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Everything posted by bendejo

  1. Having done a few closet grows I learned that the most hazardous time is the flowering period, very difficult to hide the smell of the flowers in bloom. I knew my neighbors could smell it, and I hoped that they would not know what it was, or that they could not tell which house it was coming from. However if you walked into my house there would be no doubt -- and this is with only 3 or 4 plants, even put in an exhaust duct & fan. There are stories coming out of rural Oregon about the smell coming out of the legal grow sites, people claiming it's making them, or their kids, or their livestock, sick.
  2. Started watching an interview with Cumberbatch a few weeks ago. When talking about the film he used the term toxic masculinity at least three times in app. the first minute. That was enough for me. Elliot makes it sound like the movie is a Village People video.
  3. For those who may have missed it: They had just emerged from a "private conference." Two questions: Which of these 2 men looks like he just experienced an involuntary, impromptu colonoscopy (or something like that)? Which of these 2 men looks like he just administered it?
  4. The distinguishing thing about Fox is that they will fabricate with impunity. Spin, unfortunately, is everywhere. Ethics? As Sean Hannity himself will say on occasion "I never said I was a journalist." This is why ethical journalism does not come into play. A few weeks ago Fox began a new full-on assault of Hillary, something to do with the 2016 race. That weekend she made a speech at some Dem event and mentioned it briefly, said Fox was getting close to actual malice. Her name has not been spoken since. Roger Ailes, the founding father of Fox (now dead) had a rule of only attacking those who would not fight back.
  5. Think about it, how many countries in the world claim that a piece of a neighboring nation is rightfully theirs? India and Pakistan would be among the more obvious ones: if not for the terrain either country would be using a similar tactic in Kashmir. China has a whole laundry list, I've been anticipating naval battles in the South China Sea for a long time. Be assured there are a number of world leaders looking upon the Ukraine invasion with envy.
  6. The discombobulated messages in this thread, along with goofy spelling, missing words, and lack of grammar, gives the impression the posters are under the influence of something. In the past I long wanted to go to Amsterdam just to experience legal weed in a modern environment. I lived in states in India where it was legal but the police would still expect baksheesh, so that doesn't count. Never thought I'd see legal recreational in the US, but it's true in some states.
  7. So the powers that be that are bringing on this campaign don't understand that CBD is not THC? This sounds like a comedy plot, we need an arrogant Peter Sellers character to say "are you saying I don't know that?"
  8. As a certain female African-American director said: "no white man is going to be the hero in any of my movies." This is the woman who made Selma. She said this when an interviewer asked her about historical inaccuracies in the film. "If you want history, read a history book" she said.
  9. First saw her in Dinner With Friends some years back. You'll like her in the remake of Nightmare Alley.
  10. First wife (a Latina) liked to say if she caught me scr_wing around she'd cut it off and pickle it. (Actually, she stole that line from her sister). Well, the joke would have been on her: after it was cut off I wouldn't care what happened to it.
  11. Yes, and the corrupt *_!***!s will accuse the outsiders of being the corrupt ones. That's the way it's done. Going after beer nerds, the real menace to society.
  12. When first learning to speak the word they taught me for that part of my body was it was my whale. No, not for its size, but because of the way water spurts out of a whale's head in cartoons. For all the penile references I've heard in the course of my years I haven't heard this one since I was a single-digit age. So there you go . . .
  13. I second that. Used to get it from a lady who told fortunes on the street in Bkk, the stuff was crippling! And anyway Thai stick was not a strain, it was the way it was cured and packaged. Also it wasn't a big deal back then, it was the US anti-drug forces behind the "drug menace" hype in SEA. In Malaysia it still lingers: ask any male traveler with long hair who veers off the backpacker path. Long hair still means hippie and that means drugs, promiscuity, venereal disease, your daughter getting impregnated, and of course communism. It's worse in eastern Malaysia than it is on the peninsula. I don't think they do the ess-aitch-eye-tee stamp in the passport anymore, though. Kind of funny hearing how "old men" are against it: I was in India in the 1970s and did not meet any young Indians who had any interest in it, only the old holy men and dirt-poor peasants did that. In some states it was (still is?) legal, with gov't licensed shops.
  14. Notice that no other countries are siding with Putin, save for a few former USSR pieces. The 'stans are not supporting, they know it could very well be themselves next. Even China abstained on a UN vote. China has its own designs for taking over the world, and Xi would be happy to be rid of Li'l Vlad. The use of cluster bombs and thermobaric weapons (which the press is now calling "vacuum bombs") may certify Vlad as an outright war criminal. I'm expecting a Julius Caesar incident in Moscow soon . . .
  15. Face the assault and run out the door, then push it off your shoulders. Gently use a small stick or a pen. If you want to keep it, but not in a cage, make a perch for it, and figure out how they get the birds to stay on it. I think it involves plucking certain feathers that hinder their ability to fly, if you are willing to do that. I would think there is some Thai superstition about these things (isn't that always so?) so check with the missus on that.
  16. ... who is Sayeed Jaffrey's daughter (maybe to Westerners best know as Billyfish in "Man Who Would be King"). Oh yeah, and her mother writes cookbooks. I appreciate the way the virtue signalling in the Prince office is overdone. A few weeks ago they announced Mrs. Maisel will have one more season, and it will be the last. I wonder how far (in time) it's going to go. I think it'll end with her working for television, and becoming a Joan Rivers sort of comedienne. I would guess the writers would be glad to not have to deal with a Lenny Bruce death scene.
  17. The M Prince character, all smiling and slightly condescending, can go into a rage if things go bad enough (it happened last season). That's what I'm watching for (and Maggie Siff). Otherwise all the characters are familiar, not much new in there. I think they're running out of steam. That episode with all the prices listed was an interesting feature.
  18. I keep it in the under $100 range, and don't bother even looking at the higher-priced stuff. I once went the extra mile (cost + distance) in tracking down my favorite strain, Northern Lights, but the proof of the pudding is in the eating, and it wasn't the NL I knew and loved, so don't take the info on leafly et al to heart. After decades of taking whatever was available ("this is great stuff, man!"), I'm not falling into some connoisseur silliness. The smarter places (like Mr Nice Guy) are getting away from leafly and doing their own websites and ordering systems. There is one chain of dispensaries that come off like high-end jewelers and the prices are laughable -- I guess they are aiming at the eight-figure net worth crowd, only the best for them! I think at places like the ones you mention the price comes down with larger quantities, like $45/eighth may come down to $250 for an ounce. Remember when weed caused paranoia? The remedy for that was legalization.
  19. In Oregon, prior to recreational being legal, it was $200 for the gov't permit plus $200 for the prescription and paperwork (per year, both of them). The turning point was when they expanded the conditions for the permit: for a long time it was only glaucoma and for cancer patients coping with radiation treatments (verify if this is important to you). Then they started including other things, and within a few years there were app. 600,000 medical permits: that's a lot of revenue! Currently in Oregon. Bought this on-line the other day: 1 × Cheetah P_iss: (Back 40) - (1/4oz) $10.50 1 × Alien ET - (1/4oz) $14.00 Cannabis Tax: $4.08 Order Total: $24.50 The day before I went into the same shop, without a pre-order, and bought a quarter oz. for $10, no tax. I haven't figured how this tax is calculated yet. The very cheapest I've seen is $40 per oz. + tax. But at this price expect it may be small buds or old stuff; sometimes it's worth a few bucks more, but these $200+ oz. prices are ridiculous. (BTW, the labs will admit (in whispers) that the strains are never of the same phenotype). I'm concerned that if the law becomes Federal the tax enforcement will become that much stricter and we'll have Elliot Ness IV to worry about. With this cash-only nonsense and the ease with which stolen product can be moved, I am certainly glad I'm not in that business. Don't know if you heard, but John Boehner is in the employ of the cannabis lobby. He has an in-depth understanding of how $$$ works in US Congress https://bulletin.represent.us/boehner-tobacco-lobby-checks/ On the other hand ol' Jeff Sessions wanted to turn the clock back on legalization altogether.
  20. So, when is the police auction? Man, I want some of the strain that you were doing when you wrote this! ????
  21. There is no travel incentive for western tourists for medical weed. Maybe other countries, like Malaysia, Saudi, Gulf states, . . . Recreational weed is legal in some states of the US, the allure was the tax $$$ they can collect on it. There are some states that would not allow it even if Jesus came back and told them to. Colorado was one of the first to legalize rec weed, and sure enough cannabis tourism took form. Same with Oregon. https://www.budandbreakfast.com/ A former US Senate leader (a Republican!) is now in the employ of the cannabis lobby, so something could possibly happen on the federal level.
  22. TAT can dream.... Looks like they're trying to cut into Malaysia's tourism. Lots of tourists from Middle Eastern countries. That country is already predominantly Muslim, accommodating for food, holidays, mosque visits, etc. However, they have a 2-tier legal system: a regular civil law system for all, and special Sharia enforcement for The Faithful. This means a Muslim tourist who is caught with a beer in his hand, or part of his anatomy in someone else's hand, could very well get the rotan (whipping stick).
  23. I watched the clip, sounds like speculation. If it turns out to be something from weed it is not an intentional ingredient: the stuff costs $$$. Could be something like a kitchen worker had a stash in his pocket and his parole officer dropped in to check up on him, and in his haste tossed it into whatever was cooking. If so, I would guess it was in the form of a concentrate. Perhaps sabotage by a competitor?
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