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Posts posted by englishinsiam

  1. Our European GM Kernspecht studied fighting for many years going to dockers towns and roughhouses across Europe and the far east and witnessed many fights.

    He wasn't a WT man then he was a Body Builder but a scholar of combat, it fascinated him.

    He has written many good books on the subject On Single Combat is I think his finest book. He is 2nd in the World now to Leung Ting in WT lineage. Anyway he devised the quick start system that all WT practitioners undertake in their early days called Blitz Defence. It was based on his studies of hundreds of brawls on how to react if confronted and on his previous and current training.


    Sticky hands or Chi Sao is used to build up sensitivity during training. The idea is if we have contact with the opponent we know what he is doing via impulses he gives. A good WT man should not give you any impulses but would use yours against you. Against a good WT man your flurry of punches (morphic) would most definately be brushed aside. I am by no means a good WT man yet but I have sparred against some very good martial artists and have yet to be intimidated.

  2. "Charge at someone who knows what they're doing with an elbow and you will lose. "

    Who who ever charge at somebody with their elbow?

    By the way, where do you train "WT"? In Pattaya?

    I wish there was somewhere in Pattaya to do some Judo, not because I think its good for self-defence, but because its fun and great for all round fitness and conditioning. Pity it doesn't seem to exist in Pattaya. (Combined with some striking skill I do think its good for self-defence by the way, but the best self-defence is still to run at the first sight of trouble)

    In general all I ever see in Pattaya is Muay Thai but for most falang that seems to involve making loud slapping sounds on a pad held by the Thai instructor, great for fitness but probably not much more.

    We train just behind Carrefore on my mates roof. He has a shophouse and a few of us get together Mondays and Thursdays. Sifu Ron is a 2nd Technician in WT and started his own schools in England before moving to Pattaya a few years later. Ron and I are in England and Germany right now so there is no training until after mid July. But otherwise we are training all year round.

    Back to the elbow chargers I have seen it and it's suicide against someone who has a basic grounding in defence.

    Just for non-martial artists so they can stay in the conversation this is Wing Chun:

    Note: All Wing Chun ever captured on video against a trained resisting opponent of any other style is not "real" Wing Chun. Occasionally "Wing Chun" fighters may be seen on video doing techniques like the sprawl and double leg- should they be successful these are considered Wing Chun techniques. If unsuccessful see above.

    Personally I practice my own hybrid blend of Llap-Goch, Kosho, Mok'bara which I have awarded myself the rank of 27th Dan. I train with entirely through visualization of hero scenarios during which I rescue hot Asian chicks. Yet, I am absolutely certain that should I ever be called upon to use it in real life I will kick ass.

    That might be Wing Chun but it's not WT Wing Tsun. We learn the final recognised system from Yip Man. Leung Ting was his final closed door student and this has been verified by Yip Mans son. What happened with Wing Chun is there are so many different schools now most of them started teaching before they learn't the full system and changed things for their own interpretation. This has resulted in many different ways of teaching Wing Chun. Leung Ting wanted to distance himself from it and thats how WT was formed. There are very strict guidelines for teaching and training in WT That video was just a drill same as some of these

    Sadly Bernd Wagner here is no longer with us.

    Emin Boztepe is from Turkey and an animal as a fighter.

    These are just a few snippets.

    Where I come from martial arts are usually non-profit groups, people do it as a hobby, not as a business. I didn't see any prices on their website, how much do you pay?

    Our Sifu just asks for 1,000 Baht for an hour and a half session whether there is 1 of us or 5 of us. I often have extra private Chi Sao (Sticking/Rolling Hands) lessons with him And it is all training not loads of callisthenics . Not everyone is after loads of money but if you don't pay something then you don't see the value in what you are learning.

    Not everyone wants the same from Martial Arts thats why we will always have differing views and thats one of the things that makes Martial Arts so much fun.

  3. So can anybody recommend a good place to train Ju-Jitsu in Pattaya?

    Try the Gym on Pattaya Klang they do various Martial Arts there. I know they do the trendy MMA offshoots there so probably some Jiu Jitsu too.

    It's good to see the debate on different attitudes here.

    Boxers/BJJ etc don't hit the throat in real fights because they don't train to aim there so it's not in their muscle memory.

    Most of my strikes are aimed at the caroted artery in training and now my natural reaction is to hit there. In WT we aim to position ourselves off the opponents centre but where we are attacking his centre. It's this reluctance to give up the centre combined with simple yet effective footwork that makes WT so good.

    We don't train like a Karate Dojo where it's a perfect Gyakazuki coming towards us, we train with hooks, jabs, sucker punches, gouges, windmills, grabs, chokes, locks, kicks, nuts, dummies etc coming at us. Obviously in the early days these are slow but this builds up the muscle memory which is the most important thing. Then over time we speed them up until we are charging at each other.

    In fact I find the faster and harder someone attacks the easier it is to deal with as they are giving me so many impulses to react.

    Never look at these new breed of MMA guys with big biceps and let them scare you. Ok they might be quick but biceps don't throw a punch they slow it. Big biceps to me are a lovely strong handle to move myself to the back of him where I can use 3 nice palm strikes to the back of his head Or attack the kidneys or liver.

    Someone said about punching and hurting your hands, then you are punching wrong never tense your fist it should be like a rope and the fist is just the knot at the end. Keep your arm and fist fluid and don't completely close your fist punch straight not twisted as in most martial arts and you generally wont hurt yourself.

    Punching the chin... There is a small bone in the chin split into 2 if you hit this it compresses and as a safety measure the brain shuts off. This is where the term hitting someone on the button comes from thats why Boxers go for this area because they are allowed to in their sport. If hit correctly it sends the legs to jelly and sends someone down immediately.

    All fighting is a science and if a blood and snot Krav Maga came at me I'm sure I would be the one to walk away. I just wouldn't be there when he charged at me. Loose elbows are very dangerous for the attacker only ever elbow someone when you have full control of them and when your in very close. Charge at someone who knows what they're doing with an elbow and you will lose.

  4. OK, let me go ahead and say a few things about Aikido. First, the poster who said it is "defensive in spirit" was right. But that should not be construed as meaning it is never "offensive in the sense of reacting to the opponent." Second, the poster who said "the person who makes the first move loses" was correct. If you swing those Chang bottles at an Aikido Master you will end up eating them. In Aikido you almost always (not always) wait for your opponent to "move." Then you react. The reaction is normally to move "off the line of attack" or to position yourself for a proper reactionary move, which can hurt :) and can sometimes be deadly (but it would not be right for me to say how). You mentioned "balance." Balance is critical in Aikido, far more critical than muscle size. So is posture. So is maintaining the proper distance between yourself and your opponent. So is movement using your feet (very important in Aikido). In theory, if you really know what you are doing, it is not that easy for an opponent to strike you; instead he strikes air. And it would not be wise for an opponent to ever leave his feet and try to kick you like in the Kung <deleted> Chinese movies :) Yes, defensive in spirit but very effective, especially, I think, if combined with a few simple "street fighting" techniques. It is good for the mind and body.

    I agree with a lot of your points regarding movement etc.

    In Wing Tsun we wait for the first move we cannot do Wing Tsun unless the opponent acts first. That doesn't mean we wait until we are attacked but rather we anticipate it with his movements and intent. Then we react with lightning speed, purely based on our practice practice and more practice can we achieve this. I am by no means a master or even of instructor grade but against the average drunk thug I am more than a match. I'm only 5ft 6 and 11 stone so am a very small guy. I have said to people starting trouble in the past they have a lot more to lose than me by starting on me as they might lose to a little guy and look stupid.

    Never kick, you compromise your balance both feet must be firmly placed on the floor we only kick when we have control of the opponent. Close the distance of the attack it screws up his range completely and also it shocks them as your supposed to flinch when they attack not step into them. We incorporate very good footwork (probably similar to Aikido) which enables us to not be there at the point of his intended impact.

    I respect Karate-Do and Tae-Kwon Do exponents greatly they put a lot of effort and training into their arts and from their fitness alone are more capable and confident of defending themselves, however having spent a number of years training in both of these arts I now see training in WT their effectiveness in a close up bar brawl is not confidence inspiring. And I am more than happy I have found another way.

  5. i contact VFS in thailand but by the time i got through VFS was closed and even if i get through like i did before i doubt whether they will even answer queries on tracking apart from what their tracking currently says which is visa with British Embassy to be processed which has done since 5th april....waiting game.....argghhhh!!

    must be an update soon surely....it will be 9 weeks now that we entered the application...that is assuming they include songkran and other april and may bank hols...not sure how they count 12 weeks...is it 12 actual weeks or 12 wks consisting of 7 working days....or 90 working days as is on the guide to processing times....confused

    They count working days only so it's 12 weeks of 5 day weeks less the public holidays.

    Can one of you guys on the list please take over posting it. As Tigerjohn has his visa he can't be expected to keep posting it. Usually someone on the list posts an update once a week or so.

  6. It depends what you want it for if you want practical self defence in a real situation, then you can't go wrong with Wing Tsun.

    We normally train Wing Tsun 4.30pm Mondays and Thursdays on our friends roof by Carrefore Pattaya Klang.

    It's a very effective system for defending yourself in a bar the street etc and you can become very handy in a relatively short space of time.

    I am in England until the end of September however Ron the Sifu will be back in Pattaya mid July. If you PM me I will give you Ron's mobile number and you can call him when he returns from UK and Germany.

    We are a small group of friends and we welcome newcomers from all nationalities.

    Ron trained at the WT Castle in Germany full time and is in fact the groups official English/German translator he was taught to teach and even after the 1st lesson you will come away with someting useful.

    There are Tae-Kwon do classes in Pattaya but try doing a flying kick when some 20 stone lump charges at you in one of Pattaya's small beer bars. In those circumstances you need something for close quarter combat such as WT.

  7. I add my congrats to you Jim on your humorous and informative primer...

    ..wifey and in laws have just this week opened up another 600+ trees and they seem to have started at the 800 to one metre level on 45+ cm trees...growth rate seems all over the map in some rows unfortunately...(we bought this part of the farm with these trees at about 3yo).

    Wifey et al tapped 3 on 1 off on the mature trees on another part of the farm..now doing the same on new ones.

    On the subject of weed control , I read on an Indian state website that clear cut and removal of all weeds/grass is not recommended ( natural moisture retention seemed to be the factor along with erosion)...during all our floods down here thousands of trees on flat land simply fell over due to ground turning to treacle on land with little or no ground cover.

    We have sprayed Glyphosphate to get rid of the brush type weeds and now mostly have just that vicious leg cutting grass which we cut every three months or so...seems to grow up behind you as you walk the line though...all that grass mulch has got to be good for the trees methinks. Interestingly some areas just grow some low pretty purple flowered weeds which turn your hands black after you pull a rai or so..lol

    Time now to throw some more baht on the ground in the form of fertiliser I guess....

    May all your cups runneth over..



    The Purple flowered weeds are Butterfly Pea and the flowers are traditionally used by Thai's to combat Hairloss. You crush the flowers into a mulch and rub it on your head.My wifes dad had a problem about 20 years ago and went around with it on his head all the time. He now has a good head of hair, maybe you can sell them to baldies :-)

  8. No the depreciation on second hand cars is much slower in Thailand.

    I see cars a year old being sold for almost as much as the forecourt price.

    I also see cars fit for scrap being sold for £2,000 it's ludicrous.

  9. My wife was refused a Visit visa a year ago but has since been granted a settlement visa. So it's not a route you need to take.

    As long as your wife can pass the English and TB tests and you have a place to live and enough money to support her then you should be able to get a settlement visa as long as you submit your case well. You obviously need to prove the relationship with photo's etc.

    There are several indexes on this forum you can copy and change to your circumstances. Take your time and get it all in there and you have your best chance of success.

  10. arrived in thailand last night to terrific news, when we return to the uk in 2weeks time we will be carrying an extra 2 passengers back with us, yes we got visas for both boys, thanks for support and i will keep tabs on you all when i get back, good luck everyone,

    Nice one bud really glad to hear it :-)

    Just wish I could shift bloody Bronchitis then maybe I could enjoy England

  11. If your determined to stay with this girl then you will marry her I'm sure.

    Nobody knows what goes on behind closed doors when you and your GF are alone so we can't comment on how strong your relationship is.

    Tell the old bag you understand and respect Thai culture blah de blah but in the west fathers pay you to take their daughters hence the term in church giving her away.

    So you do a compromise agree to pay a Sin Sot but on the proviso it comes back to you. As thats what good families do in Thailand anyway it's just show money to show you can take care of your lady not traditionally a gift for the MIL.

    When I married my wife I showed X amount of money got it all back then as an agreed gesture with my wife we gave a small amount to her mum. She wanted to help the Monks pay their bills in the local temple etc so we gave her some back. The rest is in my wifes bank account and we used it as proof of her having money for a Visa for the UK where we are now. However my wife was never married and as far as her mother is concerned never had a boyfriend until me. Very strict Thai buddhist family and she never took any bf to meet them until she took me.

    Good families don't want your money only to show their daughter is happy. If as I suspect in this case due to the free sex comment she wants your money and has no respect for you. So I think your offer of a token SS to come back to you will be laughed at.

    Your only option however painfull will be to leave your lady because she wont leave the bosom of her family and you just have to find yourself another lady.

    This MIL doesn't need your money she just wants it.

  12. Treat every other road user as if they are an idiot, because invariably they are.

    Also make sure your mirrors are properly aligned and whenever you turn left use your left mirror to make sure a bike hasn't snuck up the inside ignoring your indicator.

  13. finally we get the decision this morning, but the bad news is i wont be able to find out just yet the person picking passports up for us cannot go until friday and a few hours and we are on our way to the airport so we will be in transit, at least we will know soon, english do you mind looking after board for a while when i am in thailand if you have time mate, i will get back on asap to let you know the outcome of our results, thanks for all the support,

    Nice one John our fingers are all crossed for you mate but I'm sure it'll all be okay and your family will be together once more.

    Of course I'll mind this page for you until you get to Thailand and online :-)

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