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Posts posted by Norvid

  1. It looks from what I read that: 

    1. he gave all unnecessarily information to the thief,
    2. the bank teller was somehow involved in the scam,
    3. he the alleged victim was part of the scam. 

    By the way, I'm getting at least two scam proposals per week. This is an internet today and multitude of pretenders from regular barely English speakers to sophisticated scammers, who actually make a mistake in correspondence.  Check on Skype their faces (they will have an excuse not to be there), check on Google their full names, check with a company they suppose to represent (right to them and wait for an answer), before you deal with them. There are sheikhs -presidents-ministers-princes-all deceitful  identities with real pictures -real companies, only they are PRETENDERS - SCAMMERS. 

  2. Apparently names related to the place of birth like Ukrainsky, Moscowsky, Warszawski, Smolensky, etc belong to the Jews living there for a few hundred years. Their names where fixed by Russian administration. All their western and eastern names came from type of work they did, but that doesn't mean they are valid in any country. For instance a person known to me but now desist, was Adam Wilczek and upon arrival to the west changed to Adrian Wilson. Their first and and father name is truly only in Hebrew and all others depend on place they temporary residing.

  3. May vs. Merkel. Totally wrong comparison. May born in free society in free country with emphasis on the RIGHT. Merkel born in dictatorial communist East Germany governed by Moskow. The latter have been a IDEOLOGY LEADER of COMMUNIST GERMAN YOUTH, similar to that of Hitler Youth but under communist regime. This is what she is. She likes dictatorship she grew with and managed it rising in power over there and it shows in their diktat to EU.

    May might be a different person without baggage of being instrumental in hands of more powerful then she is. .....and this is the difference.

    Good luck May in tough negotiations with this ideological and blind Merkel!


  4. Culture in general and this includes arts-crafts-kitsch-literature-music, national characteristic mentality, nationally accepted behaviour, nationally accepted values, traditions, general understanding of the world and geopolitical and geographic views, idea and technology transfer and migration, all are part of any national understanding and standards of average educated individual claiming to be.

    What you hear in all cases of committed crime is that self-interest/benefit is an excuse in their understanding as leniency. Suffering and pity of another person is like an alien concept. Those criminals shows antisocial - psychopathic behaviour, however, they understand that their own gratification/fulfillment of needs are an excuse and an explanation. This type of behaviour is not exactly this same anywhere else, so it must be part of Thai culture. Blaming on victims for whatever the reason might be and explanation with emphasis on themselves as a point of reference. Total lack of sympathy.

    Am I wrong?

  5. This what happens when idiots in charge can't find common language to make an agreement and follow on it. Power - money - brain wash - "democratic" dictatorship. Escalation of tensions, arms race, billions down the hole of taxpayers tax could make the war inevitable with millions of dead. Thomas Malthus will smile in disgust. Those in charge directly and indirectly will not be affected, naturally. For them it is all about money and power, just a game. They forgot that they were born naked and die naked too. Memento mori.

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