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Posts posted by Norvid

  1. When you read the reported crime, it looks like the blame is on tourist. Why did she resisted? The tiefs have small child to care for.

    How police can even hear those ridicules excuses? It seem Thai people feel that they need needs to be served first and all means are right to realise those even if crime has to be committed. You could read this concept in all Thai crimes done. These excuses are the way Thai people think. Because of it, the blame also has to be on Thai education. It must be seriously defected the way Thai society feels, understand, process and prioritize the information.

    Anyway, the husband-wife team was ready for the crime they committed by taking a weapon with them to hunt for a victims. Premeditated crime! Physical assault - endangering life of a passerby - attack/assault with a weapon - theft - harming/injuring the body - conceiving and executing plan to commit crime.

  2. The tragedy is that both the victim and her predator are good looking people and the blame should also apply to Thai society at large. Too many rapists it seems to me with lack of understanding that they did something wrong. They treat woman as an object of their desire and as such they expect total cooperation in their twisted heads. We heard that many times. In the west we have psychopaths, pedofiles and sociopaths. All lack of emotions, so all their crimes are cold calculated ones. In Thailand all is about an impulse/ad hoc and lack of control of their sexual urges, mostly. Education in secondary schools might bring some positive results.

  3. Israel believes that is above the law. US congress supports Israel through Jewish strong lobby and veto EU resolutions, and in all newspapers Palestinians are guilty. Germany in the second world war did the same. They paid to Jews over $ 100 billions for that in reparation. Swiss banks paid to Jews for alleged gold stored there. They paid to avoid being anti semitic. Now Jews looking for another victim - since German money dried out. They want money from Eastern/Central European countries for losses during German occupation. They start with $65 billions and we know it will not stop there. Jewish holocaust is a good business. Now no victims left, so they got communities trying to claim these money. Where are these communities from? From all around the world. If you are a Jew, you are entitled to "forever" reparations. How about what they are doing in Palestine, the land they stole from the Palestinians? In respect to new victims of Jewish persecution for money, they forgot that those countries were themselves the victims of German and Soviet crimes of mass deportations, mass arrests, confiscations, persecution and all were done by communist party in which they play a major role. All these behind iron curtain countries were victims of huge crimes committed by ruling parties. This is why they have been called in these countries by name judeo socialism and judeo communism. Qui pro quo.

  4. Sentence these and other hard core criminals for life. Put them in chains and send to labor camps all around the country to build roads, canals, mines all all similar developments. Publish their photos and show how pretty they look in new prisoner's uniforms in labor camps. Reeducation? Yes, a good deterrent for all others. Human rights? They forfeited it with their crime. Money earned send to victims/families/communities of their crimes. Taxpayers shouldn't be burden with criminals expenses.

  5. Great!

    European heritage - European religious beliefs - European culture - European traditions - European law - European inventiveness - European democracy - European arts-science-music-poetry-prose-paintings-should be kept with head high and proud!

    No foreign chauvinistic/anti european law should be allowed within its borders. All Europeans come back to your proud roots and write about it all over media!

  6. When Soviets put foot on the stolen land, they will try to never give it back. This doctrine is valid today especially with this apparatchik Putin. Finland should join NATO and Putin will do nothing significant knowing that US is behind all NATO moves. Russia needs peace to deal with huge internal problems. He also knows that if war erupts, Russia could face two fronts. One in the west by NATO and in the Far East by US alliances there. No a good prospect at all. China might get to be involved, but that would be WWIII with casualties in hundreds of millions. Maltus will be right again. What about the Middle East? Probably all that region will become Islamized and all other people "vaporized".

    I think that just words-threads-sanctions-closing oil pipelines-could be the worst scenario of what could happen before all is accepted by them as a status quo. Eventually will.

  7. "Hitler wrote "Mein Kampf" — or "My Struggle" — after he was jailed following the failed 1923 coup attempt known as the Beer Hall Putsch. Millions of copies were printed after the Nazis took power in 1933. The rambling tome set out his ultranationalist, anti-Semitic and anti-communist ideology, which would culminate in the Holocaust and a war of conquest in Europe."

    I think this needs an explanation.

    " anti-Semitic and anti-communist ideology" - this was Hitler war of NATIONAL SOCIALISM against Jewish INTERNATIONAL SOCIALISM. The national socialism died with Hitler's suicide in 1945 and Jewish international socialism - Internationalism - flourished in Soviet Union and had be forced to all nations conquered by Judeosocialist Soviet Union. Good that the proceeds goes to the victims, but not only Jews were the victims. All nations starting with Polish people from 1939 on ward when Germany crossed Polish borders. All concentration camps build by Germans on Polish territory was done by Polish prisoners, who were mostly then liquidated by the Germans. Note that the word NAZI used today is misleading. It's like some people from the moon did all these crimes and not a well known nation. National Socialists Party was not having 60 millions GHerman members, but Germans supported the regime due to too many facts to mention here. So the crimes were committed by Germans. Do not forget 22 000 Polish officers murdered soviets NKVD in 1940 in Katyn on direct recommendation of Lavrentij Beria. The Soviet Union , like Germany, crossed the Polish borders in September 1939 and started like Germans mass deportations and liquidation of anybody with higher education. Genocide was in full swing. All together Germans and Russian committed holocaust on Polish citizens. The word holocaust belongs to all who perished in mass. There are plenty of these examples all around the world.

    I think this was needed. the medias are one sided unfortunately.

  8. Globalists, leftists, multiculturalists, "democrats", Clinton like scammers are all to block the revolutionary Trump who doesn't kiss powerful lobbyists and establishment. Unlike H. Clinton he doesn't need funds from establishment and special interests groups. Internationalism/globalism/multiculturalism a bankrupt ideologies are not in Trump cards. These belong to corrupted H. Clinton. Media run by well known group is in majority against Trump, because this way they loose control and influence over people and history in the making. No more idiotic - unnecessary wars fuelled by lies and deception. The concept of destroying the Middle East was successful however, backfired so badly that Russia and China got involved. Now they have to lie more and more and they know that Trump will end this criminal activities and end lies we heard for many years.

    ISSI was formed by supporting rebels against the Syrian leader Assad. Russia supported its ally Assad. Now China added her support. Trillions of American dollars went down the drain. Who has to pay for it? American taxpayer. Clintons with their global agenda and not for profit corporation took money from the Arabs, China and this was also a working like a fifth column. those who pay ask for rewards. They got it in trade agreements and other commitments from American government. How do you call something like that? Private money in millions and delivered privileges from American government. This is crime.

    No wonder they don't want Trump. They don't want to loose money whatever the cost. They do not care about the country or Americans as long as their pockets are filled with money. They do not want change. They want war, but Trump want peace through negotiations. Trump wants America to be GREAT again as she was for decades. Lyndon Johnson killed FJK and Robert Kennedy which he hated so bad. Bushes did unimaginable by making a falls war on Saddam Husain. Remember (?) when Israel bombarded building of nuclear plant as they called it preemptive strike? With Netanyahu at the top Americans followed this line of attack with the consequences of today Islamization of European Union. This is a backfire they didn;t expected to get. Case close. Not really. People are waking up. Just watch what will happen next .....................

  9. This is the case where all right and all wrong is mixed and twisted, unfinished, forgotten, and lies flying around like odour from week old dead body.

    Wrong police investigation, wrong people released from custody, wrong evidence, wrong scapegoats, wrong DNA testing, wrong testimonies, wrong defence team, wrong perpetrators, wrong British "investigation", wrong assumption of guilt, wrong verdict and wrong country to seek justice.

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