longest ever topic on the forum?

    can not see anything else new in the topic that has not been asked and said before :o

    Hey CTG, It's back by popular demand, it wasn't me.

    P.S. I'll be holding auditions for a replacement girlfriend on Oct 20th at the Sienna Room, Hilton Hotel, Hua Hin.

    If you're interested please bring references from at least one ex boyfriend. -_-

    Yeah, I did it. So I'll through a little curve into the script.

    Women that I have been intimate with as well as being friends have often turned out to be an excellent source of pull. They can spot what you're looking for and pull for you with amazing accuracy. :D

    When she gets back from Erie...Do you think that your Ning will have the ability to give up the traditional Thai possessive tendency to help you out that way? :D

    If not, keep us informed of the new additions to the love train in true Soap Opera style. OK? :D

    :D Coffee!!! :wub:

  5. I've only lived in loS for a little over 2 years but in that time most of the murders I have heard about first hand are Thai/Thai. I have read in the papers and seen on the tele a few cases of Thai/Farang. There have been 2 double murders in the Issawn province and small town of my GF in the last couple of months both of which were "Crimes of Passion".

    It may be that there is a growing trend of Hate for Falangs. I suspected, and my GF has confirmed, that many Thais have an early indoctrination to not like Farangs becasue of messages coming in the form of education. I don't want to expand on this because some of it is unspeakable (here in LoS). Suffice to say, she believes the powers to be (currently) don't want the mix.

    :o Coffee!!! :D

  6. I was having a smoke last night and when I put the cigarette to my lips my whole hand fuzzed out! I jumped into the shower to cool my jets after the scare and my nipples and testicles were completely fuzzed out too!

    Almost the same thing happened to me.. Except when I was in the shower... I was fuzzed nearly to my knees..

    Of course that was just a dream too :D

    :o Coffee!!! :D

  7. Ajarn...35,000 is a bit steep for importing an airgun. Maybe better to just buy one at a local market

    Guess you didn't notice where I said the cost locally was twice the cost of buying overseas. Even with customs, I'm still saving 10's of thousands of baht.

    Customs is just one of those things that one deals with at times here. No real sweat :D

    I'm waay off topic here but...

    It seems you have a battle course somewhere. Is it against forum policy to ask where it is. I love the game.

    :o Coffee!!! :D

  8. For you reality avoiders, give us one, just one shred of evidence that Al Qaeda /  bin Laden was involved in 9/11.

    Just one.

    How about Bin Lauden stating that he planned it and was both pleased and surprised with the results. Also stating that he had expected the floors above the fires to fall because of the heat weakened steel but was pleasantly surprised that the rest of the building fell. :o

    :D Coffee!!! :D

    please include a link to that taped interview?

    The one that was thrown about on the internet was proven fake by many sides of the political spectrum. Bin Laden also was taped on an Arab television station saying he promised Allah he had nothing to do with it. I dont have a link to mine, but would love to see yours.

    You didnt see him do it did you?

    why did the government fly the family of Bin Laden out of the US within 24 hours of the attacks? As an FBI guy said on 20/20?, they would be the first people we would of have liked to interview - interrogation 101.

    try a herbal tea. :wub:

    You bit the hook.

    Sorry I don't but... It would do me no good whatsoever because I can't speak Arabi. I would have to trust that the translation was correct. And that the information translated was genuine and from a responsible and reliable source.. Like say.... Michael Moore???

    :D Coffee!!! :D

  9. Your wife is correct. It is the same feeling that came to my mind. What do you feel if I go and sit on the head of Jesus?

    I understasnd exactly what you mean Kwiz. Although, it wouldn't bother me if you sat on a statue of Jesus head...But... If you sat on a stuffed Garfield Cat Doll I would of course have to condemn all of Sri Lanka for that.

    Just a little joke :D

    I truly do try to respect cultural beliefs and I also try to respect the natural fact that all people are not all knowing. I try to exercise tolerance to the ingorance that is easy to find in all cultures at any time. I am probably least tolerant of intolerance.

    :o Coffee!!! :D

  10. Except you won't get rid of it by fighting fire with fire, responding to a 'bitch slap' with burning down the house.

    well mr stroll how do you respond to it then Please enliten us with your answer i have been hearing from so called terrorist experts in the states and i have not heard anythng from them on how to stop this scourge on the world

    300 plus children die in russia what do u do about that talk to these terrorists that want to be heard but don't want to sit and talk about their problems another american beheaded in iraq because they wanted to have women prisoners taken out of the abu gharib prison in iraq? did you see the video that man was sobbing because he knew he was going to die.

    So do we have peace negotiations with these people when all they know is destruction!!! like donald rumsfeld said "if these people want to see allah we can help them out to the best of our abilities"

    Mr Stroll Fighting fire with fire is a very valid and accepted way of diminishing the damage done by fire. There IS damage done and losses occur because you start a fire...BUT... the wildfire is soon brought under control and last a much shorter time as it's fuel source (people seeking power without consequences to themselves) is used up.

    A man died for something that didn't exist. There are no women prisoners in either of the prisons that the demands were levied against. (sorry for the preposition at the end.)

    This has nothing to do with Islam. I have read the Qur'an and that ain't what it says. The best I can determine from the Qur'an is Allah isn't where these folks are going.

    http://www.divineislam.co.uk/DivineIslam/Quran/iqra.php it's in Arabi, English, Indonesian, French, and German if you want or care to know.

    :o Coffee!!! :D

  11. Next comes the wedged-up expat and for those not familiar with English slang, wedged up means ‘holding folding’ – earning a nice salary with a nice big international company. His shirts are generally whiter than those of the English teacher and his shoes are certainly made from part of an animal. This guy is a serious spender, and always has two or three dollies around him sipping idly on Bacardi Breezers. He very rarely takes a girl from the bar on account of having one camped out in his high rise-condo already. The last thing this guy does before making his weary way home is to check for lipstick stains on his collar. He’s been down that road before and it can be a painful lesson. He can probably show you the bruises if you ask nicely.

    Except the girl in the hotel doesn't mind If I, I mean He brings a couple extra party girls back with him. :D

    :o Coffee!!! :D

  12. Therein lies the real issue, I think.

    On one hand, I want the freedom, under law, to make my own choices about my own health, and that includes seatbelts and helmets.

    On the other hand, there are the taxpayers who don't want to pay their tax money to someone injured under those circumstances. Even if they have their own insurance, their extra costs for treating the- possibly unnecessary- injuries in those claims will still have to be made up by other policy payers in the form of higher rates at some point...


    I'm not too sure the use of tax money part would apply here.? :o

    :D Coffee!!! :D

  13. Answer the question.  You're bored with one of the most important events in recent world history that was the start of a 'war that will not end in our lifetimes?"

    The war started long before 9/11. Only there wasn't much fighting back. If this war was to continue to be fought on a defense posture. 9/11 would have been know in history as the "Bitch Slap Heard 'Round the World". Sorry, I can't accept bitch slaps.

    :o Coffee!!! :D

  14. For you reality avoiders, give us one, just one shred of evidence that Al Qaeda /  bin Laden was involved in 9/11.

    Just one.

    How about Bin Lauden stating that he planned it and was both pleased and surprised with the results. Also stating that he had expected the floors above the fires to fall because of the heat weakened steel but was pleasantly surprised that the rest of the building fell. :o

    :D Coffee!!! :D

  15. Sorry SS. I would be among the guilty ones who post sometimes silly replies. You will only find my posts of this type in General Topics and the Bars forum as they seem to be more light and less serious. The other Topics seem to be more informative and concise.

    :o Coffee!!! :D

  16. pfff.. IJWT is your comment necessary ? everyone who's seen this tourist scam shops prolly shares his view about these "misunderstandings" so what's the point of the side-attack ?

    don't like non-flaming threads ? :D

    Lighten up sleir, IJWT was just making a little joke. Pudgi knows what IJWT means. Don't you Pudgi? The joke kind of follows the old story of if you go to Nana you deserve to be robbed and assaulted.

    :o Coffee!!! :D

  17. Is anyone going to answer my question then, or are you too busy giggling at the 'F' word still to get your minds into gear?

    M keow is my weapon of choice too. I have smoked menthols for a long long time. There is some truth to the need for nicotine story but smoking is a habit. A very difficult habit to break but all the same a habit. When you smoke menthol you crave the act of smoking as well as the menthol. Smoking is a lifestyle choice and is difficult to stop regardless of which kind of fag you prefer to duut. :D:o

    :D Coffee!!! :D

  18. whether Mia Nois are prostitutes?  Kept boys?  Dependent unpaid wives?

    I can't help but wonder why this issue is soooooooooooooooooooooooooo important to IJWT.

    He blithely ignores every valid point made by other posters and continues to obsess about this single bit of linguistic hair-splitting.

    As I've said before, it is a very sad comment on IJWT's personal view of women that he has difficulty telling the difference between a prostitute and a housewife.

    I can't imagine what his personal relationships are like (and I'd rather not try), but judging from his obsession with this particular issue, I'd have to say that he's probably a very lonely man.

    Anyone who can not tell the difference between a commercial and emotional relationship is a very pathetic man.

    I pity him.

    Pudgi you are assuming that, even realizing the anonimity of the internet, that IJWT is a man. You may be right but you can't assume that. Either way IJWT's question is a valid point to the discussion.

    Prostitution is a word used for receiving benefit for unworthy services. Where is the line drawn? My point is you can't draw a line if you are going to discuss openly.

    I got a little 'singe' earlier for suggesting that my job: One which I don't particulary like, really wouldn't choose if I could get the income elsewhere, that is more of a necessary evil than a valued benefit... fits the description. (Unless you can only think that because no sex is involved it's ok.)

    Sorry I can't make such long posts as you in one go but remember I have suggested in earlier posts that there are victims in all walks of life. And that crimes with obvious victims should be punished.

    :o Coffee!!! :D

  19. Wow!! It's been a while since I read this thread.

    I can understand some hotels having a perceived security issue with prostitutes in general. Asking for ID is for the protection of the guest (ever fall asleep afterwards and awake to find that you're 'date' was gone and you hadn't paid her yet? and so was your wallet? and have no idea who she was? No recourse whatsoever?) similar to a bank asking for ID even if you are a regular customer. Once it is established that there is no security problem then the issue should disapear.

    As I said earlier, when my Thai GF and I go to a Hotel we check in together. She is a registered guest, exactly the same as me. Occasionally we will be stopped by security guard (I'm old and ugly she's young and beautiful) but easily overcome with a trip to reception.

    Many many hotels outide the US charge by the number of guests not by the room capacity. It is not unusual to be charged extra for the extra person, wife or not.

    Racism and elitism are are kissing cousins. I am from the southern USA, and I can assure you, racism is alive and well. I say this not meaning that only WASPs are racists, noooo, it comes from all varieties of people. I also don't mean to indicate that I think all or even most people are racist (though it could well be that over half are). Some blacks have a problem accepting people who are non blacks. Some Vietnamese immigrants have a problem with non Vietnamese. Some non Americans have a problem with Americans. Elitism.. Some rich people have a problem with non rich people. Some poor people have a problem with someone less challenged. Some people of a certain class have a problem with people of a different class. ON and On and On and On. But guess what. This kind of narrow minded small world thinking doesn't stop at any borders, be that border a river, an ocean, or a culture it is all over the world. Have to get used to it but do our best not to perpetuate it and teach our children well. I don't think it will go away in our lifetime.

    :o Coffee!!! :D

  20. Of course the OP being a Buddhist will understand that the Lord Buddha did teach agaisnt idolitry, the worhip of the Budha and the image of the Budha runs contrary to his teachings.

    So while the OP, and others, might complain of the portrauyal of a Buddha image in such a mannor, purists imn the Buddhist faith might, perhaps with more validity, complain that there is an image of Buddha at all.

    I agree.

    Touching the head is a Thai and possibly other cultures form of disrespect for all people. It has nothing at all to do with Buddhism (which as stated above doesn't condon the worship of dieties [common in Thailand]). Many cultures have insults that seem strange to other cultures.

    Example: Venesuela, to indicate a measurement of length using the tip of the thumb and the index finger... is an insult. Measurements are indicated by using the side of the hand at varying lengths up the hand or arm. The thumb and index finger are used in the measurement of certain unmentionable body parts only. This is something I didn't know when I first went there.

    So it is very easy for someone from a totally different culture NOT to know all of the insults in all of the cultures of the world.

    I must admit, when I first came to LoS, I didn't know that it was a bad thing to ruffle a childs hair (touch their head). A very simple gesture of compassion in my culture. Or use my foot to point to something on the ground.

    I understand the outrage from cultures where this is seen as an insult. I can also understand the powers to be in those cultural areas to disallow the presentation of said movie in those areas.

    But with all due respect to the Frenchman who made this movie, Sri Lanka was probably not his target audience and not a great deal of research went into the custom and culture of that audience. You can't really expect an artist? to know all of the customes of the all of the cultures of the world. Can you?

    :o Coffee!!! :D

  21. Headlight use is a proven and effective means to reduce accidents and believe cars in the US are now built with lights that are on by default.  As long as your bike is moving and charging the battery should last beyond next month I would think. :D

    This idea first came up in Sweden and it did reduce accidents, BUT

    Sweden is long way north and during their winter there is not a lot of daylight, also the transition from day to night involves a period of twlight.

    Neither of these facts is true here in Thailand.

    Daytime Running Lights (DRL) have been required by law on all vehicles manufactured within the last 8 to 10 years. This comes from research that indicates vehicles operated with DRL's are involved in 25% fewer collisions per vehicle than those without. If this ratio were translated into numbers of deaths... In the USA an average of 40,000 US citizens lose their lives in vehicle collisions each and every year. If this number were consistant that would mean 10,000 people per year 100,000 people per decade lose their life to save their battery :D .

    I drive a motorbike here and have used the headlamp at all times for around 30,000 km over the past 2 years and I have had to replace the bulb once (around 60 baht I can't remember exactly) and have not had to replace the battery yet. Although I have had to push start it a few times because I left the key on :o .

    A group of people (Thai organized) held an educational rally at Tesco on Samui a couple of months ago. They installed, free, DRLs onto any motorbikes at the owners choice which came to the rally.

    On Samui it is a law... read it in the paper anyway. But it is a good idea, although absolutely useless without inforcement.

    :D Coffee!!! :D

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