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Steely Dan

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Posts posted by Steely Dan

  1. Both the shooter in Dallas and this one in Baton Rouge are military. When is the media going to call out the danger of military terrorists. You can't trust former military. Terrorism seems to be their creed. Military terrorists! Just look at the facts folks. I'm sure the apologists are going to say it isn't so. When will you wake up and admit US military are terrorizing America! Call it what it is for once.

    In case you are in danger of missing the wood for the trees, both murderers converted to Islam prior to committing their crimes. They are terrorists, Islamist terrorists to be precise.
  2. Muslim background. Mass terrorist murder. Shouts Allah Akbar. Barks like a dog. Ipso facto. Jihadist. Also this method has been suggested on Jihadist inspirational website.

    Also it's well known Jihadists actively work to recruit and inspire mentally unstable alienated people. There doesn't need to be any direct contact at all. They don't give a fig if the people they inspire are good practicing Muslims. Face reality.

    Don't make excuses for the this Jihadist scum. Even trying does disservice to moderate Muslims.

    You forgot to add attacking the host religion or culture on a day significant to it, yet another coincidence. The obtuse denial of the darn right obvious actually empowers the so called far right and as you state does active harm to any moderate Muslims.
  3. watch this clown! it sounds like Iran allover again. demands that the parasite in washington and his running dogs, kerry and lynch turn over the clerc. if the parasite does it, than no problem but if he all of a sudden develops a pair, look for "hostages" to be tyaken and the Air Bases to be surrounded.

    So he will take control of the Nato Air Bases ?? 555
    He probably thinks it's worth a shot, after all President Carter left the Shah of Iran out to dry.
  4. You can't win against terrorism unless you define and name the enemy and are then prepared to kill them or at least curtail their ability to operate. Alas to do this the authorities need to be coordinated, properly funded and not hamstrung by restrictive rules of engagement and pandering to liberal sensitivities.

  5. The way Erdogan is cleaning shop now, brings out the tinfoil hat in me.. Did he stage it himself?

    Sent from my SMART_4G_Speedy_5inch using Tapatalk

    Either that, or a shot across the bows for Erdogan and a beta test for the coup Iran is in need of.


    Edit to add, If shutting down air travel between the U.S and Turkey was the U.S response to Turkish accusations then for once they did the right thing.

  6. Thailand's militaries nightmare in a nutshell. After a significant event a populist leader takes to social media and asks his supporters to come out in their millions peacefully to support democracy. What does the army do then ?

    Except that's not what happens in Turkey.

    The elected government erodes democracy and secularism, the elected aspiring dictator called upon his islamist voters to support him...

    Sad news coming from Turkey, it seems like Erdogan is winning.

    I'm surprised they staged a coup without first making sure they would arrest the government and top people in command to prevent them from using their levers. Rather strange.

    Sad news indeed, but I predict Turkey is so unstable that Erdogan can go at any time. Next coup attempt will be Iran, let's hope that one is more successful.
  7. Immigration needs to evolve with the realities of the times we live in…this isn't Ellis Island….give me your tired, your hopeless…doesn't apply any more.

    The people doing this in Europe are not tourists…they are muslim immigrants or children of long time muslim immigrants.

    Trump is right…this thing needs to be shut down for a while till some sort of plan can be drawn up.

    Shutting down immigration will not stop 1st, 2nd or 3rd generation immigrants carrying out these types of attrocities.

    You need to come up with a better plan than a reality TV Trump plan.

    When you find yourself in a hole, stop digging. Trump's plan makes sense.

    Liberals will fight such measures tooth and nail, till there are not enough liberals left to influence policy. By this time Trumps proposals of 2016 will seem liberal compared to the actions I fear will be taken.
  8. A UK paper the Daily Mail published an article yesterday from someone in the French military stating France may be one major incident away from civil war. If this turns out to be so I have thanks to give. Thank you to the champions of mass immigration from hostile third world cultures. Thanks for not tackling the no go zones and hate preachers. Thank you for lying and concealing the motives of terrorists. Thanks for two tier policing. Thanks for shaming and prosecuting all those who warn about this.

    In other words thank you left wing globalists for the ruin you have knowingly caused, I hope there is a hell for you to rot in.

  9. And this is surprising, how? As Merkel recently conceded the long ago predicted fact that the EU migrant crisis would totally or in part be a mask for IS/Jihad infiltration so too has the 'Black Flags from Rome' long predicted Italy as a preferred target. In fact, this book details exactly what is happening.

    'Italy new front line...' I swear a fool could navigate these times better than the EU cabal.

    On that note I would observe Gadaffi was at least competent at policing his national borders, something which completely eludes the EU states.
  10. This 'right to exist' pseudo intellectual claptrap again. What objectively is the reason behind 'right to exist?'

    The two state solution can only work if both sides desire it. Do they?

    If it comes down to ethnic cleansing AKA genocide then Israel will win due to having a long history of such things. Professionals if you will.

    The Canaanites play an important role in the story of the Israelites' conquest of their "Promised Land," especially in the Book of Joshua, but the ancient Jewish scriptures contain almost no substantive information about them. The Canaanites are the villains of the story because they are living on land promised to the Israelites by Yahweh.


    The Book of Joshua describes little more than a genocidal campaign against the unsuspecting inhabitants of Canaan. The Canaanites never attacked the Israelites, never enslaved the Israelites, and aren't described as ever having done anything to warrant mistreatment of any sort. Their only crime was living in the wrong place at the wrong time land promised to the Israelites by God at the time when God decided to make good on that promise.


    Similar instructions appear in subsequent texts and they are clear that not only are the Israelites to make total war on the inhabitants, but they are also prohibited from entering into any sort of peace treaty with any group. There is to be no mercy for anyone, only death.
    The Israelites got some practice in this by making war against the Midianites:

    And they warred against the Midianites, as the Lord commanded Moses; and they slew all the males. ...And the children of Israel took all the women of Midian captives, and their little ones, and took the spoil of all their cattle, and all their flocks, and all their goods. ...


    If you want to go back that far you might as well attribute pagan rituals of sun worship to modern day Britons. Entertaining nonsense though but hardly supports the case for genocide of what is a demonstrably growing Palestinian population.

  11. Seeing how Israel handles the NGO who fight against the settlements with a law supported by BIBI and submitted bar a far right dumbnut.

    I guess the two states solution will never happen and it will be the fall of Israel because in 2 generations they will be outnumbered by Palestinian immigrants....

    Yes, the EU are unhappy about their funding of illegal Palestinian settlements and funding of NGO incitement and facilitation of terrorism are being made public.
  12. This comes on the back of Netanyahu's recent trip to Africa and rapidly improving relations with the GCC and Saudi Arabia. I suspect there is an element of Israel preferring to deal with her Arab neighbors than the biased EU or clueless Obama administration. If the west keeps out of this I think peace is achievable within a decade.

    Edit; it is indeed very revealing that our usual Israel demonizers and supposed 'Palestinian rights' supporters are in marked absence when the topic is talks to resolve the conflict. If I didn't know better I'd suspect the very thought makes their blood run cold.

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