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Posts posted by Norvid

  1. I see that these comments above were written by LEFTISTS blue collars (sorry folks), who drink bear and watch official media and don't want to use brain for searching the truth. Shame that you people can't recognise the truth of politics of this CROOK - LIAR - MONEY HUNGRY Hillary Clinton with her FRAUDULENT CLINTON FOUNDATION - SOROS's GLOBALISM and CROOKED CLINTON FAMILY.  

  2. It is shame that almost all MEDIA hold  and /of influenced directly or indirectly by this small and powerful financing special interest group is twisting truth, lying, changing subject when crooked Hillary is the subject. Even a news regarding A DIRECT SPEECH OF DONALD tRUMP ON ECONOMICS IS TAKEN OUT OF CONTEST. Everything is manipulated - doctored - to the masses. SOROS's GLOBALISM is the agenda behind it all. Do what I want, because I'm paying for it. This is the truth behind. Soros is financially supporting Clinton election right now with his substantial donations. 


    All these media say nothing about fraudulent Clinton Foundation (Clinton family), nothing about Hillary damaged brain in a fall, nothing about her over 30 000 email and communications with state departments, Clinton Foundation and foreign governments and individuals, nothing about her persistent lies after lies in US Congress and to the public. 



  3. Hillary is not even close to Angela Merkel.  Hillary is money grabbing crook and a rich through her family fraudulent Clinton Foundation liar. Perhaps brain damaged as a lot of video shows.

    Merkel however with her communist background is just indoctrinated imbecil wishing intentionally or unintentionally to destroy German and European civilization by discriminatory import of Muslims/Islamists/killer jihadists/enemies of European Christians.  

  4. Trump is winning the electorate and people understand that Hillary Clinton- Clinton Family- Clinton foundation are liers - tax evaders - cheaters with fraudulent enterprise. 

    Only idiots will vote for her and the clique of powerful - wealthy - special interest group which control American government and the media.  

  5. This war stopped Soviets from advancing to the west. Bolsheviks with their international socialism agenda developed by Lenin and Trotsky thought, that they will take the west  under their control and make them pay for the war in the first place. They wanted to unite European continent under their -Moskow dictatorship of communism.

    Similar war against the Ottoman Empire was fought in 1683 Siege of Vienna with Polish king Jan III Sobieski comending army.  http://www.historytoday.com/walter-leitsch/1683-siege-vienna

  6. We are living in a very filthy time. Propaganda which made the war in the first place - Muslim brainwash by Imams - huge immigration of displaced people - free movement of terrorists around the globe - small incidents fueling discontent and jihad - undisputedly non trusted government's - lack of real workable policies regarding immigration and settlement of foney immigrants - media totally out of balance and under the spell of dictats like in the Third Reich media moguls and all powerful-rich-"democrats"-dictators. People are so "brain dead" that a lot of them do not recognize what is really going on. 

    Fueling all these are bad for all of us, because we are at the end the victims of any type of war they choose to play. 

    Here is a small incident, which is small for us,but certainly in not for those who play it.




  7. The last communist dog who used Canadian therapies in one of his 60 or so house locations. Also another friend of mine from Mexico used to treat him. He had all organised for that, but the hospitals for populations looked like slaughterhouses. Physical rehabilitation facilities out of order. That was in Havana 3 hospitals I visited. Of course he had access to a different one. Only for apparatchicks like in Soviet's world. 

  8. It is ridicules that powerful countries can wage war after war on false pretenses and nobody is responsible or charge, but individuals put in jails for uncovering truth.  Worse, they are being killed too. 





    governed by special interest group? 


    Julian Assange should have a clear case done in neutral court in neutral country supervised by United Nation security unit. This same goes for Snowden. Too much lies from people like Hillary Clinton. People are fed up  with what apparently is playing with all under their direct control. There is no more democracy left as in communist country. Just empty words and slogans of no value whatsoever like again from this liar and crook Hillary Clinton. Get rid off crooks like that and rebuild true democratic ideas, which made AMERICA so GREAT for so long.


    Where is FEE SPEECH?


    Remember this? It's not an utopia! It is our right!

  9. This statement "Royal Thai Police official Col. Krisana Patanacharoen said it was too soon say who was behind the attacks, but "we are sure that it is not linked to terrorism."   have a familiar connotation known from case in Koh Tao. They know already, but didn't get the culprits in their custody.  Quid pro quo again?


    Maybe the army should do the investigation under "terrorism act" or similar law?

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