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Posts posted by englishinsiam

  1. im sure if they start to get a few out this coming week you will be ok for 6th june pal, but all we have is hope im afraid, my plan A has gone up in smoke im on plan B now LOL,

    Lets hope so as my Nan is back in hospital again too now. She has broken 2 ribs from Coughing so much.

    We really hope they can get them out soon my wife is on Lady Inter and there is one waiting from 15th March so I presume thats Mrs Tigerjohn :-).

  2. looking at this time last year the wait was between 7/8 weeks but i thought due to them coming back pretty quick in march it would have been around the 5wk mark but i was wrong LOL heres hoping for early next week,

    Yeah I was expecting around the 5 week mark. We have to fly before 6th June or our plans are all up in smoke.

    My mum wants to write to the Home office :-) I told her thanks but it wont do any good. They are desperate for us to go to England, especially now Kookkai is pregnant.

  3. LOL i wish i could tell you english but if i did i would be lying, nope still nothing pal, girls on ladyinter same too, their dates they put in are 15th, 16th, 18th and 24th march but no one got anything, i can only assume between shady putting his in and us putting ours in there was a mad rush to vfs LOL,

    Or they just want it to go to the Wire.

    Here's hoping for next week for you.

  4. This seems to need it's own thread as it doesn't have anything to do with settlement visas for the UK. I would be interested to see the refusal notice if you can post it. It may be something as simple as your friend's girlfriend applying for a UK visa when she is in Germany on a visit visa. Embassies overseas will not accept applications from someone who is not resident in the country where they apply

    Please post the refusal notice

    Thanks I might do that he didn't put anywhere near enough Info in I tried to tell him what he needed but he ignored me with most of it.

  5. A mate of mine has just been turned down for a Tourist Visa for his GF they have lived together for over a year He earns over 5,000 Euros a month as a German Translator for Mercedes pays all his tax to the German gov't. Got a Schenken Visa okay but as his daughter is getting married in England applied for a UK Visit Visa and was refused. This means his GF will be stuck in Germany on her own for 5 days while he attends his daughters wedding.

    I will see him Monday and he will show me the refusal letter.

  6. Even if the 'Thief' was his BF or regular Bar fine it doesn't excuse the attack. Panhandler your comments are completely out of order. Would you have a different view if it was a 19 yr old girl?

    Maybe the youth was 21 but looked like a teenager We all know many Thai's look younger than they really are. If the old man gets his kicks from younger boys thats upto him as long as he himself isn't breaking any laws.

  7. While Thailand continue to have such a poorly trained and paid Police force this sort of thing will always happen.

    If they are on Licence Duty they ignore helmets - While on Helmet duty they ignore licences. The Police here ca't or wont multitask.

    They were probably called to an Accident scene and as the caller said it was an accident they used their brilliant Thai (non) logic to concoct an elaborate accident story. Saves them from thinking outside the box which as we all know Thai's aren't taught to do, their whole education system is indoctrination and parrot fashion.

    We Westerners have to get used to this fact it wouldn't make any difference if the deceased was foreign or Thai this will always have been an accident to the Buffallo with guns.

  8. sure hope so english its seems like its dragging on a bit too much now LOL

    There is really no logical reason for them to make us wait like this other than just being Pedantic.

    We are paying a lot of money for this 'service' My Italian friend got a Schenken agreed for his gf on the spot and there was no fee. I know thats a tourist Visa but the Brits even make a tourist Visa hard work.

    I think you'll be hearing within the week and me two weeks :-)

  9. waiting list at 19th april is,

    shadyacres29, 07 march - 01 april, waited 3wk and 5days, successful

    tigerjohn 15th march = 5week and 1days,

    englishinsiam, 28th march = 3week and 2day,

    contractor, 31st march = 2week and 6day,

    well lads even taking the 3days lost for songkran out of the equation seems to me like waiting time is starting to get longer just as it did last year, when you look at shadyacres waiting it has lengthened by a week already,??? heres hoping soon "eh"

    Here's hoping yours comes soon Tigerjohn as I'll be next :-)

  10. totally agree with you english, in my case i offered to get a letter and my dads dr was willing to give me one but embassy never replied to my letters at all so it was a case for me of sit and wait and see if they acted on my pleas for them to look at her application but they never did, but im sure after songkran we will not have to wait too long, good luck whatever you decide to do pal,

    Cheers - my sister has gone from Wales for 2 weeks to help take care so I'll just sit and wait here in LOS for now.

    I hope we don't wait too long after Songkran I will book flights for 20th May anyway as they are still quite cheap and if i lose the money on Kookkai's then so be it. I need to renew my O Visa anyway so have to go back in May regardless.

  11. We might be able to jump the queue due to bad circumstances.

    My 82 yr old gran is very sick in Hospital and mum is trying to get a letter today I can email to the Embassy. They have told me they will look at her Visa immediately if i can get the letter to them.

    They think she might have a blood clot on her lung The X-rays this afternoon will confirm if it is or not.

    very sorry to hear your bad news english and if you jump the queue good luck to you pal, but let me tell you a story, when my wifes app was in last july my father was dying of lung cancer and i did exactly the same thing as you, the outcome was they made me wait as long as everyone else in the queue but luckily my wife got the visa after 8wks and made it to uk just before my father died, but best of luck to you mate,

    I'm glad she was able to make it. I presume the Hospital didn't give you a letter then?

    The hospital wont give us a letter because they say it's not life and death. I think they just don't want to put their name to anything.

    An 82 yr old woman needs an operation of course it's life and death :-( I'm prepared to go back alone first if need be then come back to get my wife.

  12. i hope so english but have a feeling we may have to wait until embassy opens again after songkran, stupid thai holidays LOL,

    Yeah and I thought the Spanish had loads of Holidays.

    This Embassy has the best of both worlds Thai and British Holidays.

    And I bet they have a week off for Williams Wedding too.

    haha no not quite as bad as that english, 3days this week for songkran, then good friday and easter monday, then 1day on the 29th for the wedding, so 6days lost in april?

    We might be able to jump the queue due to bad circumstances.

    My 82 yr old gran is very sick in Hospital and mum is trying to get a letter today I can email to the Embassy. They have told me they will look at her Visa immediately if i can get the letter to them.

    They think she might have a blood clot on her lung The X-rays this afternoon will confirm if it is or not.

  13. Hi All

    Yes Yes Yes..... we got the result we deserved and had planned carefully. A great weight feels like it has lifted.

    Thanks for all the support and valuable advice you have given me,this forum is knowledge gold.

    I will be looking over the forum for next few weeks to see the good news from the members that have supported us with our application.

    Kind Regards

    Congratulations thats great news.

    Tigerjohn is next for the good news.

  14. Hi All

    We handed our application in on the 7th March and my wife got the text saying her passport is ready for collection yesterday (the 4th april). Less than a month!!!

    we are so nervous as she is going to collect it first thing monday morning. You all the know the feeling though.

    With all the good advice you have given on here there is no reason why they should deny us,just praying they dont find one.

    Will let you know the outcome monday.

    Kind Regards

    Thats great news :-) Hope she got it okay I will log on tomorrow night to see the result.

  15. welcome to the queue and good luck, by the way you say you were quoted 4wk who told you this? just out of interest?

    No-one told me 4 weeks but it looks like they are taking about 4 weeks from other posts I've seen here and elsewhere.

    We have plastered all over it about my wife being Pregnant and on a time limit for flying so fingers crossed they will act before she is stranded in Thailand.

  16. That's terrible englishinsiam. There is no good reason why they cant tell you by phone. In fact I just rang the UKBA in UK - they of course can't help me as it's not an in-country application - but they said if it was they could simply look on the system and tell me straight away by phone. I've just located the direct email address of the Head of UKBA International so will be writing to her today on this.

    Good luck with your new application.

    Thank you Kwon

    Post any reply you get from the head here please it will be good to see their excuse as to why they are different outside of the UK.

  17. From what I read about the Englisn test in order to apply for a settlement visa, I was led to believe that tgf could do it locally in Chiang Mai.

    She has phoned up the company and has been told she can have "listening and reading" test in CM (1200 baht) but then must got to Bangkok for "speaking and wrting" test - another 3500 baht.

    This sounds ridiculous. Is this right - or is she being fed a line?

    Anyone know please?

    I'm not sure what this company is offering you. The A1 level test for a settlement visa comprises two elements - listening and speaking. They seem to be offering you something completely different.

    Our associate company - English Test Centres - offers the test in Bangkok or Pattaya for 6,000 Baht. ETC also offer a pre-test seminar for 1,000 Baht. This is designed to assess the level of English of the applicant, and to give them an insight, in an informal setting, into how the test is carried out. Please use the link below to contact English Test Centres as other companies are trying to utilise similar sounding names in an attempt to hijack genuine enquiries to ETC to their own company. Alternatively, you can use our website.


    We used the Visaplus English test in Pattaya and the tester made my wife feel relaxed and at ease.

    She got her results within the 10 working day guideline and it was submitted today with her Settlement application.

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