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Coffee Dude

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Posts posted by Coffee Dude

  1. I commend them on their complete lack of embarrassment but why then bother with the whole toothpick routine? :o

    I think the Thais in my immediate family enviro have a thing about the inside of the mouth. They have a tendancy to cover their mouth when they yawn and are not shy to let you know that you should too. Only thing is, they don't seem to have a problem with seeing the inside of the mouth and everything in it when they are chewing.

    :D Coffee!!! :D

  2. I am sorry I have lost sight of the topic. Is it a discussion about "The apparent disrespect of Buddhism in relation to Thai and some other cultures in a particular film" or is it "Why America does or does not suck"?

    :o Coffee!!! :D

  3. I agree steven. I would like to add a continuation to your point about the gene pool, since we are a result of our gene pool. The female of our species, like it or not, are on some level geneticly programed to seek security from their mate. This because of the long term nurturing the infants of our species require. I am not suggesting that this applies directly in modern times but the shadow of this probably still remains in the program. In my observation, women all over the world TEND to put higher priority on security than do men. In most western societies in modern times women have found that they do not need a man to get this security. Even though this is a recent development it is now almost a matter of fact. Maintaining this aspect, it would tend to bias some peoples view of the validity of a woman in a less progressive society looking for this security (feature) in a mate.

    Sorry I didn't answer your post asking for a response to the cut-off line earlier. By the definition I posted from Dictionary.com, I would say that I probably prostitute myself, if in the definition; unworthy is equally to absence of physical worth. I am an administration manager for a sales organisation. I produce nothing tangible or of direct salable value and I get paid for it.

    So there :D:D:D

    :o Coffee!!! :D

  4. So oil is why we are in iraq??  You have go to be joking!!!  People said that last time in 1991  cmon give me a break.  I was in iraq with the national guard and the iraqi people want us there,  One man i knew asked me if i was coming back!!!  I said more soldiers will be here to take my place.  what you see on the news all the attacks  they are happening in a small area of the country.

    The attacks are by men that want to rule the country sir nothing more  now that saddam hussien is out of the picture  They want to take his place.  and you believe what the american media is saying??

    Well said!!

    The violence is about oil money all right. The billions and billions of $ paid to the government of Iraq for purchase of their state owned crude. These "insurgents" would like nothing more than to take control of one of wealthiest petrolium producing counties in the world and make it's people among the poorest because of personal greed and power lust. If this is allowed to happen (because it's not our concern), it would only be a matter of time before the UN steps in and initiates sanctions for human rights violations. That would further hurt the people of Iraq* and shorten the supply of oil to the rest of the world causing uncontrolable inflation which of course leads to unemployment and loss of benefits to people living in any country that depends on petrolium products.

    *Under Saddam Hussein, sanctions were lessened by the UN to allow the export of oil to purchase medical and food supplies. Medical and food supplies weren't purchased in sufficient supply, but somehow he managed to purchase over 120 outlawed Al-samud missles.

    I know this is off topic but "Not all that glitters is gold and not all that smells is poo poo".

    :o Coffee!!! :D

  5. Believe it or Not:

    Big Buddha Temple at Koh Samui was until the early 1900's a cemetary for children. Apparently to a time before that time it was against custom and belief to cremate children under the age of seven. They were intered, for that area, on the Island of Koh Faan (Current site of Big Buddha). :o At this time a monk in Chaweng decided that Koh Faan would be a good place for a meditation pagoda. :D All?? of the bodies were exumed and a cremation ceremony was performed for the children. Work began on the pagoda soon after. Two months into the project the monk died and all work stopped. For around 50 years the island had remained in it's unihabited state until the current monk took up the work (building the Phra Yai instead) in the early 1970's.

    Since that time many people staying at the temple have reported ghostly visits mostly from small children but a more sinister visitor is reported as a very old lady. Sometimes these visions are reported as very lifelike dreams where the old lady tries to hold the person down or some of the children try lead them into the water.

    :D Coffee!!! :D

  6. I have been appalled to read recent press reports that Thailand is seriously considering signing an agreement with The States to stop producing these drugs here and therefore protect the "investments" made by the pharmaceutical giants.

    Does anyone feel the same way? And, more to the point, in reality is there anything anyone can do to stop this potential madness?

    That is a horrible thought and may well be based fact. I would also like, to be fair with USA, to know if any of the families of the powers to be here in Thailand have motivation to support such a thing.

    VOTE!!! If you can.

    :o Coffee!!! :D

  7. Pudgi

    Unfortunately, legalization does little to improve the conditions for sex workers. There are quite a few places where prostitution is either legal or at least openly tolerated, and abuses still exist.
    Toleration and legalization are not the same.


    Children are still recruited into the industry, even in places like Las Vegas or the Netherlands. In fact, several studies have shown that the percentage of child-workers in the sex industry DOES NOT CHANGE, even when prostitution is legalized.

    Prostitution and child abuse are both illegal in Las Vegas and prosecution for such is at a high rate each of which are segregated into different offenses (Although other locations in the state of Nevada do allow for legal prostitution). I have no direct knowledge about Holland. But I must assume that child abuse is not legal. Therefore, it is the lack of inforcement of existing laws that is the problem, not the fact that something legal causing the problem.


    Consider this: what is the average "life-span" of a prostitutes career? 10 years? 20 years? What kind of "career advancement" does the industry have to offer it's workers? Where is the retirement plan? Disability? Health insurance? OSHA workplace safety standards? Etc......
    Do you have all of these things at your job here in Thailand?
    Heck, it's quite common for sex workers to work for their "employers" competely without PAY. They work solely on tips, and are often docked for taking time off.

    I personally have not know anyone to work for free. Instead the girls I have known, and some I have befriended, do not work at the bars as prostitutes. They are paid a small wage or basic pay, sometimes they are given free housing and/or food allowance. They receive money for 'lady drinks' which is quite considerable sum of money (up to 40 baht per drink) = 3-4 drinks per day is minimum wage. This is their value to the bar owner SELL ALCOHOL. The bar fine is a reimbursement to the bar owner for the days salary for the worker as he/she will be of no direct value to the bar if he/she leaves with a customer.

    I realize this isn't all encompassing as it only refers to BG.

    Legalization and contol of the industry would satisfy most of your complaints. The reality is that even if it were legalized in most societies the enformcement would be laxed and criminal types would still exist (as they do in all legal industries). So victimless(without victims) will never be the case in any industry. My home is Baton Rouge, Louisiana home of Jimmy Swaggert, Evangelical Christian a lot of people were hurt by him.

    :o Coffee!!! :D

  8. I think, in a nut shell, IF you can take your personal view of the moral implications out. Prostitution is a job. Many people have jobs which they believe really suck, but the guy next door with the exact same job loves it.

    My GF worked in a bar for a short time (2 months). Before that she had worked in an office for a regional politician as an office assistant. She had also worked in a 'factory' assembling some type of electronic parts. One of her associates previously worked in the home of a wealthy falang as a house keeper. So, yes, some sex industry workers do leave "morally" acceptable jobs to become, in some of your views, the scum of the earth. The difference in the way that most of these girls prostitute themselves (if you can stop thinking for one moment that sex is evil) is in reality not much different than the way many of you prostitute yourselves in your chosen proffesions.

    I have found that usually when you are doing something you don't like you can get paid for it and when you are doing something you like you have to pay for it.

    :o Coffee!!! :D

  9. "Industry". Why use that word? Does prostitution produce something tangible?
    As you have pointed out in sooooo many words. One can't make a comparison between the sex (service) industry of the world with other industries.
    What do you say about an industry that offers its workers absolutely no protection, employer oversight, or arbitration??

    You have rightly stated that the majority of sex workers around the world enjoy so little civil protection usually afforded to workers of most other industries. A small snippet of information left out of the equation that completely changes the quotient is the fact that in very few places is it legal.

    To make a comparison of the difference between a legal and illegal industry on a level playing field let's look at alcohol sales under Al Capone during prohibition in the USA and Alcohol sales as a legal industry. The fact that it is illegal is the single largest contributor to the abuses that CAN occur. There are places around the world where prostitution is legal. Depending on the human rights posture of the country involved these workers receive the same protections as workers in other fields. Take into consideration that in certain cultures women just don't get any respect or protection... ever.

    I, like you, believe that women should be afforded the same protection as men no mater what proffession they choose.

    Legalize prostitution today!!!

    :o Coffee!!! :D

  10. Nemesis Posted on Mon 2004-09-13, 15:16:05

    Excuse me there Mr. Caffiene: Protecting the interests of the people of the United States is quite a different from protecting the interests of the corporations domiciled in the US.

    Maybe one day the oil supply will run out and the world will realize that they don't need it. Meantime back in reality... Do you think these companies are in business and making money because what they offer is of no interest to the people of the WORLD?

    How much does it cost to refine a bottle of water and how much is that stuff per litre? There's a racket for you.

    Soldiers are people thay have as many varied opinions as everyone else. My old grandpappy used to say "Opinions are like bungholes, every body has one and most of 'em stink".

    :o Coffee!!! :D

  11. I have to say I almost always tip (unless I was treated rudely). It has more to do with understanding the service industry. I don't tip nearly as much as I would in USA where the standard is 15% and minimum wage laws allow wait staff to be paid half the rate of a floor sweeper for example. Wait staff are paid low wages as well and not tipping isn't going to change that. I give the tip as a gesture, and in almost all cases it is greatly (apparently) appreciated. When you consider a typical wait staffer may get as little as 135 baht per day that extra 20-40 baht (OUCH!!!) is a significant boost.

    :o Coffee!!! :D

  12. This kind of thing happens often to us as well. When we check into a hotle we check in together this way her name is on the register. My G gets more flustered with the looks she gets from many middle age Farang women (more common occurance rate) than with Thais. I can accept what some of you say about age difference as there is a sizable difference in our ages. Boa Bpen Yang Loer

    :o Coffee!!! :D

  13. Nemesis Posted on Mon 2004-09-13, 08:56:35

    Please don't tell me that the oil companies don't utilize the US military to protect their oil investments.
    I AM saying that because you have it backwards Nem. Yes, the US Military will fight to protect the interest of the United States as any country would. But the US military isn't a the security force for any particular company. BTW the oil industry that I mentioned earlier is a French company.

    The US foreign policy is by no means fool proof (As I'm sure it is fool proof where ever you come from, Falklands maybe?).


    You said:

    Any thief or criminal (referring to the American troops) or robber who enters another country (Arab) in order to steal (the oil) should expect to be exposed to murder at any time.

    Where is the thievery? The thievery is with the leaders of those countries who don't distribute the unbelievably high profits that the US and other countries pay to them for their state owned oil. You rightly state that these used and abused citizens exist but you wrongly assume use and abuse is coming from the US or other countries. If there was no interferrence, which may be right or wrong, this abuse would continue unabated. Those troops are exposed to murder because of those powerful few in that area who want to keep or wish to take over this incredibly high income and continue to not share it with the people of that country.

    Sorry Nem but your rose colored glasses are fogged up a bit. Remember, an open mind is a wonderful thing but it allows almost anyone to pour almost anything in.

    I am in Thailand because of it's basic premise of tolerance I love that about Thai people. But you mess with a Thai's stuff and you will receive his wrath as well.

    :o Coffee!!! :D

  14. Nothing wrong with a little sensativity training GS. In the case I can relate it turns out to be a system that made me not want to question anything that she did. As I found out later for good reason. Turns out that she was having a lot more sex than I was.

    Not making a direct comparison or trying to say this is the same with your Ning. Just a remark about something that rings familiar to a past event.

    :o Coffee!!! :D

  15. Nemesis Posted: Sat 2004-09-11, 18:34:51

    "Any thief or criminal (referring to the American troops) or robber who enters another country (Arab) in order to steal (the oil) should expect to be exposed to murder at any time.

    More crap that you are soking up as fact from the press. Coming from the oil industry I can assure you, Oil is bought. Yes, there is profit, and a lot of it, in the retail sale of refined petrolium product where the crude product was bought at wholesale prices. The fact that some of these Oil Producing and Exporting Counties leaders find a way for the billions upon billions of dollars of pure profit made from the sale of state owned oil, which companies from other countries invest their own money to develop, not to reach the population of those same counties is hardly the fault of the USA.

    Get a clue Nem.

    :o Coffee!!! :D

  16. The Gentleman Scamp Posted on Sun 2004-09-12, 11:47:48

    However, when it's good it's very good and when it's bad it always feels as if it will end there and then, but I find her persona so inconsistent.

    This trait sounds a bit (alot) like my second wife (who was actually the Daughter of Satan). It turned out, after a new learning experience, that this was a "mental castration" technique more commonly refered to as "pussy whipping" :D . It is a personal preference for a man to like or dislike this type of treatment. I personally couldn't take it any more and called a bluff on her ultimatum of 'her way or the highway'. The stipulation was simple "We don't play this hand over". If you leave you stay gone. This was a difficult thing for me to do because after several years of serious pussy whipping I was a bit of a wimp :o . In any case she played her hand and 2 weeks later wanted to come back. Huh uh!!! Next!!! :D

    :D Coffee!!! :D

  17. Nemesis Posted on Sun 2004-09-12, 11:09:59

    The point I trying to make is I think English teachers are being exploited by the upper class in Thai society to educate their children, while at the same time, for the most part, they don't want lower class farang involved with their families.

    People have been taking advantage of others thoughout recorded history and almost certainly before then too. I think the old saying is 'No matter how advanced a culture may become, someone has to take out the garbage'.

    Must be an exciting new sensation to be on that side of the 'taking advantage situation' huh Nem?

    :o Coffee!!! :D

  18. I certainly agree with the sentiments of most posters here who say one should respect the cultural beliefs of an area. 100%

    But correct me if I'm wrong. Buddhism is a phylosophy not a religion and Pra Buddha didn't believe in dieties.

    :o Coffee!!! :D

  19. Like my opld granpappy used to say. "Treat a lady like a whore and a whore like a lady."

    He was also reported to have said. "phhh pussy's pussy"

    Don't know what that has to do with anything but since the topic was a bit silly I thought I would stick with the genre.

    :o Coffee!!! :D

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