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Steely Dan

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Posts posted by Steely Dan

  1. 14 hours ago, Jonmarleesco said:

    '...  Poles, who seem to do the jobs Britains (sic) will not or can't afford to do ...' While helping employers reduce their costs, courtesy of borderpoverty wages. We really don't need the Poles, or any other immigrant group, as a cheap labour force.

    Well yes, that's a valid point, the number one priority of all Countries should be to get rid of their own structural long term unemployed. But the Poles do seem on the whole to be good workers causing far less social problems than other groups, that multinationals line their pockets due to wage disparity between Countries is down to individual governments to solve.

  2. I have no problem with the Poles, who seem to do the jobs Britains will not or can't afford to do  in London and do then far better than they were before. I do agree with the principle that a nation should be able to choose how many immigrants it receives and from where. I don't blame them for declaring that, after all Poland still has quite a number of Catholic priests who would not opt for decapitation given a choice.

  3. 15 hours ago, simple1 said:


    Equally relevant is many do not bother to check quoted sources in their ongoing if content appears to 'prove' their opinions.


    e.g. the organisation whom Breitbart quote, MEMRI. Even though MEMRI claim very senior US politicians as their supporters read the content at the URL below.







    Well you would hardly use a source that doesn't support the point you are trying to make would you? As for Memri, who I cited and you have issues with I would observe that the Guardian article you used to support your views did not have an issue with the accuracy of Memri's translations.


    Which brings us onto the content of their article. It dealt with voices within the Muslim world who opined Islam does have a problem and some aspects need to be reformed to bring them into line with the modern world. I find myself chuckling as I type at the realization that the notion of Muslims taking ownership for their own behavior offends you so. Perhaps you should email them all instructing them to shut up whilst you and your ilk whine about the Balfour declaration, the crusades, the neocons, or whatever else you normally invite them to hide behind. After all the status quo is just hunky dory and doesn't need changing at all does it?



  4. 31 minutes ago, billd766 said:


    How did the Spanish fare under the Muslim Moors?


    The Spanish Inquisition was started in 1480 after the Moors were kicked out.




    The Inquisition was originally intended primarily to ensure the orthodoxy of those who converted from Judaism and Islam. The regulation of the faith of the newly converted was intensified after the royal decrees issued in 1492 and 1502 ordering Jews and Muslims to convert or leave Spain.[1] The Inquisition was not definitively abolished until 1834, during the reign of Isabella II, after a period of declining influence in the preceding century.

    The Spanish Inquisition is often cited in popular literature and history as an example of Catholic intolerance and repression. Modern historians have tended to question earlier and wildly exaggerated accounts concerning the severity of the Inquisition. Henry Kamen asserts that the 'myth' of the all-powerful, torture-mad inquisition is largely an invention of nineteenth century Protestant authors with an agenda to discredit the Papacy.[2] Although records are incomplete, about 150,000 persons were charged with crimes by the Inquisition and about 3,000 were executed.

    Doesn't surprise me at all consdering a recently published book concluding the so called golden age was also a myth, so history may well have exaggerated Catholic intolerance as well as Muslim tolerance.


    Returning to topic, the Jihaddist was an Algerian who only recently arrived but had already got himself a criminal record though no obvious links to terrorism.

  5. If the accused is mentally ill surely he will be assessed to determine whether or not he is fit to stand trial. For both the accused and the victims I sincerely hope he does stand trial, though in so doing his testimony may prove very embarrassing for the authorities.


    i guess by the time this does come to trial the attention of the public may well have moved on to a growing list of more recent terrorist attacks.

  6. 1 hour ago, 7by7 said:


    This topic is about a random attack by a deranged individual, not an Islamic terrorist attack.


    Even so, no one is trying to defend this, or any other attack; terrorist or not.

    In which case why have you spammed the entire thread with your bloviating nonsense about the IRA, the name Mohammad and just about anything else you can think of to divert people's attention from the facts?  


    The murderer was reading books specifically concerning Koranic justifications for violent jihad.

    The murderer wrote such quotes in a post in support of a known terrorist held in Guantanamo.

    Why did the murderer choose a menthod of attack identical to Palestinian terrorists and one called for by an ISIS spokesman against the UK?





  7. 1 hour ago, thai3 said:

    The problem not about Muslims or 99.9% not actually doing the killing, the problem is the twisted ideology that they all believe in and which is responsible for all the violence 

    Such is the denial of the problem amongst the western left that true progressive voices in the Middle East are more honest about the problem than those who are in effect apologists for political Islam. Here is but one article of many showing hope may come from the least likely of places.




    as as with alcoholism, admitting the problem is an essential first step, which I'm glad to say some are starting to take.

  8. 40 minutes ago, Goanna said:

    It's not moderates, only extremist muslim. Whoops, another mod become extremist, whoops another mod become extremist. Etc, etc. After they, murder, they are called extremist, but up to that point they are called moderate muslim. This is the problem, and why muslim immigration leads to these terrorist type attacks. It will not stop.

    This is exactly correct, there are often no external signs or warnings, then suddenly a pizza delivery driver or burger flipper turns into an Islamo-zombie. The liberals have worn a hole in the tiny minority meme and there truly is no way of knowing how many potential Jihaddists there are out there?



  9. It doesn't matter what you do, pacifist foreign policy, recognize Palestine, positive discrimination, welfare benefits. Discriminate against the rest of the population by allowing Muslim only swimming baths or halal food by default for all. Curtail freedom of speech, except  for hate speech by Imams which is allowed because it's supposedly covered by their religious or cultural sensitivities.  All you get back is dust and a religiously reinforced sense of entitlement. 


    Stated simply the amount of trouble you get will be in direct proportion to the percentage of Muslims in a population. Donald Trump is completely correct, Muslim immigration from Countries with a terrorism problem should stop completely until (if ever) the complete incompatibility of Islamic and western civilization ceases.

  10. 1 hour ago, simple1 said:


    Agreed, currently the majority of mass casualty terror attacks are generated by those from a Muslim heritage, but that is not relevant to my point. The point is some members come across as hoping all mass causality events are caused by those of a Muslim background in support of their gross bigotry and amoral

    Believe it or not the vast majority of people get no pleasure whatsoever in being proven correct time and again about the damage caused by globalist left wingers. After being called every name under the sun for opposing the collapse of western civilization there is I admit the small consolation of being able to dish some of it back.


    p.s Incoming, Mental illness in Charleroi leaving two police stabbed and one enricher dead.

  11. 1 hour ago, Kiwiken said:

    I think the word One should focus on is Circumstantial. Since when do we in the So called Civilised World convict or incriminate on Circumstantial evidence. It is not a far leap from assuming Guilt to the Lynch Mob. And Once there what differentiates you from the Jihadist?

    Straw man argument. Nobody is claiming conviction on circumstantial evidence, eyewitnesses, and forensics do that. Circumstantial evidence may well be of use in determining motive for a crime, the mental state of the criminal and hence the appropriate venue of detention. It also points to avenues the police and judiciary should therefore investigate.

  12. Every attack seems to follow the same pattern. There is a big delay in naming the attacker, which gives the authorities and social media sites time to erase info not supporting the narrative of mental illness.  The authorities know their stance is untenable in the long term but are no doubt counting on each event fading from view before the full details emerge.




    Between January 2014 and September 2015, Zakaria Bulhan flagged up on Good Reads three books on Islam and Islamist theology as texts they intended to read.

    The most interesting, and the one that shows that at the age of 17 this person was at the very least exploring a book which is very clear on urging violent jihadism as a duty of Muslims, is Riyad-us-Saliheen, a 13th century text.

    One of his friends on the book review site was incidentally reading a book about explosives. None of this of course provides conclusive proof of intent, but to say the least eyebrows should be raised over the police as seeing this was probably a case of mental illness when a short Internet search provides a lot of circumstantial evidence to the contrary.

  13. 26 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:

    Murdering innocent people does that already - VERY effectively. Unfortunately, apologists for radical Islam like to pretend otherwise. Exposing evil is always a good thing.

    It's all there public domain in spite of attempts to clear evidence off social media. It took but 30 minutes to get an up to date photo of the murderer instead of the schoolboy picture the press show. Likes for Isis videos, comment using a Quranic quote in support of a 'Britain' held at Gantanamo. 




    p.s I was about to post this last night but my internet connection went down. It will be interesting to see whether the mopping up of evidence has removed the link yet.

  14. 57 minutes ago, GuestHouse said:


    My recent reads include; Flammable gas cloud ignitions, blast radius v fatality, radiated heat burns v distance from fire, spare parts for 1980s Campagnolo gears and recipes for scones. 


    I would find all of those books deeply problematic if mixed with a book on Islamic theology, even the one about scones (I would assume dyslexia in that case). The man was no doubt deeply troubled if reports that he had threatened suicide three times this year are correct. The question being how his suicudal thoughts became homicidal in the case of this devout Muslim ? How did he adopt the modus operandi of other Muslim murderers both in Europe and Israel? Why Russell square so close to one of the places the 7/7 bombers attacked?

  15. 7 minutes ago, yogi100 said:


    That must be of immeasurable comfort to the victims knowing that it was not a terror attack. Especially the friends and relatives of the poor lady who died.


    Who exactly were the racists you mentioned? The victims were all white, the attacker was black, so what racists are you referring to. Were the white victims the racists for getting attacked or was the black attacker the racist for attacking them?

    Indeed they must get the same warm feeling as the relatives of the pregnant Polish woman got when learning her hacking to death with a machete was a 'crime of passion'. 


    The bullshit the media feeds us must do wonders for the membership figures of so called 'far right' groups.


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