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Everything posted by kiwikeith

  1. Get to immigration quickly and pay for a 30 day extension, I heard you can also get a 60 but costs about 5k Bhat
  2. Whatever caused it the wall was weak as peeve
  3. Doesn't matter about the order you know what I mean
  4. Exactly, there should be a mandatory stiff penalty, I think it's a disgusting criminal arrogant act of disrespect for another humans life.
  5. nowhere as active as white island and people dont go climbing up to the crater they ski away from the crater
  6. Sounds like another fantasy island story involving the Royal family
  7. Germany is pushing for war, pushing the war in Ukraine ,Israel and encouraging conflict with Iran, encouraging genocide. It is madness that Britain and the USA, Australia and NZ team up with this madness. Why would we team up with a country that committed the biggest act of genocide in world history??
  8. The Eu is insane, they started this proxy war spending billions of dollars on innocent tax payers money , NATO and the USA ,Britain, and all who support this madness caused by these facist neo Nazi Ukrainian maniacs only want a slice of the Ukraine as it is a bread basket and rich in minerals etc.. If they think that they can push Russia away and plant missiles along its border and control Ukraine they are mad. Russia will never permit this ,its obvious no matter how much money they poor into Ukraine,(syphoned off by thugs selling on the weapons and stealing the money) they are even more insane. We now are now in a proxy third world war, that could get very nasty, we never asked for this , but every country that is involved is paying exorbitant food prices and petrol and gas prices. In NZ its pushing pensioners out of their homes as they can not afford to live on pensions anymore as food (with the help of greedy price gougers) keeps rising through the roof and fertilizer has more than doubled. Russia is now making huge advances into Ukraine everyday, destroying the weapons' sent to them, they have no replacement troops, they are loosing big time, what do the mad idiots from NATO do now , send in euro troops, thats the final thing that will start all out war, people dont want this, its the last thing ordinary people want, if they to are also mad and think Russia ,which now has Korean troops helping will back down think again . Russia never backed down in the second world war and saved Europe from defeat from the Nazis. Now mad lunatic neo Nazis are being backed by Europe to fight Russia. All the documentaries that show the slaughter of Russian people in Ukraine Russian territories and anyone who spoke Russian have been taken from social media. Rt has been banned but you can still watch it . This mass murder went on for years, Putin finally has had enough, NATO and the EU are destroying the world, not to mention the fascist maniacs in Israel. America has had its nose stuck into every conflict in the middle east for years causing mayhem, who gave ISIS all the weapons and Toyota trucks to create terrorism throughout the world, most of ISIS was made up of mercenaries. I hope Trump if elected will stop sending money and weapons' To Ukraine and stop this madness before WW3 breaks into full swing.,
  9. White Island is always smoking, a time bomb it has always been, very popular to fish off, providing lots of King fish, Thats what is used to be a fishing favorite but tours ashore never used to happen, its only natural that an active volcano can erupt anytime, I my myself thought that taking tours up to the crater were stupid and only for scientists.
  10. Yes but it will be capable of discharging over 22cm per minute
  11. One word solves this argument, Corruption
  12. No chance, very sorry to say
  13. Under those circumstances as long as conviction free she should be a priority candidate for PR
  14. that seems very plausible
  15. Mc Donalds , Burger King, Dunkin Dohnuts ect, and sweet drinks.
  16. Rosemary is great with Lamb, and great with garlic and ghee to fry chips, but steak , not for me , a bit of salt and ground pepper or skip the salt and use soy sauce, let it marinate and cook at room temp, not to long as will end up tough. Pink in the middle is good for me or even rarer is great but well done ,NO.
  17. Maybe a combination of a few drugs and alcohol, or just flipped without taking his meds.
  18. The black power do not look like Jews to me nor the triads
  19. Can they pay their fines with the money they have already recieved?? Do some time down south then return to full duty??
  20. The Russian Mafia is respected in the USA, by the Italian mafia, they are feared by the Italians in certain circumstances. In Australia the Lebanese Mafia control the drug trade and probably work with the Italian mafia which has been in Australia for years, Australia invited mass migration of Italians over the past 70 years or more. NZ invited mass migration of chinese over 20 years ago , govt said Hong Kong police would screen out the Triads, never happened, the Chinese teamed up with local gangs and NZ has a massive P problem and other drugs. There are shootings everyday and a massive drug problem on such a large scale now it is affecting young people everywhere from all walks of life. So what is happening in Thailand is because of government policy and corruption, just the same as in Britain ,NZ, and Australia, only NZ tries to convey a clean and green image , when it is totally corrupt but kept under wraps a little better than LOS.
  21. How can he own a gun and a rifle, legally in Thailand being a Falung. Maybe as protection against elephants????
  22. Sounds like a Thai argument that took place in another location b4 this happened, Thai shooting at Thai, My friend witnessed a similar event a few years ago when two tables of Thais were shouting abuse at each other, then a Gun was produced from the table behind my friend, and bullets whistled past his head, the person at the table in front was shot fatally, my friend crawled out of the club on his hands and knees and was questioned by some Thai people on the beach a few days later as to what he had seen, he told them to leave him alone he never saw nothing.
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