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Posts posted by Norvid

  1. This is a CRIMINAL case and it should be investigated as such. Since nothing is done,that means Thailand is a primitive country belonging to a stone age and not 21 Century. Heartless, lawless, corrupted run by crooks. You like it, or not. You can print , or not. You can't change opinions of readers. I also think that political correctness is out and should be thrown out the window when people die. Process of healing starts with telling truth as it is, not by being forced to to be silent.

  2. Statistics on suicide is one thing and someone preparing themselves for a trip, getting money, buying a ticket, traveling for many hours to get to Thailand and a hotel, or like this young girl to a business meeting suddenly decides to commit suicide. No reason to do it. If you are depressed, you do that anywhere and very fast. You don't plan for days on like a psychopath planning his crime. Those people are distressed to the point that nothing matters anymore. They can't plan anything. Look at those cases anywhere except Thailand.

    Well, these are my thoughts.

  3. Reading only here it is hard to understand why Thai justice system got involved in the first place.

    1. He was running legitimate business in Netherlands. Thailand not involved.
    2. He sold his business legally in Nederlands. Thailand not involved.
    3. He paid or not tax in Netherlands. Thailand not involved.
    4. He brought his money to Thailand. The big mistake. Thai banks involved.
    5. He bought hose and perhaps spent a lot of money in Thailand. Good for Thailand.
    6. Deposited large, I assume, money in Thai bank was his mistake and a problem. It looks like Thailand likes money especially if they can get it free.
    7. If he could show where the money came from and trace all the legal process/procedure from sale to transfer to Thailand, why Thai government/police/or whoever charged him with money laundering? Why 103 years verdict?
    8. Dis Netherlands sent information for his arrest? On what charge if any?
    9. Who is the robber in this case, if all was legal on Netherlander side?
    10. What law did he broke in Thailand?
    11. Do we see another traversy in Thai justice system like many times before? Koh Tao is a perfect example of crooked Thai justice system, where political machinations, money, influence, connections, illegal activities are real part of all echelons of government structure. Shame.
  4. Oh, when the real hunt for mafia/criminals/killers take place in Koh Tao? Who are the protectors of those guilty ones? Is Thai junta able to unravel the case? Can one day the world can say Thailand did it right, or always will linger a smell of corruption, false accusations, lies, false statements, improper interviews, forced testimonies, and all other illegal activities conducted by representatives of Thai law.

  5. Brexit will

    • free GB from German diktat
    • free GB from leftist government in Brussel on which voters have no power or way to change
    • stop this Muslim uncontrolled immigration
    • open exit strategy to all others wanted to do it
    • give a strong message to EU of what is wrong with it
    • Eu, Germany and Brussels will have to reconsider their "democratic" agendas totally unpopular with the voters in all countries
    • EU - Brussels --Germany will have a chance to seriously consider what is happening with Islamisation of EU
    • hopefully be a precursor to new United Europe with political freedom for all its members and no central diktat
    • mu hope is that the reverse process starts against these bolshevik-socialists-communists-minority groups with agendas to finally get to the Greco-Roman roots on which traditions all European country are formed and exists for centuries and which traditions-law-knowledge-emancipation-culture and common religious traditions are being challenged by primitive and uneducated hordes of islamic illegal immigrants and rapists.
  6. Germany become a leader in EU and her diktat to push suicide for EU member states with this uncontrolled immigration is a criminal act. Islamisation is dangerous to all Greco-Roman cultural tradition. Many countries suffers this influx of terrorism and the promise of Sharia law. Berlin and Bruxcel is indifferent to logic and pushing this multicultural leftist agenda. They even have a law of invading by armies countries which do not agree with EU diktat. This so called democracy is just a demagogue dictatorship under the leadership of Germany. If this continue, EU members countries become Muslim. What then? You shoot those responsible? Too late. All not Muslim will be killed. End of story. There is a shortage of labor in EU? Bring Christians from all over the world. They will assimilate.

    This Brexit was just as much political as economic vote. More countries could go for it in the future, if forced to accept German diktat on their knees. Germany is building strength without war and this is why they push this crazy ideas, which heart them as well. Angela Merkel was a communist and work for them as a youth leader. The leftists are always pushing these sociopathological ideas with no respect of population. This dictatorship will and in UK now.

  7. This is so wrong decision that there is no words to describe it. Guilty and /or responsible: school director, dormitory supervisor, person in charge during night, school builder, fire department inspector, board of education director, minister of education, inspector for accepting dormitory as fit for inhabitation. This terrible tragedy shows Thai society indifference and lack of pity to tragedy, and shows how this tragedy is putting thailand as a backward country with its people as primitive - heartless - with no justice - no common sense - far away from any democratic tendencies - locked in their small world of money making with no regards to anything not connected to them personally.

    Full action lawsuit could only uncover the guilties. I hope some Thai lawyer with heart and good connections take/start the case. Otherwise all will this same. We should do some good by sending our comments worldwide. Good advertisement for this country of no justice for innocent children.

  8. Without new clean-green electric energy, the world could become like a war zone from rebellions, local wars, insurgencies, terrorist acts, common criminalities and totally dysfunctional societies. This could be represses b y international armies of martial law and millions killed in the indiscriminatory process.

    Energy means food, water and healthier societies.

    I still prefer to look at this scenario in amber glasses believing in human ingenuity. One thing, the religious beliefs are a serious fault to peace however, it could last to the end of humans on Earth. Unfortunately. Common sense and science is for most like an illusion. Brainwash has had worked, does work and will work against all logic, publications, programs, science. Weak need compensation and they do believe that they get it in the afterlife. How convenient?

  9. The only clean up (needed) they (military) could do is to reintroduce martial law across the country and get rid off (by prosecuting) all criminals working for government agencies.

    Democracy doesn't work at any corrupted or influenced by the special interests groups country. The law serves rich and punishing poor. Well, sort of standard isn't it? This also applies to modern "first" countries, I'm afraid. In certain circumstances dictatorial power can safe the nation and put them on the right path to real freedom where all are more equal in real life and abuses are seldom, exposed and prosecuted.

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