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Coffee Dude

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Posts posted by Coffee Dude

  1. GFB -_-

    I always like hearing from people who think “outside the box”. There is always a little light shed for others out there no matter on which side of the box they happen to be. I have to say that, maybe because of limited experience, you are the most free thinking Thai I have ever heard (read). Keep your mind open but be aware, an open mind allows almost anyone to pour almost anything in.

    sbk :D

    I agree with both you and GFB. I know a great many Thais and others who could care less about anything that doesn't benefit them directly and with immediate effect. And I know a few Thais and others who spend most of their physical and mental energy trying to make things better for everyone they meet spilling the benefits onto those they will never meet. There are still others that try to live without causing harm but spend only a little energy trying to correct the problems made by others. My lifestyle probably falls closest to the latter (can't save the world syndrome :wub: ).

    Pudgi :o

    At least look over the edge of the box and see what’s out there.

    I agree however about the sugar daddy thing. Everyone is looking for something in their mate. Although I can’t know what your mate sees in you I am sure it is of some value. Don’t begrudge people for offering what they have and suggest that they become like your grandfather (or other older reference) because that’s the only right way for over 30’s to be.

    Insight :D


    :D Coffee!!! :D

  2. The children can be a great weight but don't lose sight of the fact that they are innocents in this.

    As for questions about how can he feel cheated; he only knows what has happened in the last 16 years to keep the marriage together this long. Just a long shot guess but maybe there has been some money sent home for all of this time? It would be a horrible awakening to discover that we had been giving our heart and soul to someone that used us solely for the purpose of income with apparently no true feelings. :D

    A westerner will have difficulty accepting what we would call a marriage of convenience and another culture may see as an acceptable sacrifice for their family's class enhancement.

    Try to get over the hard feelings :o (difficult at least), remember the good things :D , and don’t let the children be any more hurt by this than they already are by the fact that they may never see their mother again.

    :D Coffee!! :D

  3. It is a night of fun filled debauchery and excess :o occurring a day before or after the official full moon (usually) at Koh Phangan mostly Haad Rin. Because the full moon is a Buddha Day (no alcohol from bars) as I unserstand it.

    As noted before I have never been there and done that.

    :D Coffee!!! :D

  4. Maybe you could get 7-11 to pay a little sponsorship dues for this thread. And move a step closer to Hi-so.

    Doesn't anyone go to fresh-mart? They have the best girls.

    He he just a little joke.

    You are who you are... not what you do. (Or is that; you are not what you are but who you do?) Not sure about that.

    Take a chance but don't bet the food money.

    :o Coffee!!! :D

  5. I've been married 3 times before so I may not be a poster with a positive historical draw.

    I have been exlusive with my TG now for a little longer than I have lived here (26 Months). I met her while on Holiday and we are quite happy together after this time (which is more than I can say for my other marriages).

    All marriages are difficult anywhere. I have always heard that when the bills come in the front door love goes out the window. Historically, money, or lack of it, has been the biggest contributor to the problems of my previous marriages (except my second wife who was actually the daughter of Satan). I would think that this would be no different here. Last year in June (SARS and all of that stuff) I had to go to a loan shark to pay our rent (this means I didn't have ANY money). Guess what...she didn't leave. She stayed (against all apparent indicators) and worked harder than ever to build our business into a profitable position, which was accomplished.

    I guess my point is; You can't make book on a thing like this. Maybe if you bet on all of the marriages you could go with the stats but in this race you can't pick one horse and beat the odds with any consistancy.

    BTW my TG is and X BG and younger than my oldest son. :o

    :D Coffee!!! :D

  6. :o For the last 2 years I have seen Koh PG almost everyday from my home. Never been to a full moon party. Talked to a lot of people that have though. There are stories of + and there are stories of -.

    One almost always made observation is the bottles and butts stuffed into the sand, BIG MINUS.

    The most emphatic statement came from a man who had gone there in the early 90's. He said, "It was one of the two most memorable days of my life. The other was the day I spent on the back of a camel in Lybia and I would rather go back to Libya than go back to FMP". He related this to the washing machine effect of the various techno/high energy really loud sound systems parked directly next to each other along the beach. He said other than that he liked it.

    That is one mans' opinion.

    Once again it comes down to different medicine for different symptoms.

    :D Coffee!!! :D

  7. :D Yes, it's illegal within the wording of the law. To complain about the state of culture in Thailand is like a kid in a candy store saying, "I don't want that kind of candy so don't offer it anymore".

    All this said there can be serious problems arise and hurt innocent people, both Thai and other (mostly because it is illegal). But isn't this true about all things in life. Open up to lifes possibilities, if you don't like some of those possibilities that doesn't mean they should be taken from all people.

    :o Coffee!!! :D

  8. I can cleary understand pudgies view. :D I just don't agree with his conclusion. :o It appears to state that his view of the world is the only valid and logical view and everyone who disagrees is making a big (stupid) mistake.

    I understand it's a safety issue. With all safety issues there are acceptable risk limits. In large corporations those limits are set by the company to promote and protect specific target interests. In a persons life those acceptable limits are set by the individual to allow the benefits they desire in their own life.

    Pudgi, you should continue to be proud of what you perceive as virtues in your life. But ,please, don't expect that everyone will want to limit their lifes experiences to the same degree that you do.

    If doing high risk things is a problem for any one in here. Going in/on a motor vehicle in Thailand is probably the most dangerous thing you will ever do in your entire life. Apporx 1 of every 2000 people in Thailand DIE!!! each year in traffic accidents. Can't tell how many serious injuries there are (probably greater than 1 in 500 of the population each year). I am sure this is much higher risk factor than going to ANY bar. So, if you are willing to get in a vehicle, you have no logical basis to say anything to anyone about doing dangerous stuff.

    Sorry about your situation with you getting rolled. It has happened to me a couple of times around the world (although Thailand isn't one of those places). Terrible thing. Aside from living and learning how to be more careful in certain potentially hazardous situations (like driving or getting loaded around strangers) I still can't say I would do things VERY differently.

    :D Coffee!!! :D

  9. If all you are putting on the line here for a possible win of a lifetime of happiness and bliss is the possibilty of returning to the life you had before, what do you have to lose? :D

    Having said that, at this point, I don't think it would be a good idea to make her the beneficiary on your life insurance policy. :o


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