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Everything posted by bendejo

  1. https://www.statesman.com/story/news/2022/04/20/austin-tx-judge-delays-alex-jones-sandy-hook-trial/7382689001/ As if these people haven't suffered enough from the incident itself, vermin like this have to move in on them. Absolutely no sense of compassion or shame.
  2. When China starts getting more aggressive in the South China Sea and LOS is on the other side lotsa luck getting spare parts for whatever it is they supplied.
  3. This could become quite popular in the tropical parts of the western hemisphere, they have all the ingredients.
  4. I don't know if Thailand can come up with enough shrimp to keep the buffets supplied for the Chinese tourists.
  5. The South China Sea has a few possible flashpoints, even Obama said it was cautious area 10 or so years ago. China needs a solid ally on the SC Sea for naval facilities (like the type they are said to be building with artificial islands) and doesn't have one yet. Biden will probably ask for assurances that Mr PM not provide them with such.
  6. Maybe took a room on Suk Soi 4 for a few nights for some, errr, appreciating the local color.
  7. Care home = fate worse than death, strictly my own opinion. The term "dependent living" gives me the utter creeps. You might want to check out Billy Connolly's routine about how brown bread is supposed to make you live longer. The bit pre-dates his own major medical problems.
  8. Chemicals banned in more prosperous countries (very well the countries manufacturing them!) just might be freely used here, and in the rest of the developing world. Industrial chemicals, fertilizers, insecticides, food additives, lead paint and so on.... The possibility of easy access to very fresh produce (picked only a day or two before purchase) is inviting, but who knows what nasty chemistry it has been through; not blaming the locals for this, they probably have no idea.
  9. (note: I did not take this picture) I used to see them getting in and out of covered pickup trucks. I guess they had a barracks or something in the neighborhood where I was staying in Bkk. There was always a few RTP present when the trucks were there. A rough looking bunch, probably ex-cons. No way to possibly mistake them for RTP or army, that would involve haircuts and keeping the tats covered. I never saw them walking the street in their black outfits, but I did see a few sitting around on the street behind the stage at Erawan (remember the "Peaceful Protest" banner?). They were visible in vids of the shootout at Democracy Monument, at least in the first few days. During the night after the end of the protest, the arson and vandalism happened at select targets: a truck would pull up, the thugs would get out and do their thing then back in the truck and zoomed away. I think certain bank branches were targeted. Speaking strictly for myself, I felt safer walking the streets in Bkk when the military was patrolling than I did with the cops. There's an expression a lot Thai get on their faces the first time they see a farang up close in real life, and these army guys had it, I'd guess they were mostly country boys. Sometimes I'd chit-chat in my extremely poor command of the language but they made an effort to understand and of course it got them laughing. When encountering a person holding an automatic weapon it is in your interest for them to be in a good mood.
  10. Also wet floors. I used to think it was bad plumbing (the drain in the washbasin not connected to the drain pipe, for example -- pretty common there) but I harbor the impression that there is some kind of "good luck" in keeping the floors wet. May sound crazy to an occidental, but if you've lived in this part of the world . . . Wearing anything other deck shoes when out and and about betrays having a death wish, IMO.
  11. Back in those days LOS was producing truly choice quality stuff, like with the potential to be coma inducing. And a note of gratitude to the Kiwi traveler who taught me how to roll 'em with a cardboard mouthpiece.
  12. Big problem in Malaysia and Indonesia. I've been to newly-constructed shopping malls in the final phases of construction (wallboarding, shop windows being installed) and the place already smells of backed up toilets. Those two countries seem to be in competition for the worst plumbers in the world. Or maybe Indonesia gets the trophy, and Malaysia hires Indonesian plumbers.
  13. It could be said the crackdown was provoked by the "black shirts" but the conundrum is that the Reds won't admit the black shirts exist.
  14. Would it be in China's interest for Thailand to have submarines? I don't think so. But China can keep them busy while they plan for one, give them setbacks to deal with, etc. And of course keep the pockets stuffed. Maybe sometime in the next decade... But once they do have them and they start making that stinky cabbage soup they'll never get that smell out of the boat! ????
  15. The meat at the "Mongolian Bar-B-Q" places in the U.S. are just that, I'm waiting to see one advertise "lowest quality of meat guaranteed!"
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