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Everything posted by bendejo

  1. Something I have been told on several occasions: people from the same country, once they encounter each other, tend to hang out together when in foreign lands, some nationalities are notorious for it and exclude outsiders. Americans seem to avoid each other. I've heard this observation more than twice, and each time it was said by a Brit. I have been asked why this is so, and have no answer.
  2. Not on topic but possibly pertinent: https://www.reuters.com/world/us/us-postal-service-finalizes-plan-slow-some-mail-deliveries-2021-08-06/
  3. I have not had to deal with this myself, but others have told me stories about exorbitant duties and various fees on the Thai side when using private services (DHL,Fedex et al). Myself, I have only received packages sent USPS to Post Restante, the only fee was the post office storage, I think it was 5 satang per day. Perhaps another source for the part -- tried eBay?
  4. If you are planning an excursion to a nearby country that uses Roman alphabet (Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia...) all keyboards are such. In the meantime, you can use a black permanent marker to black out the Thai lettering. I did that, but had to give it a touch-up every month or so.
  5. Are you smarter than a hamster? https://www.cnn.com/2021/09/27/investing/hamster-cryptocurrency-trader/
  6. Those posts are about keeping their own faith up. If they were confident in whatever it is they are touting they wouldn't be compelled to be evangelizing. There is a global pandemic of idiocy: it has its roots in politics, and has been rapidly spreading to include the sciences, and now, as is illustrated in this thread, the world's monetary system. Notice how it's not unusual to see the same people covering all the whacko trends. Maybe if someone came up with a vaccine to prevent all this stupid stuff, then... uh-oh, nevermind.
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